Haynes manual instructions

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Daniel J. Stern, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. Daniel J. Stern

    Bill Putney Guest

    Huh! Since when is simply giving you information a violation of anything?

    You can't force an ISP to use their resources to provide you the means
    to express yourself any more than you can force yourself onto my
    property to say or do anything that you want. But - yes - you have the
    right to freedom of speech - but I (that's the generic "I" - I am not an
    ISP) am not required to provide you the tools to do it. Get mad at me
    if you want. Ever heard the expression "Don't shoot the messenger"?

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 19, 2004
  2. Operation Graylord proved that this city is infested with corruption,
    and since then, things have not gotten any bettery. Even former
    Governer Ryan is under indictment for taking bribes for Truck Driver's

    The political / legal part of this place stinks to high heavens. True
    enough. Not enough space to describe all the corruption. But then, I
    try to stay as far away from that end of the spectrum as I can, and
    just live a life for whatever it is worth, while I have a few years
    left to me.

    I'm 60 now, have at best +/-15 more years, maybe a lot less,
    considering some *conditions* and infirmities I have, and don't want
    to spend them in anything other than peace and tranquility, in my own
    little piece of the burbs. I live on a relatively quiet street, most
    neighbors get along, good enough for me. I like it here. It's home.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 19, 2004
  3. Since I said so, about 20 minutes ago.
    I have no intention of shooting anybody. Why don't you get off my
    ass, and go back to wherever you were. Unless you want to fight.

    And if you want to fight -me-, I will rape you poor with the Legal
    System, so I suggest you quit while you are ahead.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 19, 2004
  4. Not to mention that

    1) There's no such law in my state and
    2) By the time Larry woke up, the cop would have turned on his lights
    and gone around.
    Matthew Russotto, Dec 19, 2004
  5. Daniel J. Stern

    Big Bill Guest

    Sur e he can - he has a contract with the ISP.
    The right to freedom of speech has to do with governments in the US,
    not ISPs.
    It's rather amazing how many people invoke or try to explain the
    Freedom of Speech thing while knowing so little about it.
    ISPs are *not* required to provide a forum for anyone.
    Big Bill, Dec 19, 2004
  6. I invokle my First Ammendment Right to
    tell you to FOAD.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 19, 2004
  7. Daniel J. Stern

    Bill Putney Guest

    His "contract" with the ISP says they can terminate the "contract" if he
    violates the TOS - that's part of the "contract" that he agreed to when
    he signed up. So - no - he can't force an ISP to provide the service,
    especially if he is in violation of the agreement, which includes the TOS.
    How is that different than what I said? Read what I wrote again. I
    essentially said that, although, yes, he has freedom of speech, ISP's
    are not required to provide the tools/resources for him to excercise it.

    To reiterate, if he violates the contract, they can terminate his
    service. The contract itself says so.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 20, 2004
  8. PLONK
    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 20, 2004
  9. Daniel J. Stern

    Ray Guest

    Uh, sure. Take them down too, whoever they are. It's not me. Call
    the feds. I really don't care. Now, can you please get back on topic?

    Ray, Dec 20, 2004
  10. Daniel J. Stern

    Bill Putney Guest

    Well thanks! But I wish I knew what I said that caused that - I'd have
    said it sooner if I'd known. But I'm like Nate - you're still reading.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 20, 2004
  11. Daniel J. Stern

    Big Bill Guest

    If my knowing more than you makes you do that, so be it.
    Big Bill, Dec 20, 2004
  12. Daniel J. Stern

    Big Bill Guest

    If one stays within the TOS, the ISP is required to continue to
    provide a forum.
    Remember what I responded to; it's just above, there.
    "You can't force an ISP to use their resources to provide you the
    means to express yourself any more than you can force yourself onto my
    property to say or do anything that you want. "
    I said that's wrong, and I stand by what I said.
    And I said (rightly) that if they contract to do so (and the TOS is
    part of the contract), you *can* force them to do so.
    Ah, "if he violates the contract." Indeed, but that wasn't in what you
    said earlier.
    Big Bill, Dec 20, 2004
  13. Daniel J. Stern

    Steve W. Guest

    That's OK Comcast is already looking at Mr. Glickman. I have already
    sent them header info and postings from him to their abuse personnel.
    After reading their TOS he is in violation of at least 3 sections, any
    of which allow them to terminate his contract, And one could actually be
    used in a civil rights lawsuit against him.

    Steve Williams

    -----------== Posted via Newsfeed.Com - Uncensored Usenet News ==----------
    http://www.newsfeed.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
    -----= Over 100,000 Newsgroups - Unlimited Fast Downloads - 19 Servers =-----
    Steve W., Dec 20, 2004
  14. You want to go to court, nitwit? Fine with me. I hope you have
    deeeeeep pockets, cause this is going to cost you bigtime.

    I will be sure to name you as the Primary Instigator in this lawsuit,
    and sue you for damages that the Court deems appropriate.

    Make your move.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 20, 2004
  15. You want to go to court, nitwit? Fine with me. I hope you have
    deeeeeep pockets, cause this is going to cost you bigtime.

    I will be sure to name you as the Primary Instigator in this lawsuit,
    and sue you for damages that the Court deems appropriate.

    Make your move.

    BTW Steve W ( ) I'm making a special arcive of every one
    of your posts to use as evidence against you in a Court of Law.

    I've started a Special File on you, and you will need to report to
    Markham, Illinois District 7 Courthouse, because that is where I will
    be filing a Federal Lawsuit against YOU. Nobody else, just YOU.

