High Performance LHS

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by c0lored.ardvark, May 1, 2005.

  1. I have a 97 LHS and I was wondering if anyone kinew of a good site or
    place I could get some performance parts for it. My LHS has the same
    motor as the 300M so I think that any part for the 300M would work, but
    then again I am not sure. If anyone could give me any information on
    this I would be grateful.

    The Ardvark
    c0lored.ardvark, May 1, 2005
  2. c0lored.ardvark

    mic canic Guest

    trade it in and get a hemi c it would be far easier
    mic canic, May 1, 2005
  3. I would, but that is a bit hard for a 16 year old. I was interested in
    the parts because that car is paid off and mine, and I have not nearly
    enough money to go with a Hemi C, so maybe an ECM tuner, or an ODBII
    programmer, maybe an intake, or an exhaust, would be more up my alley.
    So any suggestions?
    c0lored.ardvark, May 1, 2005
  4. c0lored.ardvark

    Art Guest

    Quite frankly, that car has a great back seat. You should spend more time
    thinking about how much fun you can have there and less about what is under
    the hood. But be safe whatever you do.
    Art, May 1, 2005
  5. c0lored.ardvark

    Bill Putney Guest

    You might wander on over to www.dodgeintrepid.net forums. They have
    both 1st gen. and 2nd gen. LH forums. Probably not a lot that you can
    do other than custom exhaust and K&N intake, though some would argue
    about the K&N. Give it a shot, though.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, May 2, 2005
  6. I need to focus on whats under the hood, so then I can get better stuff
    in the back seat. But damn, I am amazed at the replys, I guess a kid
    can't have a fast car any more.
    c0lored.ardvark, May 2, 2005
  7. c0lored.ardvark

    Art Guest

    Seriously that car is plenty fast already. Save the money for new tires
    when you need them.
    Art, May 2, 2005
  8. Look, it may be "plenty fast" but you can never go too fast, as for new
    tires, what the hell, I will get them when i need them. If I could ask
    what is it you drive?
    c0lored.ardvark, May 2, 2005
  9. c0lored.ardvark

    Joe Guest

    Maybe you're right. Maybe you can make your LHS really fast, and all your
    friends will think you're the coolest because you have the coolest tuner LHS
    in town.

    As for your amazement, it's normal, but hard to explain. Everybody over 19
    has a lot more experience being a teenager than you have. Twice as much.
    Yet, you never believe anything that they say. It's highly irrational.
    That'll wear off, so don't worry about it. Just don't take any drastic
    action until you're 25, and you'll be okay.
    Joe, May 2, 2005
  10. c0lored.ardvark

    Art Guest

    I had a 94 LHS and now own a 1999 300M and regrettably a 2001 Toyota Avalon.
    The 94 LHS felt slightly faster than the 300M. Have you replaced the audio
    in the LHS? Mine was terrible.
    Art, May 2, 2005
  11. c0lored.ardvark

    David Guest

    Great reply from a 16 year old, especially with your great driving
    experience! Were do you live, because I want to make sure it is not near me!
    David, May 2, 2005
  12. c0lored.ardvark

    mic canic Guest

    goooood answer hehehe
    mic canic, May 4, 2005
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