GM joins Ford in jettisoning the minivan market

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Just Facts, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. Just Facts

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Perhaps, but in the real world they still do so automatically at 3 AM . ;)

    Mike Hunter, Dec 29, 2006
  2. Just Facts

    Joe Guest

    For pete's sake, why are you still cross-posting about this? Nobody cares!
    Shut up!
    Joe, Dec 30, 2006
  3. If you were paying attention I explained the 'why' about 12 posts
    ago, prior to all the pointless back-and-forth in this thread...

    Never mud-wrestle with a pig. It doesn't accomplish anything, and
    after a while you realize that the pig is enjoying it.

    If you want to keep up with him, that's your business.

    --<< Bruce >>--
    Bruce L. Bergman, Dec 30, 2006
  4. Just Facts

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Perhaps your ire should be directed to the person that cross posted the post
    to which I replied. ;)

    Mike Hunter, Dec 30, 2006
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