    You, or a Legal Representative will need to appear before the bench to
    represent your case, which, I expect, is going to last a year or more.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 20, 2004
  16. Daniel J. Stern

    Bill Putney Guest

    LOL! I know you're shaking in your boots, Steve!

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 20, 2004
  17. Daniel J. Stern

    Bill Putney Guest

    I guess my response is "context", i.e., the context of his already being
    in violation of the posted TOS, of which I didn't think there was any
    doubt. I didn't think I needed to state the obvious, but you're right -
    I wasn't explicit.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 20, 2004
  18. I've been down this road before. It is paved, and has lane lines.
    This is nothing new to me, you should be forewarned. I've sued at the
    Federal Level and WON

    I've sued at the Civil Level and WON

    So, take your best shot.

    Now here is some interesting statistics for you to mull over while you
    figure out at $300/hour how much 1.5 years of legal representation is
    going to cost you.

    alt.flame.jews has 3,492 posts archived, complete with headers

    alt.flame.niggers has 46,968 posts archived, complete with headers

    rec.autos.tech has 48,898 posts archived, complete with headers.


    How many of these posts originated from Comcast.net? My computer
    knows, you have to do your own research.

    The first two n/g's I mentioned are allowed on Usenet under the TOS
    according to Giganews, which is a subcontractor Usenet server for

    Here is what Giganews has to say about this situation:



    Controversial and Explicit Material

    We cannot be and are not responsible for the contents of any of your
    communications through Giganews. The Internet and Usenet are large
    communities that regard censorship as worse than obscenity. Through
    our service, you will have access to and you will at some time or
    another become exposed to materials that you find offensive. Such
    materials include sexually explicit text and (encoded) images,
    pro-religious and anti-religious debate, questionable political views,
    and hateful speech. Giganews expressly disclaims liability for any
    harm resulting from encountering such material.



    Giganews wishes to offer a flexible service that will meet the needs
    of our customers. We do not wish to regulate or censor our customers
    in any way.



    I think, William, that when I produce EVIDENCE that Comcast has
    allowed tens of thousands of defamatory posts to go through their
    system without interference in any way, they are going to have a god
    damn hard time singling me out as a specific offender, considering
    their lack of action concerning these *other* tens of thousands of
    defamatory posts they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT !

    Now, it's your move.
    And, I will tell you in a cordial way, you will be bankrupt by the
    time I get through with you.

    Exercising my First Ammendment Rights
    as explained to me by an
    Attorney at Law
    Homewood, Illinois

    IOW, I can stand in the middle of the street and shout epithets all
    day long and there isn't squat anybody can legally do about it, under
    Consititional Law, which Trumps State Law, so long as I am not
    presenting an impediment to the flow of traffic.

    I think it is time for you to retain an attorney. Your ignorance of
    this issue is alarming, and I always feel a bit guilty about shooting
    at ducks in a barrel.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 21, 2004
  19. I've been down this road before. It is paved, and has lane lines.
    This is nothing new to me, you should be forewarned. I've sued at the
    Federal Level and WON

    I've sued at the Civil Level and WON

    So, take your best shot.

    Now here is some interesting statistics for you to mull over while you
    figure out at $300/hour how much 1.5 years of legal representation is
    going to cost you.

    alt.flame.jews has 3,492 posts archived, complete with headers

    alt.flame.niggers has 46,968 posts archived, complete with headers

    rec.autos.tech has 48,898 posts archived, complete with headers.


    How many of these posts originated from Comcast.net? My computer
    knows, you have to do your own research.

    The first two n/g's I mentioned are allowed on Usenet under the TOS
    according to Giganews, which is a subcontractor Usenet server for

    Here is what Giganews has to say about this situation:



    Controversial and Explicit Material

    We cannot be and are not responsible for the contents of any of your
    communications through Giganews. The Internet and Usenet are large
    communities that regard censorship as worse than obscenity. Through
    our service, you will have access to and you will at some time or
    another become exposed to materials that you find offensive. Such
    materials include sexually explicit text and (encoded) images,
    pro-religious and anti-religious debate, questionable political views,
    and hateful speech. Giganews expressly disclaims liability for any
    harm resulting from encountering such material.



    Giganews wishes to offer a flexible service that will meet the needs
    of our customers. We do not wish to regulate or censor our customers
    in any way.



    I think, William, that when I produce EVIDENCE that Comcast has
    allowed tens of thousands of defamatory posts to go through their
    system without interference in any way, they are going to have a god
    damn hard time singling me out as a specific offender, considering
    their lack of action concerning these *other* tens of thousands of
    defamatory posts they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT !

    Now, it's your move.
    And, I will tell you in a cordial way, you will be bankrupt by the
    time I get through with you.

    Exercising my First Ammendment Rights
    as explained to me by an
    Attorney at Law
    Homewood, Illinois

    IOW, I can stand in the middle of the street and shout epithets all
    day long and there isn't squat anybody can legally do about it, under
    Consititional Law, which Trumps State Law, so long as I am not
    presenting an impediment to the flow of traffic.

    I think it is time for you to retain an attorney. Your ignorance of
    this issue is alarming, and I always feel a bit guilty about shooting
    at ducks in a barrel.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 21, 2004
  20. Daniel J. Stern

    Bob Guest

    Now there you go acting like a dumbass again. It seems to come easy for you.
    I guess you think your lawyer will work for free.
    Bob, Dec 21, 2004
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