Green vehicles of 2007

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Guest, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. Guest

    Ford? Guest

    Here in Canada the Camry hybrid is about $5,000 (US$ 4,400) more than
    the base 4 cyl., but as you say the base 4 cyl is less well fitted than
    the hybrid.
    For example the base 4 cyl has the tackiest cheapest hub caps I've every
    see. The base Honda CR-V does it one better by not having wheel covers
    on ugly steel wheels.
    The lack of a sunroof doesn't bother me, having had one once I no longer
    have that desire.
    THX I'll have a look into this.
    Ford?, Apr 27, 2007
  2. Guest

    Some O Guest

    Here is an interesting program on the other side:

    Also look at "more from this user"...

    IMO GW & CC is now being driven by business interests and the
    politicans are either involved or have been swept along.

    Living in cold Canada I'm hoping for more warming! <:)
    Canada was 99.9% covered by a year round ice sheet 20,000 years ago and
    even now the permafrost boundary is only about half way north in Canada.
    Some O, Apr 27, 2007
  3. Guest

    Bill Putney Guest

    Excellent - and right on!!
    Bill Putney, Apr 27, 2007

  4. The BBC presentation looks like pretty good stuff, but I watched the
    other video posted by this user and didn't like it much.
    () Being
    religiously in favor of either side is equally unwise, and I thought it
    was obvious that the person who put this presentation together had an
    axe to grind.

    I take it that the segment about the ocean being depleted of fish was
    included because they thought that it had turned out to be nothing more
    than alarmist baloney. But it's true, most commercially fished species
    are severely depleted. That's why you can go to the store and buy weird
    fish now that you have never heard of before. The familiar fish are
    fished out, so now the fishing fleets are delivering formerly
    undesirable species that they used to throw away. The ecosystem of
    large portions of ocean have changed drastically because of the
    disruption in the food chain. The situation could be turned around now,
    of course, but not much is currently being done about it.

    I also didn't care much for the quote from George Carlin. It's pretty
    silly to think that humans are incapable of affecting the environment.
    Check out the latest issue of National Geographic for an interesting
    article about the effect that the English colonists had on the
    environment of North America within a relatively short time of their
    arrival. And yes, the Brazilian forest is being destroyed at an
    alarming rate so they can grow soybeans to ship around the world, among
    other things. This is very unfortunate, but I don't know what anybody
    is going to do about it.

    At any rate, I'd like to see more facts and less sensationalism.
    Robert Reynolds, Apr 28, 2007
  5. Guest

    Mac Cool Guest

    You have no integrity with which to make such a comment. You said
    "The debate in Seattle started with Mark Albright, a part-time UW
    meteorologist and, until this week, the associate state climatologist."

    If you need more sources, Google them.

    Also, naming a man's occupation isn't discrediting him. You're being
    defensive again. You owe me an apology.
    Mac Cool, Apr 28, 2007
  6. Guest

    Bill Putney Guest

    You can't stop being dishonest can you. It must be genetic. You may or
    may not even realize you're doing it (but that is typical of the left).
    I don't owe you anything.

    Also, I like how you claim you only accept "unbiased" sources, yet in
    your post previous to the one above, you used out-of context quotes
    (transparent to anyone with an IQ over 70) supplied by a George
    Soros-funded organization.

    Please keep this up. You are providing an education to those who
    haven't been previously sensitized to the tactics you are exhibiting for us.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 29, 2007
  7. Guest

    Delfin Black Guest

    And yet 2001 Priuses are sold every day with no difficulty.
    Delfin Black, Apr 30, 2007
  8. Guest

    Mac Cool Guest

    Robert Reynolds:
    It's very misleading and the majority of the scientists have little or
    nothing to do with climate. At least one of the scientists involved has
    since condemned the movie. Science has a process called peer review
    where research is checked, usually anonymously, by experts in the same
    field of study. The popular media is short circuiting this process by
    giving equal time and weight to the opinions of any scientist who speaks
    about climate change regardless of their field of study or whether they
    have published any peer reviewed work.
    Easy, start here:

    600+ scientists have spent seven years writing a report on climate
    change. The information builds on decades of research and has been peer
    reviewed umpteen times over... it is the best and truest information to
    date. Ignore what people say about it though and look into yourself.

