Greater percentage of wrecked cars being scrapped rather than repaired

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Geoff, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. Geoff

    Threeducks Guest

    Before that it was insurance or food for his "3 or 4" kids. None of
    this is really about him, it's just a bunch of buloney he's made up in
    the attempt to make a point.
    Threeducks, Jul 27, 2004
  2. Geoff

    Mr. Elbe Guest

    Quite true, the leasing companies are in business for profit and not
    for saving the lessor money. As far as I see, leasing is a cleaner
    write-off for a business than depreciation.
    Mr. Elbe, Jul 27, 2004
  3. Geoff

    Steve Guest

    No, its handing too much power to the insurance companies, and removing
    their incentive to make insurance a GOOD thing in order to attract
    And I agree, up to a point. Let me backtrack and say that maybe
    mandatory insurance itself isn't bad, but the current implementation is
    bad. But really, I don't remember it being horrible when it WAS NOT
    mandatory 20 years ago. In fact, things seemed to work better to me.

    Same here- you just open yourself up to too much risk without it.
    But wouldn't it be nice to be able to self-insure realistically? It used
    to be quite possible, but now in the age of big jury awards for a
    chipped nail, and huge medical bills for real injuries, it just isn't
    possible. And I think those changes have been encouraged by mandatory
    insurance (among other things- its hardly the sole cause.)
    Steve, Jul 27, 2004
  4. Geoff

    Steve Guest

    Dori A Schmetterling wrote:

    Its mainly the driver, I think. They know that the owner thinks the
    world of the vehicle and isn't going to use it as a bludgeon on the highway.
    Steve, Jul 27, 2004
  5. Geoff

    Steve Guest

    Jack Baruth wrote:

    One NEEDS a change when the car becomes more expensive to maintain than
    a new one is to purchase. That doesn't happen for many, many years- even
    with a generic people-mover like an Accord. If you pick a car you like
    to start with, rather than one that bores you to insanity after 5
    minutes like an Accord would, there's no reason to dump it every 2
    years. Yes, CERTAIN conditions might arise (a child born so the 2-seater
    doesn't work anymore) but that doesn't happen over and over and over,
    car after car after car.

    You can put a period after the word "day" and that sentence would be
    If it were a "know-nothing chestnut" then it would have been pounced on.
    But its a fairly well-proven and well-accepted fact that leasing is a
    losing proposition. If it weren't, then leasing companies wouldn't earn
    profits. Their profits have to come out of SOMEONE'S pocket- and that
    someone is the lessor.
    Steve, Jul 27, 2004
  6. Geoff

    Guest Guest

    I have found out the cheapest way to drive a vehicle, hands down, is
    to buy a good, relatively low mileage,5 or six year old car at a
    reasonable price, maintain it well, and drive it untill the repairs
    start getting frequent and/or expensive.

    The last car I bought for my wife was a 1988 model, purchased 6 years
    old with 100,000 KM on it. A $30,000 plus car when new, I paid $5700
    for it. It has served us well for 10 years and 146,000 aditional Kms.
    Total repair cost over 10 years have been roughly $2000, not including
    tires, oil and filter, tuneups, and brake linings. Add tires and
    brakes and it's still not much over $3000.
    When over a period of 2 months I had to do brakes, replace a brake
    line, repair the muffler, replace a hose clamp to stop a fuel leak,and
    the trunk closer motor failed, along with the headlight door motor, I
    decided it was time to look for another vehicle.
    I'll likely get $1000 for the old one.
    I just bought an 8 year old car with 90,000 km on it, in like new
    condition, for $5000. With any luck it will do us for another
    100,000km or more, and another 5 to 8 years before the repair
    frequency/cost starts to tell me it's time to replace it.

    Now, if nobody leased cars, there would be fewer low mileage late
    model cars for sale for me to buy.

    There are a FEW circumstances where leasing a car makes more sense
    than buying, but they are few and far between. And buuying used very
    often makes more sense than buying new. You only drive a NEW car ONCE.
    When it leaves the dealer lot, it is immediately a USED car.
    Guest, Jul 27, 2004
  7. Geoff

    Jack Baruth Guest

    That's simply silly. Both are outstanding cars and a delight to drive
    but they are unusually expensive to maintain, even relative to their
    cost of purchase.
    So any transaction in which one's opposite number earns money is a
    "loser"? We both know that isn't true. Ford made money on the '65
    Mustang and lost it on the '82 Escort; by your reasoning this makes the
    Escort the better choice. Is auto finance a "losing proposition"? Is
    obtaining a mortgage to purchase a home, rather than saving for thirty
    years and paying cash for one a "losing proposition"?

