Horn Ring needed for safety's sake

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by George Orwell, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. I needed my horn and it wasn't there. The airbag in wheel installation
    allows only one lower-right quadrant dedicated for the horn and a very hard
    press in the active area is needed to actuate the horn. Press anywhere
    else and you get nothing.

    That might work in straight ahead driving, but what about in a turn when
    the wheel has rotated to some arbitrary angle? The driver is disadvantaged
    if he has to hunt for the horn-sensitive area.

    What is needed is return to the horn ring. Press the circular ring and the
    horn instantly sounds. The old horn rings were die cast pot metal; titanium
    would be better - less likely to deform and low weight.

    Car makers: you are on notice the present horn design is deficient and a
    hazard. Lawmakers and tort lawyers take note of this fact as I believe
    actionable lawsuits are indicated when the horn warning system fails and
    accidents occur as a result.

    Il mittente di questo messaggio|The sender address of this
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    reale ma all'indirizzo fittizio|person but to a fake address of an
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    Per maggiori informazioni |For more info
    George Orwell, Dec 20, 2007
  2. George Orwell

    Shep Guest

    Don't know what car you refer to, but my 3 air bag equipped vehicles do not
    exhibit this trait.
    Shep, Dec 21, 2007
  3. George Orwell

    Max Power Guest

    I understand your point, it is harder to get the horn to activate in my
    newer cars. But if I had every smashed my face against a horn ring I'd
    probably be glad to get rid of it.
    Max Power, Dec 21, 2007
  4. George Orwell

    Hobo Guest

    My '04 Venture van was like this. Two spots, not much larger
    than your thumb, had to be pushed precisely in order to get
    the horn to sound. The one time I really had to use it I
    couldn't find the sweet spot. Fortunately, I believe in
    hitting the brakes first before the horn and the accident
    was avoided.
    Hobo, Dec 21, 2007
  5. George Orwell

    Brent Guest

    That's some good GM engineering right there....hey, if you are dead you
    can't sue!

    Brent, Dec 21, 2007
  6. I have a 68 Torino that has a horn ring. The steering wheel is padded
    and you would have to have a face the size of a baseball to smash it
    against the horn ring. In any case, the horn ring is only cheap potmetal
    and would break. I've broken mine once already. (I have a couple spares
    in my parts bin)

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 21, 2007
  7. George Orwell

    carlkeehn Guest


    That design was carried over to the replacement
    Uplander/Relay?Terraza/Montana SV6. GM later revised the springs or washers
    in the steering wheel pad and the fix seemed to cure the issue in my 05
    Relay. I had reason to test it a couple of days ago when a car turning left
    next to me took the turn too sharply and veered into my lane, forcing me
    carlkeehn, Dec 21, 2007
  8. George Orwell

    Steve Guest

    The one in my '66 Polara is designed to pop off the hub if your face
    ever hit it. And your face, as you said, would have to be about the size
    of a grapefruit.

    But "George Orwell" is just stirring crap, as usual. If he really wants
    convenience, go back to the "rim blow" horn offered on early 70s Mopars.

    Steve, Dec 21, 2007
  9. My '03 S-10 has its horn switch as part of the center of the steering wheel.
    Press anywhere on that (basically what is probably the entire airbag
    assembly as well) and you get a horn.

    On the other hand, my '84 Plymouth Reliant has two horn buttons in the two
    spokes that connect the hub of the steering wheel to the outer area. I think
    that would be harder to use in the case of a sudden need to do so.

    William R. Walsh, Dec 21, 2007
  10. George Orwell

    Steve B. Guest

    They should bring back those nice rim blow switches instead.

