Haynes manual instructions

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Daniel J. Stern, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. So you're the motherfucker who leans on the horn the first 1/2 second
    the light turns green eh? Well, stinkfeathers, nice of you to come
    clean at last. I don't need to use my horn at all, as I never get
    into a situation that requires its use.

    Keep your PC company to yourself. They are a waste of protoplasm.
    Useless eaters. Mouth breathers, and self-righteous assholes, much
    like yourself.

    I'll go where I choose, do what I choose, and if you don't like it you
    can go **** yourself. Nobody tells me what to do or not to do and I
    do mean, nobody.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 18, 2004
  2. Daniel J. Stern

    Nate Nagel Guest

    So you don't drive, then? In that case, please stop posting to RAD,
    you're off-topic, and besides, we've already got a quorum of idiots.
    PC? Self-righteous? You don't know me very well.
    Don't be surprised if you die alone and unmourned, then.

    (rest of thread ignored)

    Nate Nagel, Dec 18, 2004
  3. MFFY, thy name is Lawrence Glickman.
    Scott en Aztlán, Dec 18, 2004
  4. Actually, it's been 5.5 seconds. You were just daydreaming for the
    first 5 seconds.
    Matthew Russotto, Dec 18, 2004
  5. Daniel J. Stern

    Ray Guest

    your internet connection doesn't work that way. Your ISP's TOS has a
    clause that allows disconnecting you for being an asshole. So, keep
    being an asshole and you'll be an internet-free asshole.

    Don't believe me, email your ISP and ask them about it. Tell them some
    stupid <insert favorite racial slur here> on usenet are causing you trouble.
    Ray, Dec 18, 2004
  6. It is actually a Ticketable OFFENSE to use the horn for any
    belligerant purposes whilst operating a motor vehicle.

    Pull that shit in front of a cop, and see what happens.

    Nate needs to go back to driving school, as soon as he gets his
    driver's license back from the Court.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 19, 2004
  7. Another JERK heard from.

    If you take everybody of the Internet that uses offensive language.


    should have their websites yanked fortwith.

    Do you think I should send a notice to their ISP?

    Let me know, and I will be sure to follow your instructions to a "T"

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 19, 2004
  8. Daniel J. Stern

    Matt Whiting Guest

    That's pretty funny. You've obviously never been in NYC, Boston or any
    other major city. The taxis wear out horns there on a regular basis and
    the cops don't even bat an eyelash.

    Matt Whiting, Dec 19, 2004
  9. That says something about NYC and Boston doesn't it. Good reason not
    to live there.

    But I happen to be correct about this. Like it or Not.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 19, 2004
  10. Daniel J. Stern

    Dan Larsen Guest

    And that makes YOU an authority on the local application of any
    particular law enforcement technique, on a national basis?? Hmmmmmm??

    Sorry, Larry. This says a lot more about YOU than it gives a reason
    to live, or not live, in any particular location.

    Admit it, Mr. Glickman, . . . this is more about bad-mouthing cops
    than anything else. Are yo always this big a bonehead??

    God Bless,

    ("If I'm going to reach out to the the Democrats then I need a third
    hand.There's no way I'm letting go of my wallet or my gun while they're
    Dan Larsen, Dec 19, 2004
  11. Another JERK heard from.

    If you take everybody of the Internet that uses offensive language.

    Try this for you latest Neo-Nazi information and propaganda:



    should have this website yanked forthwith.

    Do you think I should send a notice to their ISP?

    Let me know, and I will be sure to follow your instructions to a "T"

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 19, 2004
  12. Daniel J. Stern

    Ray Guest

    You know, I really shouldn't bother to reply, but you just don't have a
    clue, do you? YOUR ISP (like most) has an acceptable use policy
    covering flame wars/racism/off topic stuff and a whole whack of other
    stuff that covers their users. You piss off enough people with that
    little attitude of yours and you might find your access cut off.

    from http://www.comcast.net/terms/use.jsp
    (I suggest you read it. Or have someone read it to you using small
    words so you can understand it.)

    Prohibited Uses and Activities
    Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, using the Service,
    Customer Equipment, or the Comcast Equipment to:

    (i) undertake or accomplish any unlawful purpose. This includes, but is
    not limited to, posting, storing, transmitting or disseminating
    information, data or material which is libelous, obscene, unlawful,
    threatening, defamatory, or which infringes the intellectual property
    rights of any person or entity, or which in any way constitutes or
    encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offense, give rise
    to civil liability, or otherwise violate any local, state, federal or
    international law, order or regulation;

    (ii) post, store, send, transmit, or disseminate any information or
    material which a reasonable person could deem to be objectionable,
    offensive, indecent, pornographic, harassing, threatening, embarrassing,
    distressing, vulgar, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, or
    otherwise inappropriate, regardless of whether this material or its
    dissemination is unlawful;


    Comcast prefers to advise customers of inappropriate behavior and any
    necessary corrective action. However, if the Service is used in a way
    that Comcast or its suppliers, in their sole discretion, believe violate
    this AUP, Comcast or its suppliers may take any responsive actions they
    deem appropriate. These actions include, but are not limited to,
    temporary or permanent removal of content, cancellation of newsgroup
    posts, filtering of Internet transmissions, and the immediate suspension
    or termination of all or any portion of the Service. Neither Comcast nor
    its affiliates, suppliers, or agents will have any liability for any
    these responsive actions. These actions are not Comcast's exclusive
    remedies and Comcast may take any other legal or technical action it
    deems appropriate.
    Ray, Dec 19, 2004
  13. I will tell you one thing, boi,

    You take me off the air, and I gua ran tee that Stormfront is going
    down with me.

