HELP!!! - Changing Power Steering belt on Cirrus 2000 4-cyl

Discussion in 'Cirrus' started by mt, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. mt

    mt Guest

    Hi there!

    I need to replace the power steering belt on a Cirrus 2000 (4-cyl; 2.4L
    16-valve). I have already loosened both the front and rear locking
    bolts. The pivot bolt, however, is another story. It's in a very
    tight area; there's just not enough space to fit a ratchet or wrench in

    I took off the wheel and the drive belt splash shield, the
    alternator/AC drivebelt (needs to be replaced too as it is badly
    ed) and lifted the car on jackstands. I have to work from the bottom
    but it is just very difficult.

    Any recommendations? Is there a special tool I should be using? Looks
    like I'm going to waste a Sunday because of one bolt that I can't

    Please help!!!

    mt, Nov 20, 2005
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