Head Gasket problem???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Alberto, Oct 1, 2003.

  1. Alberto

    Alberto Guest


    I have a 1991 Dodge Shadow with 188,000kms. Went to the garage and the
    mechanic removed my spark plugs and inserted a thin rod with a light at the
    end into each cylinder. Only in one cylinder did the light seem like it was
    emitting a smoke trail. He mentioned that I would need a head gasket...is
    their any other test that can be done to verify that it isn't anything else
    that is causing the problem? Any side effects to performing the test? Also
    how serious is this problem?

    Alberto, Oct 1, 2003
  2. Alberto

    Rajsircar Guest

    I never heard of a light test to determine head gasket problem. The usual test
    is compression and leakdown test. You should find another mechanic. BTW, what
    was the problem that caused you to suspect head gasket problem?
    Rajsircar, Oct 1, 2003
  3. Alberto

    Dave Gower Guest

    Be grateful you've gone this long with nothing serious from the head gasket.
    My Caravan 2.5 gasket failed at 135,000 kms.

    Unless you're really fond of this car I'd suggest just keep on driving it
    until you get oil in the anti-freeze, or serious oil leaks, or fouled plugs,
    or it starts to burn too much oil or antifreeze, then donate it to your
    favourite recycle yard. I gather you live up here in the Frozen North with
    winter salt, and if so you probably will soon get one of a number of
    terminal safety-related problems i.e. front subframe rot, suspension
    component fatigue, wheel bearing failure.
    Dave Gower, Oct 2, 2003
  4. Alberto

    Alberto Guest


    Over the past two years I've been loosing prestone, plus my heater goes
    on and off during the winter months all on it's own. So I figured that my
    heater core was the problem, plus other idle symptoms that are related to my
    oxygen sensor & speed sensor which now have been corrected.
    So why the head gasket, well the above or maybe it could just be that my
    Rad. is at end of life?
    Do you know what the light test shows?

    Alberto, Oct 7, 2003
  5. Alberto

    chris Guest

    Blown headgasket dumps white smoke out the exhaust pipe, thats a telltale
    sign. Not to mention you can smell it out the exhaust to. Antifreeze in the
    combustion chamber tends to do that.
    chris, Oct 9, 2003
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