gauge cluster

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by b.clausen, Apr 14, 2005.

  1. b.clausen

    b.clausen Guest

    I found a speedo and tach gauge cluster on ebay for a dodge shadow. My 91
    sundance just has the speedo gauge in it. How hard would it be to install
    this, mainly making the tach work. I want a tach since it is a 5 spd, and
    would like to have the stock one if possible.
    b.clausen, Apr 14, 2005
  2. b.clausen

    kmatheson Guest

    There used to be a poster on this group named *Spikey.* He was able to
    upgrade the instrument panel on his 1991 Le Baron by just swaping the
    panel for one with a tach. The wiring on his non-tach Le Baron was able
    to run the tach without modification. The tach equipped panel had a
    control module on the back that drives the tach.

    He had a website with step by step pictures and instructions. The link
    that I have is no longer active.

    -Kirk Matheson
    kmatheson, Apr 14, 2005
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