    Steve B.
    Steve B., Dec 21, 2007
  11. George Orwell

    Shawn Guest

    I often don't have time to find the horn positions on then wheel, so I just
    rev up the engine to gain attention. It works especially for those dumb street
    dogs who refuse to get out of the way.
    Shawn, Dec 22, 2007
  12. George Orwell

    Some O Guest

    Nope that ugly horn ring isn't what I want, just the horn to be in the
    center of the steering wheel. I don't hit the horn first, it's the
    brakes and steering first.
    My wife's 2001 does have the horn in the center of the steering ring,
    but unfortunately hadn't figured that out for my '95 LH, which has two
    small horn push points on the horn spokes. Finding them quickly when
    turning is so difficult it makes sounding the horn quickly when turning
    next to impossible.
    Some O, Dec 22, 2007
  13. George Orwell

    philthy Guest

    your post at the bottom brings to light something i have a issue with
    that is spanish
    the fact is this is america and here we speak english!
    don't like it! go to china or russia,france or japan
    and see if they allow the language change to english
    you will be locked up asap
    we are now starting to see terrorism of a new sort and that is being taken over
    from within by illegal aliens from mexico and this spanish shit is the first
    and while this is occurring the mexican president wants to change the U.S
    currency and that of his beloved mexico and canada to one currency and he has
    been in dc to lobby this
    the illegals here are planning to march on washington dc on mayday of 08 to
    protest for their rights!!
    they are illegal they don't have rights here!dam crying same they get free
    medical treatment from dc and i can't and i was born here 6th gen.
    it's is time we bring bac some national guard troops back from iraq and line
    them up at our southern border to push them back were they came from and once
    they get the message send half of those into las Angeles to rid that city of
    the illegals pg13 gangs that are causing all sorts of problems so much so,
    good people are moving out in droves just to be safe
    if you want to come to this land there should be a 3 year wait and a medical
    workup for aids and hepatitis and a background check then when that is good
    you can apply to be a citizen if things don't change we are in deep shit!
    sorry for the rant
    philthy, Dec 23, 2007
  14. If you do go to those countries you'll find that they teach English in
    schools at a very young age. Europeans especially are multi-lingual. They
    may not allow a "language change", but they certainly promote English is
    both schools and businesses. I do business in Austria, Italy, and Denmark
    and there is never a language barrier.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Dec 23, 2007
  15. George Orwell

    HLS Guest

    The message at the bottom of his post was Italian, pard, not Spanish..

    And 'this ain't America'! This is an international group.

    We have several newish automobiles,and I have on occasion not been able to
    the sweet spot to blow the horn under emergency conditions. I would like it
    be more intuitive too, but can live with it.
    HLS, Dec 23, 2007
  16. George Orwell

    Guest Guest

    Haven't you noticed, you must not get out much.
    Spanish is a very common language in the southern USA.
    The USA needs the labor of those Mexicans. They are very hard working
    people. If there was a work visa system for them to come to do seasonal
    (farm, etc.) work, I'm sure they would be happy to return home to see
    their families. As it is now they have to sneak back and forth.
    It's not just farm work they are in, I see many in the construction
    trade and owning many USA businesses.

    If they are blocked from working in the USA, more USA industry like the
    car companies will set up shop in Mexico. Then there will be a total
    loss of jobs in t he USA.
    I was just in Mexico and could use either Mexican or USA currency, but
    10% off the USA $1. They would probably prefer to use the Euro now,
    with the crashing of the USA$.
    They consider southern CA to be effectively another Mexican territory,
    due to the very large ex Mexican population there.
    The serious crime and drugs is in the USA. If I were them I wouldn't
    want my children to be brought up in the gun dangerous USA.

    A little education for you here, if you are capable of opening your mind?

    Spanish TV, Latinos merit more respect
    Guest, Dec 23, 2007
  17. George Orwell

    Dipstick Guest

    In most states you need the horn to work exactly one time per year, at
    inspection time. The testers are generally very patient and willing to
    search for the sweet spot. No horn ring needed. The horn is useless as
    a collision avoidance device and serves no real purpose in modern
    Dipstick, Dec 24, 2007
  18. George Orwell

    Max Power Guest

    the horn is not a safety instrument so you dont hit it first, its really
    more of a hey you suck at driving instrument.
    Max Power, Dec 24, 2007
  19. Rubbish. Have I avoided a collision by blowing my car horn? Absolutely!
    Where? In a parking lot. When some bozo was backing out of a slot. If
    I had not honked they would have backed into me.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 24, 2007
  20. George Orwell

    philthy Guest

    funny you named contries that all benefited from our part in ww2
    try that in russia
    philthy, Dec 24, 2007
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