How to bypass seat belt alarm in 05 Town & Country?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Father of the Year, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. Does anybody know how to do this???
    Father of the Year, Jun 17, 2005
  2. Father of the Year

    TNKEV Guest

    WEAR YOUR SEATBELT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    TNKEV, Jun 17, 2005
  3. Father of the Year

    TNKEV Guest

    Seriuosly though I think if you take it to the dealer they can access the
    body controller and may be able to turn off the warning bell,but don't hold
    me to that they will have to look at the info in the body controller to see
    if it is possible.
    TNKEV, Jun 17, 2005
  4. Very easy way to turn off the seat belt alarm: Fasten your seatbelt.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 17, 2005
  5. Oh, sure, sure. "Hello, Mr. Dealer. I know you're a regulated party under
    the National Highway Traffic Safety Act of 1966, and as such you're
    Federally prohibited from deactivating any item of mandatory safety
    equipment, but will you pretty-please-with-sugar-on-top deactivate my
    seatbelt chime? Thaaaaaaaaanks..."
    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 18, 2005
  6. Father of the Year

    tim bur Guest

    you can't all u can do is turn off the dinger read the owners manual
    tim bur, Jun 18, 2005
  7. Maybe he's too fat for the seatbelt?

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jun 18, 2005
  8. Ahhh read the manual....never thought of that. The dinger is what I want to
    kill. Thanks Tim, for being the only person on this newsgroup with the
    ability to respond without being an arse.
    BTW: I tried under the seat to jump some of the wires and it did shut off
    the alarm but also the airbag light came on.
    Of course, Ted, I couldn't work on it very long because my big fat ass
    couldn't bend over under the seat. TED, I read somewhere that impotent men
    and or men with extremely small genitals are 75% more likely to put other
    people down on newsgroups....... Thanks for your response TED?
    Father of the Year, Jun 18, 2005
  9. I don't want to wear my seatbelt and I do not want the government to tell me
    to wear a seat belt.
    Do you have helmet laws for motorcycles in your state? No helmets in Pa and
    no seat belts on motorcycles?
    So why if I am in a 4 wheel tank with airbags do I have to do something that
    the govt. does not require of 2 wheeled death machines? And why are you so
    simple as to support them blindly. People die with seat belts on and
    without. If you are going to die, you are going to die. And you can tell
    that to impotent small dicked Ted.
    Father of the Year, Jun 18, 2005
  10. You can't always get what you want.
    "Blindly"? I'm in a position to see the data collected on what
    happens to belted vs. unbelted vehicle occupants in collisions. Mostly,
    the unbelted ones die. Mostly, the belted ones don't.

    If that were as far as it went, I'd be very happy for you to stupidly
    eject yourself from the gene pool. Problem is, your failure to wear
    seatbelts affects me. And no, I'm not talking about insurance costs.

    Unbelted drivers are easily knocked out of control position and/or knocked
    unconscious by relatively minor incidents. When that happens, they're
    unable to control the car and prevent additional, more substantial
    subsequent incidents -- like hitting other cars, pedestrians or cyclists.

    Belted drivers, on the other hand, overwhelmingly tend to remain conscious
    and in control position even after initial collisions, so they can keep
    control of the car and prevent subsequent incidents (or at least minimize
    their severity and consequences).

    What's more, belt non-using idjits like you are the reason those of us
    smart enough to protect ourselves have to have subpar airbags in our
    vehicles. Thanks a lot, asshole.
    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 18, 2005
  11. "You can't always get what you want."
    Yes I can! You can choose to follow your government blindly. I disabled my
    seatbelt alarm!!!!!!!
    How about the foolish helmet law for kids under 12 on bicycles????? And 13
    year olds are OK?

    "I'm in a position to see the data collected on what happens to belted vs.
    unbelted vehicle occupants in collisions. Mostly, the unbelted ones die.
    Mostly, the belted ones don't."
    Data is manipulated to produce what the collecter wants YOU to believe. Do
    you see the data from ALL accidents? Did you ever ride down the road with
    your hand out the window? Maybe that should be illegal ; I am in a position
    to see people who lost their arms and or the use of their arms...lets make a
    law to protect people from losing their arms, everyone must ride with their
    widows up!!!!
    Let's talk about ruptured spleens, livers, and bleeding to death due to seat
    belt trauma. Or pneumothorax as a result of fractured ribs from seat

    "If that were as far as it went, I'd be very happy for you to stupidly eject
    yourself from the gene pool. Problem is, your failure to wear seatbelts
    affects me."
    Do you wear a condom if you have sex, jump on a trampoline, ride a Harley,
    ride a Harley without a helmet, drive in the snow, hang glide, sky dive?
    All of these things could negatively impact me too. Let's pass a law.

