How many jobs depend on the Detroit Three?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dave U. Random, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. Dave U. Random

    SC Tom Guest

    You are correct, but the fact remains that most cashiers can't do simple
    counting in their heads. But it is still a math problem. . .

    SC Tom
    SC Tom, Nov 25, 2008
  2. Dave U. Random

    HLS Guest

    My **** is a regular troll and spammer. If he has a clue, he must have lost
    in a dice game.

    I killfiled this shit a long time ago.. He is not even worth responding to.
    HLS, Nov 25, 2008
  3. Dave U. Random

    Ed Pawlowski Guest

    That is certainly high for a guy that sorts apples and bananas.

    Definition of Carpologist
    n. 1. One who describes fruits; one versed in carpology.
    Ed Pawlowski, Nov 25, 2008
  4. Dave U. Random

    HLS Guest

    I never heard of private insurers, but cant say that they dont exist in

    When I was running my own company about 10-15 years ago, I had to
    pay $800+ per month for my wife, son, and myself.

    No matter how well we followed the rules they established, they always found
    a "catch 22" and would not pay.

    Changed to another insurer.. Same thing.

    For that amount of money, I and my employees could have set up an unofficial
    pool and paid all our own bills. ALL of them.

    Under Norwegian national health, there were no claims to file at all. You
    just went
    to a doctor, paid your "egen andel", or surcharge, and that was the end of
    it. Surcharge
    was waived for those in economic low levels.

    I much prefer the Norwegian system. There ARE private doctors there if you
    dont like
    the triage system of the national health system. They are, I suppose,
    subsidized too and
    neither health care nor prescriptions are overly expensive.
    HLS, Nov 25, 2008
  5. Dave U. Random

    Bill Putney Guest

    The gotcha on that is that all it takes is a couple of people in your
    pool to get cancer and run up well into 6 figures in bills each to
    bankrupt your self-funded kitty.

    The same effect happens if you work for a small company with a 3rd party
    carrier and a handful of covered employees or family members come down
    with something catastrophic - the insurance company then looks at your
    company as an isolated high risk group and the rates for just your
    company go thru the roof.

    My philosophy with warranties and insurance in general is to self insure
    whenever possible except for things that could wipe you out financially.
    I used to think about shopping for a catastrophic health insurance
    plan to replace what I get thru work, but the irony is that employer
    provided insurance anymore has become just that, except they don't call
    it that.

    Norway has its own problems. I've seen figures of what it costs in
    taxes and fees to buy a car in Norway. There ain't no free lunch.
    Bill Putney, Nov 25, 2008
  6. Dave U. Random

    HLS Guest

    Cars are expensive due to the tax system, no doubt. But almost everybody
    one. Wages are much higher than here.

    For the foreigner coming into Norway, it looks hopeless. But in a small
    (large country, small population, and great wealth) of this type, things
    seem to work
    well despite themselves.

    We have been paying $6-8 per gallon for gasoline for a long time.. About
    10% less
    for diesel.

    It is difficult, but not impossible, to amass wealth there. But wealth is
    not really needed.
    Everything is taken care of including retirement. Goes very counter to the
    American way
    of life...but, it works and works well.

    When I first got there, I paid 92% in income tax. Later it dropped to 52%.
    And that
    paid for my social health, retirement, governmental expenses, etc, and I had
    money left
    over. If you look at US income tax, starting with about 28%, and add about
    15% for
    social security, plus healthcare, etc.. it is surprisingly near the
    American model.

    And the advantages under Scandinavian socialism is that we have little
    crime, essentially
    no homeless, very low unemployment, high levels of education, and little
    cultural difficulties.

    Not for most Americans, but it worked well for me, and I would have never
    had it not been for the problems my wife had here with her aging parents.
    HLS, Nov 26, 2008
  7. Dave U. Random

    Ed Pawlowski Guest

    I'm sure it was a typo, but still funny.
    Ed Pawlowski, Nov 27, 2008
  8. Dave U. Random

    SC Tom Guest

    Actually, I did it on purpose. You're the only one that caught it, or at
    least commented on it ;)
    SC Tom, Nov 27, 2008
  9. Dave U. Random

    HLS Guest

    You mean "there question" ?
    HLS, Nov 27, 2008
  10. Dave U. Random

    Steve R. Guest

    There or their?
    Steve R., Nov 28, 2008
  11. Dave U. Random

    Ed Pawlowski Guest

    There are many imbalances in society. None, however, will be solved by just
    throwing money at them and allowing the government to fix them.

    Single parents working crappy job can still check a child's report card and
    demand good grades. They can at least take an occasional peek at he
    homework. They can encourage their children to do better.

    Both parents and schools have to be allowed to discipline a child. We used
    to respect, maybe fear, some of the teachers, elders in the neighborhood,
    and our parents. Today, you cannot touch a kid or give them any sort of
    serious punishment. The kids just tell parents and teacher to "go f#$%
    yourself" and nothing is done about it. Teachers complain they have 15 kids
    in a class and cannot maintain control. My grammar school classes had 45 to
    60 students and we behaved.

