hi rpm at start up

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Larry, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. Larry

    Larry Guest

    Hi all in group, I'm just a little curios about start up on a 97 voyager 3.3
    liter when cold, it rev's up over 2 grand for a few seconds on only cold
    starts, It seems a little bad for a cold engine at 25 degress to start up
    and rev up that hi before oil is up at full oil pressure, is it normal or
    not it doesn't seem to rev that hi when the temps aren't so cold, is there
    any pcm updates that may help, runs fine otherwise.

    thanks for any info
    Larry, Dec 5, 2006
  2. Larry

    philthy Guest

    make sure the pcv hose is not broke or cracked causing a vac leak that might
    give you a high start up idle and replace the pcv while you are at it so the
    engine does not sludge up also clean the throttle plate inb the throttle body
    enough carbon there can cause a high start up idle also
    philthy, Dec 7, 2006
  3. Larry

    mike Guest

    As mentioned below, check the PCV valve and hose to and from it. As
    Philthy mentioned, replace the PCV valve anyway, as they are about
    $3.00CND. If this is the only time it revs like this, I am a bit
    doubtful it is the PCV valve, but replace it anyway.
    I do know that it is common for both my Neons to rev up a bit on
    start, but 2k RPM sounds a little excessive.
    Was the Van doing this last year, or did it just start?

    mike, Dec 7, 2006
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