Haynes manual instructions

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Daniel J. Stern, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. Daniel J. Stern

    Mike Behnke Guest

    Highly doubtful. In fact, probably worse.

    Bite the bullet and get the Factory Service Manual's.
    Mike Behnke, Dec 6, 2004
  2. Daniel J. Stern

    Yvan Guest

    Nedavno Mike Behnke pise:

    | Highly doubtful. In fact, probably worse.
    | Bite the bullet and get the Factory Service Manual's.
    | > I ordered directly from haynes.co.uk manual for both my Audi and
    | > BMW. Hope they are better than this one from '73 :)

    I probably will.
    Yvan, Dec 6, 2004
  3. I think there is some *online* service, don't remember the name
    offhand, and they have your service manual *online.* You subscribe on
    an annual fee basis; something like $25 a year or some such. Can't
    remember the name, but, that is the way I would go.

    A -physical- shop manual weights 20 pounds, takes a day to put
    together into the binders, and is a monstrosity. And unless you're
    changing out the rod bearings on your pistons or something, it seems
    to be a *bit* of overkill for most repairs you would make as a

    Many repairs require specialized tools, and those are going to cost
    you a fortune, and you may only use them once.

    Sometimes it makes more sense to bring the dang thing into a qualified
    service shop.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 6, 2004
  4. Alldata. Naw, they don't. They have *THEIR* service manual online. It
    contains somebody else's digest of information that comes from several
    sources. Many procedures are reasonably complete, others aren't.
    Horseshit. A physical shop manual consists of one or a few volumes,
    usually totalling about 5 pounds and fitting easily on a bookshelf. How do
    I know? Well, it might have something to do with the twenty or thirty
    factory service manuals I own.
    If you're trying to replace "rod bearings on your pistons", you've got
    much bigger problems than what manual to use.
    Sometimes it makes more sense to know what the hell you're talking about
    before you post.

    Daniel J. Stern, Dec 6, 2004
  5. Daniel J. Stern

    Yvan Guest

    Nedavno Lawrence Glickman pise:

    | >| Highly doubtful. In fact, probably worse.
    | >|
    | >| Bite the bullet and get the Factory Service Manual's.
    | >|
    | >| > I ordered directly from haynes.co.uk manual for both my Audi and
    | >| > BMW. Hope they are better than this one from '73 :)
    | >
    | >I probably will.
    | I think there is some *online* service, don't remember the name
    | offhand, and they have your service manual *online.* You subscribe on
    | an annual fee basis; something like $25 a year or some such. Can't
    | remember the name, but, that is the way I would go.

    It's http://www.alldatadiy.com. Is this really a Bentley manual on-line?
    How come they (Bentley) do not sell it on CD for my car (1989 Audi 100)?

    | A -physical- shop manual weights 20 pounds, takes a day to put

    I found factory manual on eBay for $105 and shiping was ~ $50 :)

    | Sometimes it makes more sense to bring the dang thing into a qualified
    | service shop.

    Every time I go to my mechanic I am more and more convinced that I
    should do repair by myself, since where I am there is no such thing as
    "qualified service shop". And Audi service is to expensive for me.
    Yvan, Dec 6, 2004
  6. Yah, thanks. Alldata. I've heard a lot about it but haven't signed
    up ( yet ).
    So, that is horseshit. I bought a service manual for a car and it
    came in two cardboard boxes. And it was big, and it was heavy. Maybe
    my memory of it isn't as clear as it should be, but I remember big,
    and I remember heavy.

    Of course, I'm not the "Hulk" you probably are, I'm just a little guy.
    exactly so
    blow it out your ass.
    I've been around longer than you have chump ( with a small c ). And I
    know more than you do, chump. Maybe not about any one particular
    thing, but things in general.

    Outta my way, sleezeball. BTW, ever finish high school did we?

    DS for damn shame.
    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 6, 2004
  7. Good question, Yvan. I would go over there and find out, but I have
    to go on an errand shortly. Otherwise, I would be happy to find out.
    It is *possible.*
    Damn good question. I suppose they want to keep the work in their
    shops where they can make the MOST money.
    That's right, Yvan. It is big, it is expensive, it is heavy, and
    you'll never even use or need 99.99% of the information in there.
    That's why I would go for the *online* service, IF they have
    documentation for your model car ( and year ).
    Exactly so Yvan. All service shops charge you twice. The
    technician-baffoon get's 1/2, and the *house* gets 1/2.

    And when I say baffoon, I am paying them a compliment. I had my
    rotors turned at a brake shop, and when I got em back from the ******
    who did the work, they were grooved so badly in a spiral pattern I
    could have used them for a barber pole.


    These *service shop* guys out here, VERY few of them know any more
    about what they are doing than you and I do, very few. Most are
    retards that are hired for the manual labor. No small wonder that
    their first names are Manny.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 6, 2004
  8. Daniel J. Stern

    Bill Putney Guest

    Was that really necessary?

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 7, 2004
  9. Daniel J. Stern

    Bill Putney Guest

    I own two alldata subscriptions - one for a GM, the other for a Chrysler
    product. While I am only recently finding that not all their
    information is complete, I have consistently noticed that what they do
    have is word-for-word out of the FSM. Figures and schematics are an
    exact copy of the ones in the FSM.

    You've obviously seen different?

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Dec 7, 2004
  10. Daniel J. Stern

    Geoff Guest

    Ol' Larry probably 'll think up something original to say to you now, Bill.
    Maybe 'blow it out your ass' or 'go **** yourself'.