    Standards for both students and teachers must be raised to a higher level.
    It has been allowed to backslide in the past 20 years or so. Too many
    teachers are too stupid to be teaching. My granddaughter had an English
    teacher that could not speak fluent English and could not spell. It has
    been years since my own kids were in school, but I remember getting a note
    from a teacher. I sent it back with corrections!

    Get rid of many of the government mandates that schools have and let the
    good teachers teach. Don't hamper them with lawsuits because they spoke
    harshly to Johnny. One nun with a yardstick could handle 80 first graders
    or either graders. Today she'd be in jail for threatening.

    Oh, and 65 is failing, IMO.
    Ed Pawlowski, Nov 28, 2008
  12. Dave U. Random

    Ed Pawlowski Guest

    Generalizations are generally wrong, but yes, the line worker is often, but
    not always, more skilled. Some janitors are doing that job becuase it is
    the best they have the ability to do. Others are doing it waiting for an
    opening as an assembler or fork truck operator and will jump at the chance
    to advance.

    No, it is not. That is why apartments and used cars have a market. What
    should everyone make? Doctors can make $200k a year so should we pay
    everyone that much?

    Most people that think they are overpaid are either jealous and don't have
    the skills or motivation to do more, or are just plain cheap even though
    they are making more. I honestly don't know what the job is worth on the
    line but I'd guess at $20 to $25 with higher rate for higher skills or
    performance bonuses. Certainly not $10 or $40.

    We all want to buy cheap TV (or fill in name of your favorite appliance),
    but we don't want to pay $25 an hour to assemble them in the US if it means
    we'd have to pay a lot more for them. We won't pay $399 for a dishwaster at
    the local dealer because Home Depot has them for $379. This is the reason
    for my Pogo reference in my last post. . If you are too young to know, Pogo
    was a comics character who said the famous line "we have met the enemy and
    it is us"

    IMO, the minimum wage should be $10/hour and yes, some people should be
    earning that amount. Such as a high school kid stocking shelves at the
    grocery store.
    Ed Pawlowski, Nov 28, 2008
  13. Dave U. Random

    clare Guest

    Performance bonus in a Union auto factory? I'd like some of what you
    are smoking!!!
    clare, Nov 28, 2008
  14. Dave U. Random

    Ed Pawlowski Guest

    That is one reason I never wanted to work in a union shop. I want to be
    recognized and paid for my skills, ability, performance, and whatever else
    gets me a raise. I'm certainly not thrilled about carrying some drone doing
    the minimal amount of work.

    If this was 1928, I'd be pro-union and probably be one of the organizers.
    Not in the world today.
    Ed Pawlowski, Nov 28, 2008
  15. Depends on the kind of test and the grading system. The first paper I
    got back at an Australian university got 8/10. The teacher told the
    whole class: "Just so you know what your grade really means, we think
    that anyone who gets 8 1/2 should be up here teaching the class." The
    overall grading system was from 1 up to 7, with a recommended
    approximate "curve" for "sufficiently large" classes. (4 was the lowest
    "regular" passing grade; 3 was "we'll call this a pass, but it doesn't
    qualify you to take a class for which this was a prerequisite.") It was
    expected that approx. 3% to 5% of the class would get the top grade of
    7, and faculty would get "please explain" notes if they deviated from
    the recommendations too far or too often. Some faculty -- and even some
    whole departments -- simply did not give grades of 7, especially if they
    could argue that the class was *not* "sufficiently large" for the curve
    to apply. I don't know what changes might have been made there since my
    time there.

    I talked recently with a retired prof. from a US private college. He
    said that when he graduated from that same college, there would be one
    Summa cum Laude and a handful of Magna cum Laude; now there is a whole
    slew of names on the Summa list.

    Along with the grade inflation there is title inflation in US academia
    when compared with the UK/Australian system. In the US almost every
    faculty member is some kind of "Professor," whereas a UK or Australian
    university might have only one Professor per department, the ranks below
    that being Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, Senior Tutor and Tutor

    Percival P. Cassidy, Nov 28, 2008
  16. Dave U. Random

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Whenever I was looking for a job, if the HR guy told me they give all
    employees a turkey for Thanksgiving as well as a turkey and a bonus at
    Christmas, I walked away. Companies that were offering me turkeys and
    bonuses were obviously NOT going to pay me enough ALL year LOL
    Mike Hunter, Nov 28, 2008
  17. Dave U. Random

    Mike Hunter Guest

    There is no question problems in our schools can be placed directly on
    parents that do not have control of the children.

    The fact that the majority of students in any school provided with the same
    learning opportunities,
    are LEARNING in those very same schools, proves that fact.
    Mike Hunter, Nov 28, 2008
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