Got a rattle somewhere..

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JabberJaw36, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. JabberJaw36

    JabberJaw36 Guest

    got a 00' concorde lxi 3.2 every time you put the a/c on and put on gas it
    sounds like the injectors are pinging from bad gas,it will also do it if
    you hold you speed from 0-100+.turn off the a/c and it will stop, and it
    shows no codes. got any sugguestions
    JabberJaw36, Mar 10, 2006
  2. JabberJaw36

    Mike Guest

    Sounds like it may be a problem with the A/C. Bad A/C clutch ? Compressor
    bad ?
    Mike, Mar 11, 2006
  3. JabberJaw36

    nomail Guest

    I hate it when my injectors ping.
    nomail, Mar 12, 2006
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