    "Unbelted drivers are easily knocked out of control position and/or knocked
    unconscious by relatively minor incidents. When that happens, they're unable
    to control the car and prevent additional, more substantial subsequent
    incidents -- like hitting other cars, pedestrians or cyclists."
    Isn't that really what the airbag does?

    "What's more, belt non-using idjits like you are the reason those of us
    smart enough to protect ourselves have to have subpar airbags in our
    vehicles. Thanks a lot, asshole."
    Now that we have seat belt laws, perhaps they will take airbags out? umm
    didn't think so.
    Father of the Year, Jun 19, 2005
  12. And are you going to reconnect it if you ever sell the vehicle? And in any
    even if you don't wear your seat belt and disable the alarm, if it's illegal
    to not wear
    seat belts then your just subject to getting a ticket.

    We had one woman here in Oregon that got ticketed 3 times in a row for not
    wearing a seat belt, on the same day, on the same street if you can believe
    As I recall it was 39th ave, she got ticketed on one end of it, drove about
    10 blocks
    got ticketed again, drove a whopping TWO blocks, got ticketed a third time.
    Don't know about that one, here in this state all children under 18 are
    to wear bicycle helmets.

    Sounds like a political compromise of some kind in your state. Bicycle
    laws and motorcycle helmet laws aren't uniform across the country.
    For crash data of this sort, what possible reason is there to manipulate it?
    The biggest consumers of crash data in the US are the auto insurance
    What THEIR primary motivation is, is to see fatalities in crashes reduced,
    the number of crashes reduced - the more this happens the more money they
    make. I suppose you object to them making money so you want more crashes
    I guess. They have no interest whatsoever in manipulating seat belt data to
    artifically inflate the number of lives saved by wearing a seat belt.

    You probably think bleeding-heart liberals pushed through all the seat belt
    laws. Well if seat belts actually increased fatalities, the insurance
    companies -
    who have more money than the Pope - would have snuffed that effort out in
    a second.

    It was the insurance company money that kept the national 55Mph speed
    limit in effect for a generation and the only reason that finally got
    was that just about every last driver in the country hated the double-nickel
    speed limit with a passion and kept screaming about it. And yet, with every
    driver in the country screaming
    regularly at their congressional representative to kill 55Mph, it took over
    years before the insurance companies finally allowed Congress to get rid
    of it. And the only reason they relented is because vehicles were getting
    so much safer, with mandatory belt laws and air bags, crumple zones and
    such, that the percentage of fatalities attributed soly to exceeding 55Mph
    had finally got so small as to be basically unmeasurable.

    To presume that seat belt crash data has somehow been manipulated to
    show seat belts save lives when they really don't, is one of the most
    politically naieve things to say in the automotive field. Whatever
    you might have you just flushed down the crapper. The insurance companies
    would fight any effort to skew crash data with tooth and nail. Those greedy
    sons of bitches only care about money, and will stop at nothing to get
    absolutely accurate data as to what can be done to make themselves more
    If that is your primary reason for not wearing a seat belt then you can
    fix that problem very quickly - remove your seat belt and install a 5 point
    harness. You can buy one from any race shop.

    However you don't do that simply because this ruptured spleen bullcrap
    is something that you use to lie to yourself so you can try to feel better
    about being an idiot. The real truth is that you have no interest in
    a seat belt that would be safer and would NOT have a chance of
    breaking a rib or rupturing a spleen or liver - such as a 5 point belt -
    the real truth is that your just a buffoon that doesen't want to wear a
    belt for whatever idiotic and pointless reason and will manufacture
    a bunch of bullcrap to try to defend it to yourself and whatever other
    idiots out there will listen to you.
    Those other activities don't involve you driving around on a public road.

    You see, Foaty, the one thing you continue to fail to grasp is that the
    roads are jointly owned by everyone. Therefore, my opinion of what you
    should be permitted to do on the public road has as much weight as your
    opinion. And a bunch of other people's opinions also have as much weight
    as you and my opinion. And it so happens that the majority of people who
    own that there road your driving on, believe that you and I should both be
    wearing a seat belt. Thus, through their elected representatives, the
    of them have decided that your going to wear a belt.

    If you don't like it then you can work through the same political process
    that was used to pass the seat belt laws, and get enough other idiots out
    there like yourself all lit up, and get that seat belt law overturned.

