heat working in half the minivan

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by normal30263, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. normal30263

    normal30263 Guest

    Hi, I've searched the web for this problem but haven't seen it
    addressed. Our 2001 Chrysler Town & Country LX minivan gives off heat
    only in the driver's side vents, the passenger side air is cold. The
    fan is running but only cold air blows out. The rear vents also have
    hot air coming through. The A/C works fine, only cold air comes out of
    all vents. What could be causing this and is it something my husband
    can fix himself? Unrelated (we think), but the lights are out on half
    of the speedometer dial, does he need a special tool to access the
    light fixtures there? Finally, the speedometer seems to be inaccurate
    by about 5-10 miles. Once the dash is off, can he fix this as well?
    Sorry about all the questions! Thanks so much for any guidance.
    normal30263, Nov 20, 2006
  2. the problem will be with the blend door which is the flap inside the
    heater box that adjust the temp which is independent side to side. you
    may be able to get to the blend door motor by removing the glove box to
    check one side if the blend door (i am not sure if this blend door is
    for the left hand or right hand side) this repair will have to be
    carried out by a compitent mechanic and i would advise a trip to your
    chrysler dealer to have the vehicle conected to the diagnostic
    equipment (DRB111) and chech the trouble code which should say blend
    door out of range. if this is the case the dash bord will have to be
    ethos_one2000, Nov 20, 2006
  3. normal30263

    Mike Guest

    There was a problem with the blend air door shaft breaking but it could
    also be a bad blend door motor. You need to have it diagnosed by someone who
    is familiar with the system

    Unrelated (we think), but the lights are out on half
    No. But the instrument cluster will have to be removed to gain access to
    the bulbs. My advice would be to replace all the bulbs while the cluster is

    Finally, the speedometer seems to be inaccurate
    Just curious why you think the speedo is off by that much. There is no
    way to adjust the speedometer. Has the tire size been changed from the
    original tire size ?
    Mike, Nov 21, 2006
  4. normal30263

    damnnickname Guest

    You dont specify but if it is the Dual zone system you might have a control
    head problem causing this. A scan tool and multmeter will be needed to
    verify the problem

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Nov 21, 2006
  5. normal30263

    normal30263 Guest

    normal30263, Nov 22, 2006
  6. normal30263

    gr8deals Guest

    Hi guys.-
    This is just amazing!! Just a few days our T&C 2001 LXi had the same
    symptoms as you describe! Passenger side only delivers cold air (we are
    in MASS and it's getting cold...) no matter what temperature you set it
    (dual temp. control). Driver side is working just fine. Sometimes you
    can hear the sound of like a servo trying to open or close something.
    Took it to the dealership and with the 'estimate', almost lost my
    socks...: $950.
    According to them, around 8-9 hours for labor and around $220 for 2
    parts (blender housing components!?). They connected some sort of
    computer to operate the blender or port and made no difference.
    I think I can get the parts for around $150, but not sure I dare to do
    the job myself. Does anybody know where I can get an exploded view of
    the dashboard and how to dis-assemble it?
    I imagine that to get to the faulty parts you need to go through a
    complicated sequence of removing plastic parts, fasteners, latches,
    Thanks to anybody that can give any addtional advise or help locating a
    manual or pdf with exploded views.

    gr8deals, Nov 22, 2006
  7. normal30263

    luki Guest

    Well, well... being as persistent as I am, found out last night that
    there is a TSB for this problem! 2400601 and NHTSA ref. 620069.

    Called Chrysler Customer service hotline. After describing the issue
    and bouncing through a couple of reps, the veredict is that Chrysler
    would not cover any of the expenses. According to them the TSB is only
    a document explaining how to replace the parts... Because the vehicle
    is out of warranty (time and mileage - only 57K) they can't do a thing.
    They re-assured that this is the first time they've heard of it and the
    TSB only has updated instructions on how to do the job. I think this is
    not true.
    Does anybody know what the TSB exactly details? Anything else to try
    before going poorer by a grand...?

    Thanks for any insight,
    luki, Nov 22, 2006
  8. normal30263

    damnnickname Guest

    just because you find a TSB that you think may fix your car doesnt mean it
    is related to it. The TSB you are refering to came out in 2002 and
    pertained to problems that were there when the vehicle was brand new. It
    requireed the replacement of the evap and fin temp sensor.
    I assume that your a/c heater worked up to this point and there is no need
    to replace these parts. They have nothing to do with your problem anyhow.
    More then likely you have a faulty blend air door motor, low on coolant or
    a wiring or control head problem. A TSB is not a recall. It is used to help
    with technicians to diagnois problems.
    My sugestion to you would be to have someone that is familiar with this
    system check it out and tell you what is wrong with the vehicle before you
    start throwing, parts and labor at it.

