Gas Tank Fill Location All Wrong

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by George Orwell, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. Well, many middle age people must be in "in transsion" in Oregon, because
    there are many older long time gas pumpers in the state.

    It's a transition
    No wonder the incidence of credit card fraud at Oregon gas stations is so
    high. Many Oregon stations don't even let their criminal gas pumpers touch
    the money, the have to employ a cashier too.

    No thanks, I would rather NOT be mandated by the state to mix and mingle and
    hand my money & personal information over to, or worse have my wife forced
    to mix and mingle with this EX-CON trash, that we would NEVER otherwise
    associate with in any way shape or forum.

    You want to be charitable to the EX-CONs, have at it, My wife and I would
    rather NOT.

    Like I said, if you want to be charitable to the EX-CONs, have at it, My
    wife and I would rather NOT.

    Hum, maybe seal our borders, and they could take the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT work.

    Bullshit, because that is not happening in the other 48 states THAT DO NOT

    It is absolutely measurable, the total cost of each employee is a black and
    white KNOWN figure. The customer pays that cost, a fact in every business,
    all costs are ultimately paid by the customer, or the business fails.

    So you could
    Yet, somehow you think the STATE MANDATING I do business with and subsidize
    Ex-Cons helps that???? Totally unrelated.
    My Name Is Nobody, Nov 22, 2007
  2. Yes they will and do, you need to get out a little more. I have had the
    distinct displeasure of buying gas at stations in Oregon THAT DO NOT TRUST
    THEIR CRIMINAL gas pumpers enough to let them handle the money. The also
    have to employ a cashier. So when your pumping is done, the looser gas
    pumper writes pump number and $ value on a small note pad, hands it to you
    and you have to leave your car blocking the pump and walk inside to the
    cashier to pay.

    Wrong. Mandated by the government! If I want to allow self service at my
    gas station, IT IS THE GOVERNMENT that will not allow me to do it.
    My Name Is Nobody, Nov 22, 2007
  3. In two misguided states (with relativly low populations) out of 50, ya

    And that TED is a FREE MARKET (Business governed by the laws of supply and
    demand, not restrained by government interference, regulation or subsidy.
    also called free enterprise) at work in a FREE Country. Stick your big
    brother interference and social engineering plans up your ass.

    "For those of us who have fought for it, FREEDOM has a taste that the
    protected will never know."
    My Name Is Nobody, Nov 22, 2007
  4. This supposition on your part is pure fantasy, please supply links to some
    reliable sources that concur with this, I'm sure you cannot. Unemployment
    is only paid "temporarily" to the "previously employed".

    You want unskilled jobs for the otherwise unemployable? STOP the flow of
    ILLEGAL ALIENS through our borders. There's your source of millions of
    unskilled jobs.

    No I did not, but you can't get there from here. You are trying to compare
    two prices in two different states that have dozens of variables, and treat
    them as though the misguided no self service law is the only variable.

    Unless you take into account everything, (state fuel tax, property tax,
    state mandated employment costs, state and local business taxes Portland's
    are very high, the list is gigantic) your comparison is meaningless.

    There are plenty of Home Depots & Best Buys in Washington State, this is

    Hello, Washington repealed that years ago, not an issue today.

    Your ignorance is simply sad, I suggest you start here:

    Basic Economics A Citizen's Guide to the Economy
    By Thomas Sowell
    ISBN 0-465-08145-2
    My Name Is Nobody, Nov 22, 2007

  5. You are wrong, Tom.

    It is mandated and enforced by the GOVERNMENT! In a FREE ECONOMY, it would
    be decided on a daily basis by THE PEOPLE with their dollars!
    Funny, in 48 states where the government does not mandate pump monkeys, the
    people have universally chosen SELF SERVICE!

    This book would go a long way toward your edification on this topic...

    Basic Economics A Citizen's Guide to the Economy
    By Thomas Sowell
    ISBN 0-465-08145-2

    Pay close attention of the rent control section...
    My Name Is Nobody, Nov 22, 2007
  6. We didn't have a choice and we still don't.
    Can you say chosen by a preponderance of ignorant (in this case lazy too)
    misinformed voters? This is a prime example of why a representative
    government can and generally is much better than allowing a bunch of
    ignorant people to be swayed by a few biased 30 second TV commercials, take
    a position on an issue, vote on that issue, and yet they still have ZERO
    understanding of that issue.

    We do not have a choice. He who sways the most uneducated mindless cows
    gets his way...

    My Name Is Nobody, Nov 22, 2007
  7. There is no training.
    My Name Is Nobody, Nov 22, 2007
  8. You have to compare all the variables, besides, there are absolutly
    different qualities of gas, and Astro sells one of the lowest...
    My Name Is Nobody, Nov 22, 2007
  9. George Orwell

    Tom Guest

    i don't give a damn about Oregon, i am not talking about Oregon, i never was
    talking about Oregon. my comments are about New Jersey, and i said many
    times that i was talking about New Jersey. so how do you associate what i
    said about New Jersey into something about Oregon?? i do not see any
    Tom, Nov 22, 2007
  10. George Orwell

    Tom Guest

    and what exactly does a book on rent control have to do with the poeple of
    New Jersey voting on the fact that we do not want self serve gas stations in
    our state???
    Tom, Nov 22, 2007
  11. George Orwell

    Tom Guest

    good for you. we had the choice, and voted to keep self serve out.
    Tom, Nov 22, 2007
  12. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    Umm - yes - you decided how *everyone* in your state would be forced to
    do it. My way gives everyone the option. A group choice for everyone
    is not choice by each individual, now is it.

