HELP plz '95 Cirrus stumbling on acceleration

Discussion in 'Cirrus' started by Ty Young, Nov 1, 2003.

  1. Ty Young

    Ty Young Guest

    '95 Cirrus (2.5L) 74K miles

    On an intermittent basis only, but seemingly more frequent, my Cirrus
    "stumbles" or feels like it's about to stall when I attempt to
    accelerate from a stopped position (stop light, stop sign, etc.)
    After one or two seconds, it appears to "kick in" and then drives just

    On this basis, I don't see this as a distributor issue, nor a
    crankshaft sensor issue (just had this replaced last week.)

    I really need input on this one. That it's intermittent isn't going
    to save me any money at the shop, so I'm relying on all of you. Thx!
    Ty Young, Nov 1, 2003
  2. Ty Young

    Ty Young Guest

    Turns out that the coil (which is incorporated into the design of the
    distributor) was going out, which explains why the vehicle got
    progressively worse the longer I'd drive it (the more it heats up, the
    worse it gets.) When the dealership replaced the distributor
    assembly (including coil and camshaft sensor, for $819 ?!) all of the
    problems I reported below went away.

    Ty Young, Nov 27, 2003
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