    Until a year or so ago, I believed, like most people, that there really
    is a debate among scientists about climate change. The truth is there is
    no debate. All scientists in the field agree that the climate is
    changing and an overwhelming majority believe that humans are
    accelerating the process, while a small minority (mostly paid by special
    interests) claim humans are not accelerating global warming.

    There are plenty of media articles published by scientists who are paid
    up to $2500/day by oil companies to write opposing opinions to the
    climate research but just remember they are opinions, not verified
    research. You can usually sort them out by typing the author's name in
    at I generally stay away from movies or specials
    whether it's the UK movie or Al Gore's movie.
    Mac Cool, May 1, 2007
  9. Guest

    Mac Cool Guest

    Bill Putney:
    Well if you can't be right, at least you can be a jerk. GIGO.
    What I expected. You're wrong, I know, you know it and anyone still
    following along can read it for themselves. That's good enough for me.
    Mac Cool, May 1, 2007
  10. Guest

    Some O Guest

    I wasn't aware of any CC debate. CC has been a fact for many years.
    Back in my very early school years we learned about CC. Those who live
    in Canada learned at an early age about the ice age that covered most of
    Canada and the northern USA with a sheet of ice only 20,000 yrs ago.
    There's been a lot of warming since the last ice age and still a lot to
    come to become as warm as we know is was in the past. For example Baffin
    Island in Canada's far north had the climate of the Carolinas not that
    long ago.

    Where I live on the Canadian west coast it has been the longest cool
    winter since I came here in 1967. Those who have lived here longer
    agree. The spring has been cool as forecast a few months ago, but has
    been wet as not forecast. Too bad we can't forecast weather a few months
    That is the debate, but I don't agree that the majority believe humans
    are the most significant factor in CC.
    There are incentives for both sides of the argument to bias their info.
    The oil interests say humans aren't the cause, the scientists are
    looking for research grants, politicians are looking for CC conference
    travel funding.

    Some scientists who believe humans caused CC, feel our carbon emitting
    has saved us from the start of the next ice age.

    We are still learning about our earth, with much more to learn.

    What we need to do now is reduce our impact on the earth, I suggest we
    all start by not using gasoline lawn mowers.
    Some O, May 1, 2007
  11. Guest

    Mac Cool Guest

    Some O:
    It is a common misconception here in the states that scientists cannot
    agree about whether the Earth is warming or not. The misconception is
    perpetuated by popular media who boost their ratings by showcasing anyone,
    scientist or not, who can present a convincing argument against climate
    change, whether that person actually knows what they are talking about or
    not and without regard for the 'data' they use to support their position.
    So you end up with talk show hosts like this guy Beck, who has an audience
    of millions, giving out false or outdated information in order to create
    Mac Cool, May 2, 2007

  12. Why is it that so many people think we have an out-of-control
    conservative media that shoves propaganda down our throats, while so
    many other people think we have an out-of-control liberal media that
    shoves propaganda down our throats?

    Why does anybody even pay attention to TV anyway? They're just a bunch
    of hacks selling Froot Loops and beer.
    Robert Reynolds, May 2, 2007
  13. Guest

    Bill Putney Guest

    No - that is a common lie among people such as yourself. no one.
    Instead you want us to pay heed to sites funded by Geosrge Soros and the
    UN. Those are *your* "unbiased" sources that we should accept and not
    question or listen to any criticism of.

    You're about as FOS as a person can get.

    Don't forget - tonight CNN Headline News - 7 (1 hour), and then again at
    9. Mac Cool wants you to make up your own mind - only if you expose
    yourself to his George Soros and UN sources of false science. Freedom
    of will is a great thing.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, May 2, 2007
  14. Guest

    Bill Putney Guest

    Robert Reynolds wrote:

    Funny thing - you hear that, yet when I hear liberals like Mac Cool
    talk, they don't want you to hear the issues and make up your own mind.
    They want you to only read their "unbiased" sources (yeah - like
    George Soros and the UN). Yet the conservative here is saying - hey -
    look at what both sides are saying and make up your own mind after you
    see who is faking the data and who is not. Funny that the conservative
    says "Listen to the B.S. and the truth, then decide which is which".
    The liberal will always say "Only trust what I say, only listen to who I
    label as 'scientists' and disregard anyone I label as a 'non-scientist'.
    You are not smart enough to discern truth from lies. The UN and
    George Soros are credible sources of information and will make the right
    decision for you."