    I can go to the grocery store and choose among several brands and
    versions of bread to buy. What you're saying is that your state could
    vote to only allow one brand and type of bread in the grocery stores.
    Since you all voted on it, you call that making a choice - which any
    reasonable person would call b.s. If you don't vote on it and allow the
    free market to offer whatever it will like it does now, guess what: Each
    individual gets to truly make their own choice. Your voting on it
    eliminated all choice even though you call that making a choice.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Nov 22, 2007
  13. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    Bill Putney, Nov 22, 2007
  14. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    That's amazing. If your state voted to only allow one brand and type of
    bread in the grocery stores, you would call that making a choice. But
    if I go into a grocery store in a state that didn't vote on it, I can
    choose among many, many types of bread. What you call choice, I don't
    call choice. Where it wasn't voted on is where the true choice is.
    You're confusing individual choice with group decision.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Nov 22, 2007
  15. WRONG. Here is CT self serve is allowed. The stations that offer to pump
    for you do at incredibly inflated prices. We're not saving a penny over the
    stations that pump in MA. (after taking out the tax differences). Some
    stations offer full service at 30¢ to 50¢ a gallon more so they dissuade you
    from using that "service".

    No one in my household chose self service, it is just not offered as it is
    in other states at reasonable or the same prices.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Nov 23, 2007
  16. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    So the reason my state should outlaw self service is so that ex-cons can
    have jobs? Sorry - we'll never see eye-to-eye.
    Let's see - maybe tell them they need to get some education and skills.
    Tell them they should have listened when people tole them not to drop
    out of school. Pay them to go around giving lectures to kids in school
    telling them not to do what they did?
    Tell them they should have listened to people when they told them not to
    get pregnant, that actions have consequences. Pay them to go around
    giving lectures to kids in school telling them not to do what they did?
    Tell him the same thing you tell the dropout and the one who got pregnant.
    So banning self service gas is the way to create private welfare instead
    of government welfare? Not sure where you're going with this.
    Then I guess they better find another line of work. Not my problem, is it.
    Yes - the free market would say that if that's true, then the newspapers
    will have trouble finding enough cariers, so, if the newspaper wants to
    stay in business, they better raise the carrier pay scales to get enough
    carriers so their newspaper can stay in business. If the money taken in
    from selling newspapers can't pay the carriers *and* keep the newspaper
    afloat, then the newspaper will go out of business. If the public is
    not willing to pay enough for the subscriptions to keep the newspaper in
    business with all of its costs, including paying the carriers a living
    wage, then it should go out of business. See how the free market works?
    Whatever the free market decides. If it costs more, it costs more.
    Let it go to private enterprise. Guess where the people who are
    presently postal carriers could get a job? Should we ban email because
    it takes jobs away from people who might otherwise have jobs delivering
    You must be kidding. Why stop at self-service gas stations. Why not
    outlaw people shopping in grocery stores. Make the stores hire people
    to get the groceries from lists that the people would make up and hand
    them. (If you don't like that example, then choose some other just as
    silly example of your choosing - makes as much sense as banning
    self-service gas for the reasons you cite.) After all, paying those
    people to do that would cost society less than those same people being
    on welfare. Is that what you're saying? Your argument is ridiculous.
    If milk in glass containers is that important to enough people, then
    they can start their own milk company and use glass containers. If the
    demand is there for it, they can make a go of it. If not, then they
    will go out of business. Oh - guess what - they did. Guess people
    don't care enough about glass milk containers to pay the extra costs
    involved, or they flat out prefer the paper and plastic cartons for some

    The laundryman doesen't
    So I guess we ought to ban grocery stores selling milk, and outlaw
    permanent press and wash-and-wear clothes to keep all those milkmen and
    dry-cleaners off the welfare doles. That makes as much sense as your
    reasoning for banning self-service gas.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Nov 23, 2007
  17. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it Tom? It is not a book
    on rent control, and that was never inferred.
    It is a book on basic economics, of which you are woefully ignorant, the
    section on "rent control" just speaks very well toward your uninformed ideas
    that less personal choice and more government control makes your life

    Sowell is at his best discussing microeconomics in the first two-thirds of
    the book. Unlike most accounts, which cover the subject from the point of
    view of business or investment, Sowell concentrates on government action, in
    an effort to prepare the reader for civic participation. He addresses price
    controls and subsidies in detail, both as important political issues in
    their own right and to demonstrate how prices work by showing what happens
    when they are constrained. In the final third of the book, he wades into
    more complex and controversial territory--macroeconomics, international
    economics and popular fallacies-
    My Name Is Nobody, Nov 23, 2007
  18. George Orwell

    Tom Guest

    but we did not vote on only one type of bread. the people of the state of
    New Jersey said we don't want to pump our own gas. what is so hard to
    understand about that??

    if i travel out of state, i then have the choice of self serve, or full
    serve. and when given that choice, i use full serve, cause i dont want to
    pump my own fuel.
    Tom, Nov 23, 2007
  19. George Orwell

    Bill Putney Guest

    Not hard to understand at all. Just quit making it sound like choice
    was increased by eliminating choice.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Nov 23, 2007
  20. George Orwell

    Mike Marlow Guest

    No - you voted to not allow anyone the choice.
    Mike Marlow, Nov 24, 2007
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