    The same issue applies with motorcycle helmet use. However, the one
    difference is that generally motorcycle riders that have accidents, whether
    in helmet or out of helmet, don't cause the other driver to die. A bike,
    after all, does not have the mass of a car.
    Absolutely correct. If in the event you are not wearing a seat belt then
    will be knocked around by an air bag. Of course, the impact forces that
    trigger an air bag are high enough that if there was no air bag and you
    have a seat belt on, you would still be knocked around. As such, an air
    bag that triggers isn't any worse from a knocking about control standpoint
    than driving without a belt on.
    Actually this isn't necessary because all that is needed to do is program
    air bag computer to not fire the air bag if the seat occupant is wearing a
    seat belt. I know such systems are in testing and development, and I
    may already be in some new cars.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jun 19, 2005
  13. Now we get the truth. I always wondered, with Harley riders with big
    fat asses, does the extra weight help you stay balanced better on the
    bike? You know, with a big heavy buttcheek hanging over each side
    of the seat? I suppose you have to pay careful attention to make sure
    that each buttcheek's weight stays roughly the same when your eating
    all those chilidogs.
    Hmm, could be. Seems to me you have quite a fixation on small genitals.
    But it's probably only an optical illusion in your case - your genitals are
    probably just as big as they were before you added all that extra weight.
    It's just that with those fatter hambones you have now, Mr. Willie looks so
    much smaller in comparison.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jun 19, 2005
  14. "Foaty" lol wtf is that?

    How can anyone argue with you Ted? I just want the right to choose like
    your Momma, when for some stupid reason , she chose not to abort your
    argumentative ass. Or maybe she did and you are what remains.
    Perhaps you can use your vast knowledge, persuasiveness, and people skills
    to work through the same political process that was used to pass the seat
    belt laws and get seat belts in school busses.

    Do you wear a condom if you have sex, jump on a trampoline, ride a Harley,
    ride a Harley without a helmet, drive in the snow, hang glide, sky dive?
    All of these things could negatively impact me too. Let's pass a law.

    All of those activities do affect you and I. I don't have the time nor the
    desire to educate you on how. My only wish is to know what Foaty means
    before I bang my head off the windshield and do my Terri Shiavo
    Father of the Year, Jun 19, 2005
  15. "Foaty" lol wtf is that?

    How can anyone argue with you Ted? I just want the right to choose like
    your Momma, when for some stupid reason , she chose not to abort your
    argumentative ass. Or maybe she did and you are what remains.
    Perhaps you can use your vast knowledge, persuasiveness, and people skills
    to work through the same political process that was used to pass the seat
    belt laws and get seat belts in school busses.

    Do you wear a condom if you have sex, jump on a trampoline, ride a Harley,
    ride a Harley without a helmet, drive in the snow, hang glide, sky dive?
    All of these things could negatively impact me too. Let's pass a law.

    All of those activities DO affect you and I. I don't have the time nor the
    desire to educate you on how. My only wish is to know what Foaty means
    before I bang my head off the windshield and do my Terri Schiavo
    Father of the Year, Jun 20, 2005
  16. Father of the Year

    David Guest

    And you also allowed your childeren not to wear there seatbelt, or sit in a
    carseat while you drive.

    Yes, you are brilliant!
    David, Jun 20, 2005
  17. They wear their seatbelt. Thank you for your concern DAVE.

    Do you have children? Do you drive the speedlimit? Do you talk on your
    cellphone while driving? Dave, do you put on makeup while driving? Are you
    overweight? Are you underweight? Do you smoke? Do you smoke in the car with
    children? Do you choose to overeat or does the government tell you what you
    can eat or weigh. Do you chose to wear a condom or do you do what the govt.
    recommends? Do you give your children cancer, asthma, stunt their growth
    etc. by smoking in their presence? Are you that perfect DAVE? Would you
    like to debate me on being a man, a father, an intelligent productive human
    Gees, I choose not to wear my seatbelt, and I don't want to listen to the
    damn ding, and YOU people condemn me?????? I thought this was not rec. miserable.fucking.knowitall.bashers

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone TED, DAVE, DAN.

    Do you give your children cancer, asthma, stunt their growth etc. by smoking
    in their presence, but your seatbelt is on right?
    By the way, the reason y'all can't get it up isn't cause your wife/sister is
    so ugly but because you smoke! Look up those statistics TED
    So how many packs a day do you smoke boys? How much tax do you pay per
    pack???????Maybe you ought to go through the same political process as the
    seatbelters did to remove the tax, or perhaps the VOTERS? know best??? Yep
    the voters enacted that tax just like the seatbelt law, right ted!
    Father of the Year, Jun 20, 2005
  18. Father of the Year

    Count Floyd Guest

    I don't wear seatbelts in my 1940 Royal Coupe! I have been waiting for
    the cops here in FL to stop me and then explain to them it is a restored
    antique in original form.
    Count Floyd, Jun 21, 2005
  19. Actually that would not be a good idea.

    In Europe (anywhere outside North America?) the concept is that seats and
    air bags are complementary. I believe the bags are smaller than in the US
    because they are not obliged to assume that the person is unbelted.


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, Jun 21, 2005
  20. Father of the Year

    High Sierra Guest

    Maybe this was covered in another part of this post, but why do you chose to not
    wear your belt?

    Just curious.
    High Sierra, Jun 21, 2005
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