    Just my opinion

    Glenn beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Nov 22, 2006
  9. normal30263

    philthy Guest

    for 20 bucs a day u can access a d.c website that will allow you to view the
    factory manuals for 24 hours there is a link at the epa website. caramkers are
    now required by law to allow aftermarket shops access to this stuff but of course
    for a price
    philthy, Nov 22, 2006
  10. normal30263

    luki Guest

    Mr. Glenn,
    I'm surprised that being a Chrysler tech, you are providing misleading

    Very untrue. From www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov (goverment site):

    Make: CHRYSLER
    Year: 2001

    Service Bulletin Number: 2400601
    NHTSA Item Number: 620069
    Summary Description:

    Unless you have a different source to get this information, this TSB
    was issued on May 2001 and has nothing to do with any of the components
    that you refer above.
    Yes, myself and the original initiator of this thread explained this
    clearly in our postings. Problem as described on the TSB, has to do
    with ONLY cold air coming from the passenger side or the inability to
    regulate the mixture of cold/hot air. The way this is described, if you
    look at it closely, is pretty vague but yet reveals that the problem is
    affecting only the right side (passenger) and gives instructions on how
    to replace the blender door shaft ONLY.
    a) Faulty air door motor - it's possible
    b) low on coolant - Almost impossible, since left side works perfectly
    on both extremes (hot or cold)
    c) control head problem - my intital description of the problem,
    detailed that the dealership tried operating the blender door with ??
    (computer device) and got same results. So, I don't think control head
    problem at this point is an educated guess OR

    d) *** faulty blend door shaft as the TSB mentions and explains how to
    replace !! ***

    The TSB might not be a recall. But to me, it clearly indicates that the
    company has taken the extra time and effort to document a procedure to
    replace a part that can fail (Verbatim: SOME OPERATOR MAY COMPLAIN...).
    The failure in my car together with the original posting submitter and
    a few other threads I found describing similar problems, is an
    indication that there might be an abnormal incidence of this issue.

    I can just imagine tons of other customers that don't have the time or
    knowledge to do a good research and fall in the trap. Modesty on a
    side, I'm a pretty good 'googler' and yet took me a good time/effort
    to find leads to this problem. On top of it, imagine how many van
    owners outside of the 'cold' belt never use the heater on the car and
    might have the shaft or the blender housing faulted but never realized
    it!? How much revenue does this produce? The dealership wins (labor &
    parts), Chrysler saves and us, just pay.
    Do you know that the blender housing was redesigned due to a weakness
    in it (redesigned end of travel tab)? Why is the problem so specific to
    only the passenger side? Simple: design flaw corrected with a new
    blender housing or in some other cases with a new blend door shaft.
    A reputable dealership has checked the car and offered to do the job
    for close to $1K... However, after the latest events, I called another
    one and explained my thoughts and mentioned the TSB; guess what? they
    are going to try the procedure as per the above TSB doc. and try to
    replace the shaft without dis-assembling the whole dashboard! I guess
    they can get to it from under the driver side...
    We'll see and I'll keep you guys posted.
    Share what you know, learn what you don't.
    Than you, but was not very accurate.
    luki, Nov 23, 2006
  11. normal30263

    damnnickname Guest

    Yes I stand corrected. somehow I thought we were refering to the 2002 as I
    stated in my last reply and not a 2001. But either way just because there
    is a TSB does not mean that the problem is due to that bulletin. The
    system would have to be checked out.

    damnnickname, Nov 23, 2006
  12. normal30263

    damnnickname Guest

    When you purchased your car the warranty was 3/36 and you had the option to
    purchase an extended warranty . Your warranty has expired now and you have
    a problem with you vehicle that you think should be covered under
    warranty. How much did you pay for your house and how long have you lived
    in it? When something goes wrong after the intial 12 months or whatever
    warranty, do you complain to the builder? You say the dealer checked it
    out and told you it would cost 1k to fix. that told me that someone didnt
    know how to check it out or just wasnt sure of the fix. It takes less then
    1/2 hour to install the shaft you are refering to.Take your vehicle to
    someone that wants to fix your car. If you take it to someone and tell
    them you want this TSB done to your car and it doesnt fix it are you going
    to blame them because the heat still does not work?

    Just a thought?

    damnnickname, Nov 23, 2006
  13. normal30263

    luki Guest

    Hmmm, picture this: you are Chrysler and started the 2001 Van batch
    production on Jul-Aug/05 (just a guess since I have no idea how they
    schedule their manufacturing process). The cars start to sell a few
    months later or around the same time-frame. As more are sold and start
    hitting the streets, early production complaints start to show up. Some
    of them address the right side heating problem...
    You as a reputable manufacturer, look into it and uncover that there is
    a part(s) that was not best designed. Logically, foresee that this
    might become a major problem, so you decide to re-design it,
    manufacture and INSTALL the modified part in the new/to be produced

    Question is:
    A) How long did it took to complete this cycle?
    B) How many are there out there with the faulty one?
    C) How much would it cost to Chrysler to replace all of thoses that
    they know had this potential problem?

