gross polluter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JGBond, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. JGBond

    JGBond Guest

    I need imformation on emssion control system on a93,3.3L Chrysler
    twon&country van .How many sensors they are and how to replace them ?
    thank you in advance Juan.
    JGBond, Sep 14, 2005
  2. There are lots of sensors on a 1993 3.3. I can think of at least nine just
    off the top of my head. You don't just "replace them" at random. Sounds
    like your van probably needs diagnosis and repair, but you haven't given
    enough info for anyone here to help you.
    Daniel J. Stern, Sep 15, 2005
  3. JGBond

    C-BODY Guest

    If you replace them all, whether they need it or not, you still might
    not remedy the problem at hand. It could also need a new catalytic
    converter, even after you replace sensors that might not ALL need

    As mentioned, get a tech to use a CHRYSLER scanner (not an aftermarket
    version as such) to pull the codes and see what's going on. If
    something's that bad, it should have the "Check Engine" light
    blazing--unless somebody took it out.

    Don't rely on what an auto supply says their scanner says your vehicle
    needs either. Some sensors might show "bad" when the code they are
    supposed to have can be caused by another sensor not being good. Fix
    the original one and the other codes might disappear. Just as in the
    "old days", some things can interact to cause issues that make some good
    things operate badly, so you need to know how these things relate to
    each other.

    Or, you can continue as desired and spend your money on your vehicle and
    still not get it completely fixed. The dealership diag fees might sound
    high, but it can be less expensive than the total cost of a bunch of
    sensors that you didn't really need to replace.

    Just some thoughts,

    C-BODY, Sep 25, 2005
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