Grease Question, Part 2

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by newsmail, May 13, 2007.

  1. newsmail

    newsmail Guest

    Hi, I am the poster of the original Dumb Gease Question.
    I wanted to know why I can't fit my 25 year old grease fitting on my
    2002 Caravan zirc fittings, because the zirc is smaller than the grease
    nozzle, and even pushing with a lot of strength, the greases oozes out
    all over the zirc fitting but does not go inside it.
    The responses I got were nostalgic, dealing with "I remember when there
    were grease fittings all over the place".
    What I want to know is, "is there something special about the zirc
    fitting in my Caravan".
    Picture 005, towards the bottom, shows the zirc fitting that I am
    talking about. Picture 005 also shows another zirc fitting at the top
    right, that works OK. If I try and grease the bottom zir, the zirc
    fitting is DEFINITELY smaller than the other zirc fittings on the front
    end. This is true for left and right sides, these 2 bottom zircs only.
    Pictures 006 and 008 show my grease gun.
    If you think I am crazy, I am OK with you telling me so, but these 2
    particular zirc fittings are absolutely smaller than my other cars, and
    from the other Caravan fittings. Is this normal ? Is there a special
    grease nozzle I need to buy?
    newsmail, May 13, 2007
  2. newsmail

    Ken Weitzel Guest


    I'm the old guy who desperately tried to grease my brake
    bleeders, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but...

    The bottom "fitting" sure doesn't look like any grease fitting
    that I've ever seen. Are you *sure* it is? (cleaned up, and
    viewed from the end, can you see the check ball? )

    Take care.

    Ken Weitzel, May 13, 2007
  3. newsmail

    maxpower Guest

    Obviously you didn't read my reply. Your vehicle may not have grease
    fittings!! I wasn't joking when I replied the first time

    maxpower, May 14, 2007
  4. newsmail

    newsmail Guest

    Well, yes, I did think you were joking. Thank you sir for replying.
    These little doo-dads sure look like grease fittings, and they sure are
    located in a spot that would have you assume that they are grease fittings.
    The other little zirc fittings sure allow my grease gun to fit onto them
    and apply grease. If this one is for looks only (meaning it was for a
    one shot grease infusion at the time of assembly, and never again), then
    I am really amazed at the engineering staff for putting them there.
    At first, I just thought that one side was defective, like a little bit
    smaller. The other side being the same smallness just bewildered me,
    like "am I supposed to use something special on these fittings".

    I am also amazed at the collective intelligence of fellow internet
    users, and I imagine I will learn something from my fellow Chrysler
    newsmail, May 14, 2007
  5. newsmail

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    I don't see any grease fittings in picture 005.
    The -thing- in the lower ball joint is either a plug or a snapped
    off zerk, it certainly doesn't look like it will accept the end
    of a grease gun.
    Pity that the shots of the grease fittings weren't as detailed as
    those of the grease gun...
    aarcuda69062, May 14, 2007
  6. newsmail

    newsmail Guest

    Thanks. I did not get a great picture in 005 because I have to jack up
    the car and take the wheel off to do so.
    If the group is urging me to do so for clarity, I may be able to do this
    after work tonight. Maybe it's not a grease fitting, but it sure looks
    like one, and maybe a good picture would convince others as well.
    newsmail, May 14, 2007
  7. newsmail

    cavedweller Guest

    Once upon a time, seemingly to discourage use of anything other than
    factory fill grease, zerks were broken off.
    cavedweller, May 14, 2007
  8. newsmail

    newsmail Guest

    newsmail, May 14, 2007
  9. newsmail

    kmath50 Guest

    kmath50, May 14, 2007
  10. newsmail

    maxpower Guest

    Why do you keep going on and on with this thread about the grease fittings.
    let me spell it out ok. They do not have grease fittings!!! They have been
    lubricated for life and then snapped off. Do not try to install grease
    fittings. This started back on the 1997 mini vans.

    maxpower, May 14, 2007
  11. Thanks. You did spell it out loud and clear, about the grease fittings
    being lubricated for life, and not to install grease fittings.
    I am not sure I would have known this if it wasn't for you, because I
    had hunted around (Google) for weeks trying to understand why I couldn't
    grease these fittings.
    The power of this group is the collective knowledge!
    Robert Kalita, May 15, 2007
  12. newsmail

    newsmail Guest

    The tie rod ends have normal grease fittings, and grease up normally.
    Mr. Maxpower summed it up nicely, that the fittings in my pictures are
    lubed for life, and are not meant to be regreased.

    newsmail, May 15, 2007
  13. newsmail

    cavedweller Guest

    Well, it may have started "again" in 1997 but as I tried to indicate
    in my previous post ("Once upon a time.."....get it?) the lubed-for-
    life idea with broken off zerks isn't dates back to the
    cavedweller, May 15, 2007
  14. newsmail

    maxpower Guest

    We are talking Chrysler Mini vans here. the mini van wasn't around in the
    maxpower, May 15, 2007
  15. newsmail

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    The irony.
    aarcuda69062, May 15, 2007
  16. newsmail

    cavedweller Guest

    Was it Tom or Dick that said, "I did not know that."?
    cavedweller, May 16, 2007
  17. newsmail

    Bill Putney Guest

    Neither - it was Johnny.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, May 16, 2007
  18. newsmail

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    I thought it was Johnny that said, "I never kneeeeew that."
    aarcuda69062, May 16, 2007
  19. newsmail

    cavedweller Guest

    cavedweller, May 16, 2007
  20. newsmail

    Bill Putney Guest

    He said, among other things: "Ahhh - I did not *know* that!"

    One of my favorites that he did (one time) - he slipped it by the
    censors - remember he would bring 3 or 4 people from the audience up on
    stage and they would read from a script to create a play. Johnny, as
    narrator of the play, introduced a new character "...Mister D. Big
    Fookendeel..." (read it out loud - you'll get it). After he said the
    name, he paused and looked right into the camera with a big gleam in his
    eye, and then continued the sentence.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, May 16, 2007
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