    The fact is that the ownership and operation of automobiles is almost
    always a "losing proposition". The vehicle owner almost always loses
    money while others - dealers, mechanics, body shop owners, banks,
    wholesalers, detailers, the fine folks at AutoZone - earn a profit.
    Leasing offers people the opportunity to absolutely fix their costs.
    Anybody who leased, say, an Isuzu Trooper around the Consumer Reports
    scandal, or an Audi 5000, or a mid-Nineties domestic automobile, "made
    out" in that they spent far less money to lease the vehicle than they
    would have spent to "own" it for a similar period.

    Yes, leasing has been abused. Auto time purchase has been abused.
    Trade-in practices have been abused. Heck, before Monroney *cash
    purchase* was abused... and don't forget all those folks who waited a
    decade for their KdF-Wagen savings plans to come to fruition. As
    noted before, the knowledgeable buyer will pay less than the sucker
    no matter how he arranges the acquisition of the car.
    Jack Baruth, Jul 27, 2004
  8. Geoff

    Steve Guest

    And therefore not worthy to be owned or driven. I see nothing
    "outstanding" about a car that is unreliable and expensive to maintain,
    unless its a 1932 Duesenberg.
    Nope- but any transaction where there is an EXTRA party making money
    compared to a similar transaction without the extra party is a loser for
    the buyer.
    Not if you use the full life of the automobile. Its only a losing
    proposition when you throw money away- EITHER by selling soon when the
    resale value is much lower than the utility value of the car, or by
    leasing. Cars are unique in that regard because while they perform like
    other "durable goods," their value artifically falls off much faster
    than other durable goods in the first months (hours!) of ownership. But
    the curves converge again out at around 10-15 years of ownership.

    If you just HAVE to have a different car every few years, it makes 100
    times more sense to buy a 1-5 year old used car than to buy or lease
    new. Then you're the one taking advantage of the artifically low resale
    Steve, Jul 27, 2004
  9. Geoff

    ThaDriver Guest

    Before that it was insurance or food for his "3 or 4" kids. None of
    this is really about him, it's just a bunch of buloney he's made up in
    the attempt to make a point.
    You're right; this is not ONLY about me. It's about the HUNDREDS OF
    THOUSANDS of poor folks & families out there that it's very obvious YOU
    don't care about. YOU are what's WRONG with this country!!!
    ~ Paul
    aka "Tha Driver"
    ThaDriver, Jul 28, 2004
  10. Geoff

    ThaDriver Guest

    Wait a minute. Earlier in this thread it was "one mile to the country
    store". Which is it?
    It's one mile to the store, which dosen't even stock milk. Their prices
    are near double what the grocery store charges, & I'm trying to buy
    groceries here lately with $10 or $20. And my knees can barely take *that*
    two-mile round trip. Why do you doubt EVERYTHING I say? I DO NOT LIE.

    a.) You *choose* to be a criminal by doing the crime. Nobody *turns* you
    into a criminal, especially not the "law". You, and only you, are
    responsible for your own actions. Period.
    So I'm supposed to sit here & STARVE just so I won't be breaking any

    b.) You've said elsewhere in this thread you own multiple vehicles. Hmm.
    That means you have assets, and therefore you have choices. What's
    you from selling off some of the vehicles you *can't drive anyway* and
    the proceeds to pay for insurance on one or more of the remaining ones,
    Driver? Or is it part of your "pursuit of happiness" to have a bunch of
    undriveable vehicles around, or are you just regularly driving without
    insurance and this is all BS anyway?
    I'm trying to sell the only complete, nice car I have. It's a *beautiful*
    mild custom VW Cabriolet: WANT
    It's my pursuit of happiness as an artist that compells me to build them.
    Then I like to be able to drive them occasionaly. My insurance just ran
    out on the 8th. I've been trying to get work or sell parts & the Cabrio
    for three months now, & I'm completely broke. I've sold just enough parts
    to buy groceries, & now I can't even do that as I have no way to drive to
    the post office to send them.


