GM bid sparked Chrysler auction

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim Higgins, Mar 26, 2007.

  1. Jim Higgins

    Jim Higgins Guest

    GM bid sparked Chrysler auction

    General Motors Corp. has a bid on the table for the Chrysler Group and
    remains a long-shot candidate to acquire the struggling U.S. division of
    DaimlerChrysler AG, The Detroit News has learned.

    While GM's offer, made in late January, was initially rejected by
    DaimlerChrysler, the bid is still active as other potential buyers gear up
    to make their own proposals this week.

    GM's bid has three components but does not include any cash payment for
    Chrysler, according to people familiar with the situation.

    To acquire Chrysler, GM offered to give DaimlerChrysler a minority stake in
    GM stock of less than 10 percent.

    In addition, the proposal called for DaimlerChrysler to pay GM more than $1
    billion to defray Chrysler's health care costs, and then team up with GM to
    seek financial concessions for Chrysler from the United Auto Workers.

    The GM proposal was rejected as too low by DaimlerChrysler, according to
    people close to the talks.

    The rejection then prompted DaimlerChrysler CEO Dieter Zetsche to go public
    on Feb. 14 that "all options" were being explored for Chrysler.

    Zetsche's announcement triggered a rush of interest in Chrysler from
    heavyweight Wall Street investors as well as the Canadian auto supplier
    Magna International Inc.

    Last week, Magna made a provisional offer to acquire Chrysler, according to
    a source close to Magna's board of directors.

    One auto analyst, Bret Hoselton of KeyBanc Capital Markets, said in a
    research report Friday that Magna and an unnamed private equity partner had
    offered to acquire Chrysler for $4.7 billion.

    However, the source close to Magna said Sunday that the supplier is still
    talking to several private-equity firms about potential partnerships.

    The head of the Canadian Auto Workers said Sunday that Magna's bid for
    Chrysler did not come as a surprise.

    "I always thought they were serious," said CAW President Basil "Buzz"
    Hargrove. "The question is what shape is it going to take, and will it be
    successful. They are not going to be the only bidder."

    People close to the sale process said two major private-equity contenders
    are likely to weigh in with bids this week -- Cerberus Capital Management
    and a joint effort by the Blackstone Group and Centerbridge Partners.

    Cerberus and Blackstone are in the final stages of formulating their
    proposals. Both groups have been aggressive investors in the automotive
    sector and are said to be keenly interested in a Chrysler acquisition.

    Cerberus has hired former Chrysler chief operating officer Wolfgang Bernhard
    as an adviser, a move that could strengthen its position in the bidding

    GM may still be contender

    But even with Magna and private-equity players in the bidding, GM could
    still prove a force to be reckoned with.

    GM Chairman Rick Wagoner first discussed a Chrysler deal with Zetsche in
    December, according to people familiar with the discussions.

    GM, the No. 1 U.S. automaker, was seen by DaimlerChrysler as a natural buyer
    for Chrysler.

    The talks focused on how GM could absorb all of Chrysler's operations and
    possibly use the deal to leverage historic cost-saving concessions from the

    But GM was unwilling to pay any cash for Chrysler, and insisted that any
    approach to the UAW be made together with DaimlerChrysler.

    When the GM offer proved inadequate, DaimlerChrysler then moved to open up
    the bidding process to other interested parties.

    However, GM and DaimlerChrysler have continued to talk about a possible
    Chrysler deal, according to people with knowledge of the talks.

    Fritz Henderson, GM's chief financial officer, has met several times with
    DaimlerChrysler CFO Bodo Uebber and chief strategist Ruediger Grube. Wagoner
    and Zetsche have also met periodically.

    One person close to the situation said GM is considered a "long shot" to
    emerge as the winning bidder for Chrysler. Another person involved in the
    process said GM appears to be "waiting in the wings" if a private-equity
    deal does not materialize.

    DaimlerChrysler declined to comment Sunday on the bidding process. A GM
    spokesman declined to discuss whether the automaker has made an offer for

    "We've said often in this process that we have conversations with other
    automakers from time to time," said Tony Cervone of GM. "Often they don't
    lead to anything.

    People close to the sale process said the German automaker is anxious to
    report progress soon on a potential Chrysler deal, although company
    officials are trying to dampen speculation of an announcement at its annual
    shareholders meeting on April 4 in Berlin.

    Stocks soar on sale news

    Chrysler's $1.5 billion loss last year was the final straw for
    DaimlerChrysler shareholders who have been highly critical of the 1998
    acquisition of the U.S. automaker by the former Daimler-Benz AG.

    The potential sale of Chrysler has caused a near-euphoric reaction among
    DaimlerChrysler shareholders. On Friday, the company's stock soared to
    $82.36 -- its highest point in six years.

    Estimates of Chrysler's value vary widely, but some analysts say its
    unfunded health care liabilities may largely offset the value of the
    industrial assets, excluding Chrysler's share of DaimlerChrysler's financial
    services. Chrysler has $17 billion in health care liabilities, which could
    be reduced if the automaker obtains health care concessions from the United
    Auto Workers similar to those granted to GM and Ford Motor Co.

    One analyst said potential bidders might ask DaimlerChrysler to contribute
    more toward the liabilities as part of a deal, but "in our view, it's not
    necessary for them to write a big check."

    With more bids possibly coming in this week from Cerberus and Blackstone,
    the stock could be poised for another wild ride.

    "This is going to be an important week," said Hargrove, "and an interesting
    Jim Higgins, Mar 26, 2007
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