How to activate the cruise sontrol on a french Voyager ?

Discussion in 'Voyager' started by Eul'Fred, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. Eul'Fred

    Eul'Fred Guest


    First, excuse my poor english, I'm French.

    I own a Chrysler Voyager 2,5 l CRD since april 2001. (I think this minivan
    is named "Caravan" in the US)

    This one does not have the cruise control factory installed, but the wirings
    are present in the steering wheel and I guess the electronic devices in the
    car can support this function.

    I already installed the switchs on the steering weel, and everything seems
    OK but the cruise control does not work. (The "cruise" indicator does not
    light on under the odometer) There is probably a way to activate the cruise
    control after installing the switchs, but nobody here can answer this
    question at this time.

    Any informations will be greatly appreciated. Thanks !

    PS : I tried to mount my Steering well on another Voyager, this one has the
    cruise control factory installed. Everything works. That's makes me say
    there is something to do on my car to have the cruise control working.
    Eul'Fred, Jun 30, 2004
  2. Eul'Fred

    Hans Mücke Guest

    Which doesn`t make You less of a human being. Besides - Your english is
    excellent ... :)
    Have You asked at a Chrysler dealership if the "blackbox" on Your Voyager is
    cruise control reafy? Driving a PT I know, that all kinfds of features come
    down to software, blackbox and moon phases ...
    Hans Mücke, Jun 30, 2004
  3. Eul'Fred

    Eul'Fred Guest

    I have a RV with the Chrysler dealer here next friday, but I'm afraid he
    doesn't really know how to learn "cruise controlling" to the blackbox ...

    His answer today was : mount the switches, press on the "on/off" switch for
    more than 20 seconds with ignition on, and it will work...
    As you can guess, it doesn't ...

    I hope it is possible to activate this function in the car "computer" but I
    would like to have some informations about it before friday ...

    Thanks for your answer.

    Eul'Fred, Jun 30, 2004
  4. Votre vanette, elle est de quel annee?
    Oui, mais il y a quelques autres pieces qui doivent etre installes pour
    avoir le systeme de control de croisement. Par exemple, le servo
    electrique qui position le soupape d'alimentation (meme comme quand vous
    appliquez votre pied au champignon) pour maintenir votre vitesse. Les
    vehicules non equippees de control de croisement, pour le plupart, ne sont
    pas equippees de cet servo, et parfois le filetage n'est pas completement
    present dans le chambre du moteur. Les agents Chrysler peuvent vous
    fournisse un jeu de pieces pour installation du control de croisement.

    Daniel J. Stern, Jun 30, 2004
  5. Eul'Fred

    Eul'Fred Guest

    Il est de 2001. C'est le dernier modèle, diesel avec rampe commune

    It was built in 2001. It is the last one, in Europe with VM Diesel engine
    and Common rail.

    Je crois que le modèle CRD n'a pas besoin de cette pièce, car les injecteurs
    sont pilotés électriquement, chacun d'eux comporte une prise électrique et
    il n'y a aucun câble d'accélérateur dans la voiture. La pédale
    d'accélérateur actionne un potentiomètre. Toutefois, je prends note de votre

    I think the Common rail Diesel engine does not need a vacuum servo control
    like the older engines because all the injectors have a electric connexion
    and there is not throttle cable on this car. The throttle pedal moves a
    potentiometer. But thanks for your answer, that's something in can ask for
    confirmation to the Chrysler dealer here.

    Merci pour votre réponse.

    Thanks for your ansewer.

    Eul'Fred, Jun 30, 2004
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