    Damn, I just showed him how to spell the f-word.

    Geoff, Dec 7, 2004
  11. Daniel J. Stern

    Ray Guest

    A computerized shop manual is a PITA to browse through.
    I'm a computer guy, my machines are in the house. No PC in the garage
    yet. And I'm not touching my laptop after working on a car - way too

    And a shop manual is pretty much ESSENTIAL for ODB-II diagnostic
    procedures. Good luck diagnosing a P1039 with a Haynes manual that
    covers 4 engines over 9 years and 2 nameplates. (93-02 Camaro/Firebird
    for example.) The diagnostic section for ODB-II is probably thicker
    than the entire Haynes manual.


    Ray, Dec 7, 2004
  12. Actually, yes, I'm afraid it was.
    You see, the shop *manager* is a pro. Has been in the business at
    least 40 years. The employee he gave my brake job to, looked like he
    had *tude,* and proceeded to destroy my brakes. Bent a control arm,
    fucked my rotors up beyond recognition, and laughed all the time under
    his breath.

    I didn't notice all the damage until I got home.

    Note: I don't have that car anymore.

    Now, I've seen this happen at car washes and so forth, where darkies
    are working. They see a white boy, and although I said NO SCENT they
    proceed to spray it anyhow,

    And where do they spray it? Why on the driver's side seat of course,
    where they know I'm going to sit in it.

    I would like, for Christmass, a trailer hitch for my auto, and some
    chain. I will explain later.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 7, 2004
  13. good point
    Well I have a PIM manual that came with my scanner, and OBDII
    diagnostic CD Roms, BUT, the translations of the codes are built Into
    the 9145, so after entering your car made, model, and year, you get
    the proper interpretation of the code right on the display of the
    9145. No need for a manual to translate, although I have both the
    manual and the CD Roms.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 7, 2004
  14. Spoken like a True Car Breaker.

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 7, 2004
  15. Daniel J. Stern

    Neil Nelson Guest


    You may have seen Larry mention in another post earlier today
    that he had to run an errand.
    That errand was for him to get his regular blood tests.

    In a day or so, his doctor(s) will have his medications adjusted
    and we may see him become a bit more lucid.

    In the meantime, I wouldn't hold my breath.

    Go one Larry, tell him I'm not making this up.
    Neil Nelson, Dec 7, 2004
  16. Daniel J. Stern

    Neil Nelson Guest

    A Panasonic Toughbook is just the ticket in a shop environment.
    Keep some Go-Jo wipes handy or use latex gloves and they survive
    quite well.
    Or use MOD or AllData, print out the flow charts before you get
    your hands dirty, then toss the copies when you're finished.
    (laser printers are under $100 now)
    Neil Nelson, Dec 7, 2004
  17. All of that is true, but irrelevant.

    What is relevant, is that I live in hostile ****** country; there is
    hardly a white face to be seen around here, and the nigs hate the

    You must live in the South, where they still say Yessah and Massah !

    I live up in the North where they say "Give it up white boy, Give it
    up!" at gunpoint.

    Funnny, you people, you car breakers, are REALLY out of touch with
    reality, so far so, that many people go out of their way to ever make
    your acquaintance ( ergo, forums like this one ).

    Keep up the good work. You're giving Autozone and PePboys a bright
    future in spare parts !

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 7, 2004
  18. Daniel J. Stern

    Neil Nelson Guest

    Maybe he is/was a lurker in misc.survivalism?
    You probably hit the curb a few times on the way home.
    Hell, if you can't keep yourself under control, why would anyone
    assume that you can keep a vehicle under control.
    But you're gonna get as much mileage out of that grudge as you
    can, eh?
    Ya know, someone had mentioned that for some strange reason, you
    didn't smell like shit one day.
    That 'splains it!
    Fuckin' wit chur brain!
    Can you come and pick them up or should I ship them?
    Neil Nelson, Dec 7, 2004
  19. Impossible.
    He was a mouth-breathing knuckle dragger.
    Listen, my patience with you is running SHORT.
    HE took it for a *test drive.* After destroying my rotors on his
    milling machine, he bent the shit out of my struts.
    Nope. Learned my lesson. Stay away from niggers. Avoid them like
    the plague they are.
    One more, and you're toast. Makes no difference to me. Have it your

    Lawrence Glickman, Dec 7, 2004
  20. Daniel J. Stern

    Neil Nelson Guest

    All of that is true, but irrelevant.[/QUOTE]

    An explanation for your behavior is hardly irrelevant.
    It's really too bad that that's all the better you've managed to
    do for yourself.
    No Larry, actually I live about 90 miles north of you.
    I used to live on the south side of Milwaukee, been robbed,
    mugged and had our cars broken into more times than I can
    Then I got smart and moved to a better area.
    Other than yourself, I seriously doubt that there are any "car
    breakers" subscribed here.
    The reality is; the world is not going to conform to YOU Larry.
    The horse is dead, kick it, **** it or walk away, but for gods
    sake, quit beating it!
    I'm sorry, what caliber of gun is it that's being put to peoples
    Wouldn't know, there isn't an Autozone or Pep Boys within 20
    miles of where I live, but as far as I know, it's numbskulls like
    you that keep them in business, they -do- cater to the backyard
    weekend warrior cheapskate types like you though.
    Neil Nelson, Dec 7, 2004
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