    Now if you want to keep your anti-semitic hate site running as it has
    in the past, I suggest you bugger off, as I have higher connections
    than ISP Serice Representatives.

    Your White Pride anti-semitic racist site will be in smoke and flames,
    regardless of what happens to me.

    Think about it.

    I suggest you shut your fuckin mouth before I get a hankerin to take
    the issue to the Feds.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 19, 2004
  14. Daniel J. Stern

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Yes, I'd never live in a city.

    You may well be correct about it being a statute, but you're not correct
    about it being enforced. I've never seen or even heard of anyone being
    written up for blowing their horn.

    Matt Whiting, Dec 19, 2004
  15. Daniel J. Stern

    Bill Putney Guest

    I'm also reluctant to sully myself with this, but there's such a thing
    as being your own ISP, which it appears those other sites have done and
    would explain their continuing existence. That's how terrorist groups,
    spammers, and other scum get around the normal rules of decency (or they
    just find ISP's with sub-human standards).

    I don't think Comcast is an anything-goes ISP (with or without their
    TOS). You'll probably find out soon enough.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 19, 2004
  16. Bill Putney, Net Cop

    Let me tell you something. Not 1 minute goes by on UselessNet when
    someone doesn't say something that offends somebody else.

    So that's the way the game is played here. And that is why killfile
    filters are built into Newsreaders.

    I will consider any attempt to violate my First Ammendment Rights as
    grounds to involve the constitutent parties in a Federal Lawsuit. I
    hope you have _deep_ pockets.

    Now, you are harassing me, and throwing veiled threats in my
    direction, so I advise you to cease and desist immediately.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 19, 2004
  17. This ordinance is -Enforced- in the City of Chicago, and may explain
    why it is so delightfully quiet.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 19, 2004
  18. Daniel J. Stern

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Which Chicago are you talking about? I was in Chicago, IL on vacation
    just a couple of years ago and it was anything but quiet. That was my
    last vacation there as well since I'll never spend another dollar in
    Chicago after the Meigs act of terrorism.

    Matt Whiting, Dec 19, 2004
  19. Chicago Illinois.
    I don't go downtown that much, because the traffic is bad all the
    time. But people tend to lay-OFF the horn business because the
    Chicago PD Traffic Cops are tough as nails, and don't take any shit
    from anybody, so the net result, is *pretty damn quiet for a city of
    this size.*

    It is even more quiet in the burbs, where I live. I'm lucky if I hear
    1 horn beep in an entire day.

    As far as *trouble*/terrorism is concerned, this does happen to be a
    bit of a rowdy town, but so is Scranton Pennsylvania. Anywhere you
    find a lot of blue collar beer-swilling people around, you're going to
    find a bit of mischief. For the most part, the worst you end up with
    is a bloody nose. The only people I know of that _deliberately_ go
    looking for trouble are , eh......

    hmmmm. Gang member, of which there are 50,000 in the Chicagoland

    Those are the guys you want to watch out for. The mokes from the
    mills are pretty good folks, all said. A scuffle here and there is to
    be expected on a friday or saturday night when the guys get loaded
    with their favorite brew.

    Otoh, with the gangsters, ah.....
    well just stay away from them. If you know the city, you know that
    the *core* is safe. Go anywhere else, do so with a local who knows
    the territory.

    I've lived here for 30 years, and is it a Miracle I am still alive
    with all my fingers and toes intact? No. I just know where the
    danger zones are, and stay away from them. And If I -do- have to
    travel through them, I am handing out Courtesy like it is going out of
    business. That's one thing gangsters appreciate, a little courtesy,
    as they usually spend their life in hell, and it is nice to hear a
    kind word from time to time. That will buy you a LOT around here, in
    Chicago. A little _courtesy_. In fact, it can stop a robbery in its
    tracks. Courtesy is what you want to have in your pocket, not mace,
    not a gun, not a knife, _courtesy_. That will disarm all but the most
    *rabid* of drug addicts.

    It is a good city with a lot of good people.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 19, 2004
  20. Daniel J. Stern

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I don't worry about the blue collar folks, it is the politician
    terrorists that I despise. The one's that rip up airports in the middle
    of the night. Chicago has long been one of the most corrupt cities in
    the US and the current mayor is adding to that reputation.

    Matt Whiting, Dec 19, 2004
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