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, May 2, 2007
  15. Guest

    Mac Cool Guest

    Robert Reynolds:
    Popular media boosts it's ratings by creating controversy and polarizing
    audiences, targeting specific demographics. So news has moved further and
    further into editorial that is designed to suck in a certain type of
    people for whom life must be black and white, for whom there must be good
    guys and bad guys. That is why it's more important than ever to get
    information from a wide variety of sources, especially on hot topics that
    are most likely to be politicized like climate or the war in Iraq.
    Mac Cool, May 4, 2007
  16. That's why I asked the rhetorical question. You said the media
    showcases anybody who denies global warming, to stir up controversy.
    That sounds like half of the truth, according to your most recent post.
    Try to see it from both sides yourself. It just might be true that we
    are being lied to about the motives behind the "global warming is our
    fault" movement.
    Robert Reynolds, May 4, 2007
  17. "The UN" does not just comprise a bunch of politicians from dictatorships
    running human rights committees. It does a lot of good work with a lot of
    input from decent people from democratic countries, if I may put it

    Can't tar everybody in it with the same brush.


    For direct replies replace nospam with schmetterling
    Dori A Schmetterling, May 4, 2007
  18. Guest

    Mac Cool Guest

    Robert Reynolds:
    I have seen it from both sides. I became interested while following a
    forum debate on global warming. I read articles linked by both sides and
    realized there was so much rhetoric the only way to understand would be to
    ignore stuff published in the popular media until I had a good
    understanding of the issues for myself. So I started reading the summaries
    of peer reviewed scientific studies. I discovered one thing right away,
    there are no peer reviewed articles contesting global warming... none. All
    the articles contesting global warming are editorials (opinions without
    factual proof). I also discovered that some of the scientists writing
    those editorials were being payed by oil companies. Others were not
    contesting the theory on climate change just some of the details. The
    remainder of editorials were by nonscientists parroting the former two and
    usually exaggerating in the process. So I have seen both sides and the
    only evidence of some global conspiracy on global warming is in the minds
    of talk show hosts looking for ratings.
    Mac Cool, May 4, 2007
  19. Guest

    Bill Putney Guest

    You are definitely dishonest (already established several times over in
    your previous posts) and possibly also naíve, but definitely dishonest.
    You could not have been involved in any serious pursuit of the truth
    on this subject and come away with your claimed viewpoint.

    How about when the "scientists" and "experts" claim that CO2 causes
    warming and prove it by taking real data plots showing that first comes
    temperature rise, and *then* CO2 increases, but, before presenting the
    data, they time shift the two parameters relative to each other to show
    the opposite (i.e, CO2 rise, then temperature rise).

    IOW - if they were car accident "scientists", they would observe that
    accidents are always accompanied by damaged paint, and would prescribe
    doing everything you can and spending everything you have to protect the
    paint in order to prevent accidents.

    Or - how about when they spout statistics about "warm deaths" when
    temperature rises, but they dishonestly fail to cite the many-times-more
    less "cold deaths", and - vice versa - when temperature drops, "cold
    deaths" increase much more rapidly than the drop off in "warm deaths".

    Or how about when the IPCC summits occur for their collaborative reports
    - they write up the conclusions they want in a summary before the report
    is written, then have runners going back and forth to the various
    scientists producing the pieces of the report in an iterative process to
    see if they could reword and unify what they individually wrote in order
    to not contradict each other and converge on the arguments to support
    the summary that was written weeks earlier.

    Oh - I know - you'll deny all of that. But then that goes back to your
    blatant dishonesty.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, May 5, 2007

  20. At this point there is no benefit to discussing it further. When
    everybody agrees to disregard the mass media and dig into the deeper
    sources, there's no way to tell somebody which sources to believe. I
    guess that's just human nature. People pick sides and stick with them.
    Robert Reynolds, May 5, 2007
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