GPS mounting for LHS

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dilbert firestorm, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. hey all

    I have a 2001 chrysler LHS. I'm wondering what kind of mounting options
    are there for a GPS. I currently have a Magellan 1470 mounted on the
    windshield just underneath the mirror, I prefer it mounted somewhere on
    the dashboard, not on the windshield.

    Dilbert Firestorm

    Opus is food for Orcas!!
    Yummy! Zizzle that Penquin!
    Rare, Medium, Medium-Well, & Well-Done!
    Wheres dat penquin!
    Zizzle that Zizzle!
    dilbert firestorm, Oct 24, 2009
  2. dilbert firestorm

    Bill Putney Guest

    You might also want to post your question on one of the forums here:

    I'd say put it in the Performance and Mods, Audio System Upgrades, or
    All Around Topics forums.

    People there have the answers on this type of thing for the LH cars.
    Bill Putney, Oct 24, 2009
  3. dilbert firestorm

    rob Guest

    i use one like this in my 96 LHS, and use the hell out of it, since i am on
    the road all day, every day. i run a Magellan maestro and this mount works
    fine. i started first looking locally at radio shack and such and found this
    style of mount but damn they were expensive!! (30 bucks or more i think).
    Here's one from Magellan . website shows it for the roadmate as well and i
    think that's probably right since all the Magellan's have the same basic
    mounting style on the rear of the housing.

    i don't blame you for wanting to mount it elsewhere. personally don't like
    things on the windshield since it blocks part of my field of vision and also
    in some states its not legal either.
    rob, Oct 24, 2009
  4. dilbert firestorm

    QX Guest

    How about a non-skid, friction,dash mount?
    QX, Oct 24, 2009
  5. ok, thanx I'll ask there.

    Dilbert Firestorm

    Opus is food for Orcas!!
    Yummy! Zizzle that Penquin!
    Rare, Medium, Medium-Well, & Well-Done!
    Wheres dat penquin!
    Zizzle that Zizzle!
    dilbert firestorm, Oct 25, 2009
  6. um, I'm undecided about that.... putting the gps on top of the dashboard.

    I was thinking something somewhere on front of the dashboard or in that
    empty space between the radio/AC & the cigarette outlet.

    Dilbert Firestorm

    Opus is food for Orcas!!
    Yummy! Zizzle that Penquin!
    Rare, Medium, Medium-Well, & Well-Done!
    Wheres dat penquin!
    Zizzle that Zizzle!
    dilbert firestorm, Oct 25, 2009
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