    So, you tell me what you consider fair? I know, I know, it is not a
    fair world. It's really made of profit or losses...

    I am not arguing for warranty coverage on a normal tear and wear
    component. Just some consideration from the company, and thought that
    the fair thing to do was to divide the expense. So, at the end, we both
    loose less, and next time I'm in the process selection of a new car,
    this event is weighted in and considered.

    The other lesson I've learned and bothers me is that dealerships (in
    general) do not do a very good job of investigating. I know the final
    outcome of our case is still in the air. But, there is a chance that
    with only 1/2 hour labor and a fairly inexpensive part the problem
    might be resolved. Either way, I believe that this should have been
    discovered and offered by the Chrysler techs and not me!
    On the other hand, I want to believe that they honestly thought that
    the only way to get to the part is by pulling out the dashboard, and
    not trying replace the shaft and if it fixes it, still charge me for
    the first diagnose... Well, who knows the real truth!?

    Kind readers: Just to share a bit more of our experience. Had a chance
    to look into the +100 TSB's appliccable (check for yourself in the
    address provided above) to our van. We experienced several of them
    while in warranty! Moan and groan sound coming from the front!? Which
    took I don't know how many dealer visits and replacement of parts
    untill the whole front steering assembly was finally replaced. Front
    link problem? Heated seats issue? Etc., etc. My humble opinion, like it
    or not, is that there is some relationship between potential defects
    and TSB's...

    BTW, the syandard warranty was for 4/48 and we bought the extended
    warranty from a third party company that went out of business on Dec/05
    (1stSource)... Learned the lesson, and next time I'm looking into
    extended warranties, I'll probably go straight and buy it from the

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
    luki, Nov 23, 2006
  14. normal30263

    damnnickname Guest

    Picture this: buy a coffee machine, bicycle,tv, DVD machine, computer,
    computer software, printers, fax machines and anything else and they all
    have problems when they are built. Once they are on the market they find
    out the product has problems, these products dont have TSB's that would
    tell us of an update. They would only issue a recall if it is determined
    to be a safety issue. I had a TV that Sony new of a bad solder joint. The
    technician charged me for the repair, he new exactly what the problem was.
    I had to pay for it because i was out of warranty. My one cup coffee
    machine made by Meletta spills water everywhere when ever it wants to.
    Meletta was aware of the problem and redesigned it. I was out of warranty
    and there was nothing I could do.It isnt fair. but the warrty was out.
    I normally dont get into these debates. This is the last reply I have on
    You have a happy Thanksgiving


    damnnickname, Nov 23, 2006
  15. normal30263

    luki Guest

    Update: Finally got the van back from the dealership after 3 days. Not
    sure how they got to the blender assembly without removing the
    dashboard. Found that the shaft and right side motor were in trouble...
    Initially thought there was something wrong with the shaft being too
    short (however, it has been working for years with no problems).
    Must have fallen in grace with the service manager (and has won my
    loyalty), since they went in replaced the motor and not sure if the
    shaft as well, since the blend door was 'bonded' to the shaft using
    some epoxy or crazy glue.
    Anyway, total cost with parts and 3 hours labor was a little under
    $300; a lot better than the $1K originally quoted from the other place.
    Don't know how long it will last, but I've always heard that repaired
    'bones' are harder to break... Time will tell.
    Best to everyone,
    luki, Dec 1, 2006
  16. Just my $0.02 cents since you posted an update, but any experienced
    car buyer knows all about this kind of a problem, and if they are
    worried about it they simply avoid buying early production model

    There's lots and lots and lots of models out there that have been
    in production for more than 2 model years. Granted, you won't
    have the sexiest latest thing on the block that you can show off
    to your friends, but it's going to be more reliable. So which is
    more important to you, sex appeal or reliablility?

    A good auto dealer salesman would have asked you this question
    when you went to buy and if you had just kept saying reliability,
    reliability, relaibility over and over they would have steered you
    to a production model that had been in production for some years.

    IMHO the car buyers that want the newest flashiest sex appeal cars
    out there are usually the ones quick to sell them when the initial
    factory warranty is close to expiring.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 4, 2006
  17. normal30263

    moline1 Guest

    I fixed this issue in 30 minutes.. you can find directions on TSB
    2400601 or.. If you need instructions to fix this issue can send me
    an email at . Again, The fix should take you
    less than 30 minutes. you will need a phillips screwdriver, an 8mm
    socket or small 8mm wrench... and potentially a $5 part from your

    Good luck
    moline1, Jan 30, 2007
  18. normal30263

    Bill Putney Guest

    You must be an optimist - otherwise you would have titled your thread
    "heat not working in half the minivan". Anyway - looks like your
    optimism paid off.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jan 30, 2007
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