Heat/Air controls

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim Shulthiess, Apr 3, 2005.

  1. Today, as my wife was getting ready to take some visitors to the zoo, she
    noticed that the temp readout on the heat/ac panel of her '99 300m was bad.
    When trying to set the automatic control to 72º, it would go up the scale to
    32º then just read "Hi". I messed around for a while and couldn't get it to
    work right. I'll hear about it later if it gets too hot or too cold on
    their trip.<G>

    Any ideas? I spent a half hour on the 300 board, but didn't find the
    problem discussed. I'm hoping you're reading the ng Bill.

    Jim Shulthiess, Apr 3, 2005
  2. Jim Shulthiess

    Larry Crites Guest

    I don't know anything about them newer ones, but, is there an option to show
    temperature in Celsius or Farenheit? Have an Owner's Manual?

    Behold Beware Believe

    | Today, as my wife was getting ready to take some visitors to the zoo, she
    | noticed that the temp readout on the heat/ac panel of her '99 300m was
    | When trying to set the automatic control to 72º, it would go up the scale
    | 32º then just read "Hi". I messed around for a while and couldn't get it
    | work right. I'll hear about it later if it gets too hot or too cold on
    | their trip.<G>
    | Any ideas? I spent a half hour on the 300 board, but didn't find the
    | problem discussed. I'm hoping you're reading the ng Bill.
    | Jim
    Larry Crites, Apr 3, 2005
  3. Jim Shulthiess

    MoPar Man Guest

    I've posted here before about the problems I've had with my 2000 300m.

    Specifically, (and it will only happen maybe once every winter) while
    driving (usually highway) during snow/sleet/ice storms where snow
    buildup happens on front (and maybe under) the car, the external temp
    readout will drift upwards (from the 30's to the 50's) and the
    interior air will start to blow cool air (even when manual temp
    control is set high).

    There seems to be some sort of connection (mechanically or
    programmatically) between the exterior temp sensor and the internal
    heat controller.
    MoPar Man, Apr 3, 2005
  4. Jim Shulthiess

    maxpower Guest

    maxpower, Apr 3, 2005
  5. Y'all found the problem. Daughter borrowed the car yesterday, and in trying
    to find the garage door opener, punched all the buttons up top. Reset to
    ºF and all is well. Thanks for the responses.

    Jim Shulthiess, Apr 4, 2005
  6. Jim Shulthiess

    mic canic Guest

    the system is capable of storing and recording fault codes in the hvac module
    and the bcm and thats were you should start before any money is spent
    but hey wait i just remembered something
    pull the cover off the fuse box on the side of the dash then look for the red
    fu10 amp fuse that sits higher than the rest and pull it out for 10 minutes then
    reinsert fuse and start and run vehiclke see it resets hvac module so it can
    retrain itself
    mic canic, Apr 6, 2005
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