GM joins Ford in jettisoning the minivan market

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Just Facts, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. Just Facts

    N8N Guest

    Fast growing? Seems like GM/Ford have already saturated the SUV
    market, and there's already too many players in the AWD passenger car
    market. Audi and Subaru traditionally had a lock on this market (after
    AMC/Eagle left, but AMC never had decent marketing. I wonder what
    would have happened if the Eagle had a rally program like Audi or
    Subaru? Would have been fun to watch... but I digress) but now
    everyone and their brother is offering at least one AWD sedan or wagon.

    GM and Ford both need to come up with a product that is not just "as
    good as" but markedly BETTER than the existing products in a given
    class and price point if they want to get any market penetration.
    There's too many people out there that have a negative impression of
    GM/Ford and their products, "all things being equal" they will choose
    another brand based on past experience or reputation.

    N8N, Dec 25, 2006
  2. Just Facts

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Duh what Jap maker offers an AWD mid size sedan?

    Mike Hunter, Dec 25, 2006
  3. Just Facts

    Joe Guest

    Maybe so. I may be wrong but I perceive that as market segment of very
    finicky customers. It may be one of those markets where they spend a
    $billion on a new product, and the market just says it's mediocre.
    Mediocrity is the heart of what's driving them into bankruptcy.

    In fact I think we're already there with the "Edge". It's an all-out
    development effort, but reviews in the press are mixed. It looks good, but
    it weighs 5000 lb, and it only seats 5. There's nothing really great about
    the performance or the gas mileage. Just middle-of-the-road all the way.
    It looks a lot better than a Pacifica, but maybe not so good as the Murano,
    depending on your taste.

    How about the Compass? It's cheaper, but awfully ugly. The Compass is going
    to be the new Aztek, I'm afraid. Recent Autoweek test had all kinds of
    breakdowns. It's bad when you develop products that are ugly right out of
    the box.

    I guess this new Buick Enclave thing is the GM's big all-out crossover
    effort. Their current crossovers are kind of forgettable to me. I know
    they had the Ranier/Aztek for a while. Now they have that Pontiac Torrent
    instead and whatever it is at other divisions. These were all okay
    (ignoring the Aztek's styling). I guess you could say mediocre.
    Joe, Dec 25, 2006
  4. Just Facts

    Joe Guest

    I guess that's Subaru, right? Is that what you mean?
    Joe, Dec 25, 2006
  5. Just Facts

    Joe Guest

    GM and Ford both need to come up with a product that is not just "as
    You said it, man. Well put.
    Joe, Dec 25, 2006
  6. Just Facts

    Mike Hunter Guest

    If I felt as you do about any of the vehicles you mentioned, I would not
    buy one of those, if I were you. ;)

    Mike Hunter, Dec 26, 2006
  7. Just Facts

    Mike Hunter Guest

    And in the US they sell how many in a year? ;)

    Mike Hunter, Dec 26, 2006
  8. Just Facts

    Mike Hunter Guest

    That is not what is proven in the annual sales figures.. Both GM and Ford
    sell far more vehicles in the US than any import brand. ;)

    Mike Hunter, Dec 26, 2006
  9. Just Facts

    N8N Guest

    For now. Import market share is increasing and domestic market share
    is decreasing, and if this trend is not reversed it will be very bad
    news indeed for the US automotive industry and you won't be able to
    make that statement anymore. I stand by my statement and hope that GM
    and Ford's product planners agree with me, for their sake.

    N8N, Dec 26, 2006
  10. Just Facts

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    GM does. Projections are that Toyota will outsell Ford in the US next
    year (and GM worldwide).
    Joe Pfeiffer, Dec 26, 2006
  11. Just Facts

    Mike Hunter Guest

    It was not to long ago those 'in the know' were predicting Ford would 'soon
    outsell GM in the US,' as well ;)

    (I deleted your address line. No to smart of to put all of that information
    out in a NG.)

    Mike Hunter, Dec 26, 2006
  12. Just Facts

    Steve Guest

    This post brought to you by Mike's new book" Condescension: how to make
    friends and influence people by coming off like a know-it-all."

    I think Joe knows what he's doing. Nothing available there that's not
    available elsewhere, and besides he's been posting here for *years*.
    Steve, Dec 27, 2006
  13. Just Facts

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    I seem to remember those as maybe pie-in-the-sky projections for years
    down the line. I'm talking about projections for *next* *year*.
    Any specific reason not to, or just sort of a general paranoia?
    Joe Pfeiffer, Dec 28, 2006
  14. Are you aware that Mike Hunt, Mike Hunter and his other dirty-minded
    riffs on "My ****" is a classic Usenet Troll? Go look at his body of
    past postings again.
    It's rampant paranoia with delusions of grandeur - Dr. Sidney
    Friedman could make a mint psychoanalyzing Mikey.

    He once tried censuring me for putting "personal information" in my
    ..sig file too - but it was the business address and phone. If someone
    out there needs to hire an electrician in my case, or a computer
    science professor in your case, it makes sense you want to give them a
    way to contact you.

    Mike has made all sorts of grandiose claims over the years, but he's
    been very careful to not let any hint of his real identity slip out...

    Because then we'd be able to prove all those claims he's made over
    the years are totally false - he claims to own (present tense) several
    large multiple brand new-car dealerships, several homes in tony
    neighborhoods up and down the east coast including his "winter home"
    in Key West, FL, many exotic and unusual cars, etc. I gave up trying
    to keep track of all the lies long ago.

    He's on a freaking PennTeleData dial-up account from somewhere in
    rural Pennsylvania. AFAICT "A legend in his own mind."

    --<< Bruce >>--
    Bruce L. Bergman, Dec 28, 2006
  15. Just Facts

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Ah. Didn't even catch the pun.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Dec 28, 2006
  16. Just Facts

    Mike Hunter Guest

    When you begin to get dozens of calls at 5 PM from telemarketers and all of
    the paper in your FAX machine is printed out with spam at 2 AM you may feel
    differently, unless of course it is not YOUR paper ;)

    Mike Hunter, Dec 28, 2006
  17. Just Facts

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    So... so it's sort of a lack of understanding of the differences
    between email spam and telemarketing. Nothing to worry about.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Dec 29, 2006
  18. Just Facts

    Just Facts Guest

    What differences?
    Just Facts, Dec 29, 2006
  19. Just Facts

    Mike Hunter Guest

    I guess he never had his FAX spammed. ;)

    Mike Hunter, Dec 29, 2006
  20. Just Facts

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    The economics are completely different. Sending email spam,
    especially using botnets, is essentially free. Last I saw, estimates
    were that the response rate on email spam was down around one in
    100,000 -- but the cost of sending the message is so low they're still
    making a profit. At those rates, harvesting my email address from
    usenet is worth it to them; unfortunately, my email address was in so
    many different places long before there was spam that ceasing to use
    it on usenet wouldn't make any difference at this point. I don't use
    my personal email address on usenet!

    A telemarketing call or fax spam costs infinitely more -- up in the
    pennies range. For random telemarketers to call my office to make
    pitches on the basis of harvesting the phone number from usenet would
    be insane; likewise to send spam to the department's fax machine on
    that basis.
    Joe Pfeiffer, Dec 29, 2006
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