    My insurance company has paid on every claim I've ever made, and there
    been several over the years. All of the claims were legitimate, too.
    Yeah, sure they do. I'm not disputing that. They pay on millions of
    claims. It's the LEGITIMATE ones that they DON'T pay on that pisses me

    It is, they are and they do.
    WRONG AGAIN!!! If they choose not to pay you on your claim, & it's too
    small for a lawyer to screw with for TEN YEARS (or you don't have the
    money to pay him up front), there is NOTHING you can do! The insurance
    regulators won't do anything, the state legislators won't do anything - NO
    ONE WILL HELP YOU!!!! (why should they; they're the ones who are getting
    the payoffs in the first place!)

    Then you think you should be able to just do whatever the f*ck you want
    and to hell with everyone else, eh? Because that's what you're saying.
    No; I'm saying I should be able to go get groceries without going to
    jail!!! (As long as I don't hurt anyone, yes I SHOULD be able to do
    WHATEVER I want!)
    Who said I had a material problem involving you? I disagree with you.
    That's life, this is Usenet. Get over it.
    Accidents - that's life: get over it. (according to your philosophy). The
    fact that we let CRIMINALS go free is the problem. *Mandatory* insurance
    dosen't help us at all.

    Using what funds? He *had no funds*. He was an unemployed three-time
    with a pickup truck and a suspended driver's license and enough money for
    gas, booze and pain meds. You mean to tell me that I should wait around
    this creep to come up with the $4 or $5K this ultimately cost to get
    resolved? I got a life to live, bud. That's why he *should have had
    Granted. The mandatory law didn't help you at all, did it? But you said
    YOUR insurance paid for it. He should be made to work & pay back any of
    your losses as well as pay back your ins. co.

    If you're getting state assistance for medical, food stamps, WIC,
    housing *you're on welfare*.
    I don't get ANYTHING. I'm living a MOVING VAN, without a well. I have to
    bring in 5 gals. of water at a time, & put it on top of the van running
    through a black hose just to take a shower. I have to shower at a certain
    time of the day (outdoors) in order for the water not to be steaming or
    *very* cold.
    I say again: Show me where mandatory insurance has reduced welfare

    This is starting to sound like an opera. Wait, there's a violin playing
    the background.
    Too bad it's TRUE for SO MANY PEOPLE!

    Which would *you* choose? Then of
    Then I guess all the greedy bastard owners of the insurance companys
    to take it in the shorts, eh?
    They should be sent to jail for running a protection racket, along with
    the politicians that helped them.

    In State Farm's case, the owners are the policy holders. In GEICO's
    the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway are the owners.
    So you think people who own stock or who have State Farm policies are
    greedy, eh?
    They're not the ones making the decisions to screw people. But if they're
    involved in that, then yes they should be in jail.

    Haven't heard of, eh?
    They don't have CGI to run the scripts that allow folks to post their
    stories or for the message boards. You REALLY don't have a clue of
    ANYTHING that you're talking about, do you?

    Were any of those three things true, I wouldn't be happy with them
    Then you're a fool for thinking that the insurance cartel is OK, just
    because YOUR life is just hunky-dory.

    Aha! Another sock-it-to-the-rich liberal. I guess by now I'm not
    Everyone can only do what they can. You protect yourself & as you said
    manage your risks as best you can; I try to do the same. If the insurance
    cartel wants to make it illegal to drive a car, them they shouldn't be
    allowed to charge 1/4 of a man's income to do so. Do you not have any
    parents or grandparents on a fixed income?
    It must be nice to be able to sit here & argue for the rich & corrupt. I
    can only think you're one of them!
    ~ Paul
    aka "Tha Driver"

    Giggle Cream - it makes dessert *funny*!

    P.S. THE END: I'm not wasting any more of my time with this BS. When my
    site is back up, come visit & we'll discuss this in a forum where folks
    concerened with insurance issues can see it.
    ThaDriver, Jul 28, 2004
  11. Geoff

    Geoff Guest

    It must be nice to be able to sit here & argue for the rich & corrupt. I
    Sure...if you don't STARVE to death first!!!! LOL!

    Geoff, Jul 30, 2004
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