Gasoline odor on 1997 Voyager

Discussion in 'Voyager' started by the unknown, Apr 19, 2004.

  1. the unknown

    the unknown Guest

    I have a 1997 Voyager Rallye that emits a strong gas odor on the
    exterior, especially immediately after the car is shut off. I've crawled
    underneath and see no sign of leaking from the tank or fuel lines. A
    quick check under the hood reveals no glaring signs either.

    I must admit that since I am a newbie at auto repair I don't know
    exactly what to look for, but I'm no dummy, either. I figured if it's
    something I can take of myself, I'll forego taking it to the repair shop
    and save some money.

    Does anyone else have an idea what else to look for leaks in the tank or
    fuel lines? I'll get a copy of chilton's from the library to help me
    find where everything is.

    Thnak You
    the unknown, Apr 19, 2004
  2. the unknown

    Tom B Guest

    Not sure if this will help or not but I have a 1996 Grand Voyager which had
    the same problem.

    I could not find out where it was coming from until about a month after the
    smell started I noticed gas drips coming from the filler neck area as I was
    filling up.

    After more careful inspection I found a hole in the filler neck where it had
    been chafing against the body frame. I had to actually take an electrical
    wire rap plastic tie and pull it off of the frame. I coated the filler pipe
    with a compound called SealAll that I bought at Canadian Tire. This stuff is
    amazing for plugging holes and gas does not affect it in any way. You can
    even apply it even if gas is dripping it will eventually stop the drip.

    Hope this help some with your problem and one place to maybe take a look
    at....If you need anymore info drop me a line ...

    Tom B, Apr 19, 2004
  3. the unknown

    MoPar Man Guest

    Here is a solution to finding the gas leak in your nice,
    visually-appealing minivan.

    Drive around with some large metal appliance wedged under your van -
    an old singer sewing machine would do nicely. When you notice smoke
    and/or fire, pull over (preferably in a ditch) and take note where the
    flames are coming from. Repair at your conveinence.
    MoPar Man, Apr 20, 2004
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