Gas Guzzler SUVs & Pickups will continue to sell

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Aug 9, 2005.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    Nomen Nescio Guest

    Gas Guzzler SUVs & Pickups are here to stay no matter even if gasoline hits
    $5 a gallon.

    The reason is simple: respect. Try driving a bicycle or motorbike in Los
    Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, or any other town Chuck Berry sings about and
    you will either get scared shitless or run over flat. Your well being
    means nothing to these crazed drivers and that is the truth. Every
    roadwayis an autodrome and every freeway a Gran Prix Circuit.

    Tool down the road as slowly as you please in a Hummer (full size model)
    and let 'em hit ya.
    Nomen Nescio, Aug 9, 2005
  2. Nomen Nescio

    Eugene Nine Guest

    I know I shouldn't reply to the troll but,
    Doesn't matter what they are driving, people can't drive and don't respect
    bikers at all. Someone in the office who drives an econobox honda coffin
    was complaining about a bicycle on the street holding up traffic.
    Why is it all the small cars are the ones that cut across the lines on
    curves or park crooked in the parking space and its the big trucks/suv's
    that are in between the lines where they should be. Does driving the tiny
    car require so much less skill to drive that they forget how, it is their
    attitude that they are better then anyone driving a vehicle that gets a mpg
    less than them that they think they don't have to follow the rules.
    Eugene Nine, Aug 9, 2005
  3. Nomen Nescio

    Al Bundy Guest

    Where I live they care little about the price of gas. Starter homes are
    a bargain in the mid 350's. The kids are riding around on electric
    scooters and mini versions of hummers. My timing was just very bad. I
    should have been born much sooner or much later.
    Al Bundy, Aug 9, 2005
  4. Nomen Nescio

    vince Guest

    I agree. Where I live new one-bedroom condos are selling for $350K and
    decent homes are $900K.
    So, what does an extra $10 per fill-up really mean when you can afford house
    prices like this.
    vince, Aug 10, 2005
  5. Nomen Nescio

    NJ Vike Guest

    Multiply that by how many times you fill up and see what it does in a year?
    Also, how much more is it going to go up and how soon?

    Fortunately, I work Virtual Office but if I did have to commute 50 miles a
    day or more, I would have sold it by now.
    NJ Vike, Aug 10, 2005
  6. Nomen Nescio

    vince Guest

    I only live 6 miles away from work so I use up 30 gallons of gas a month.
    If gas has gone up 75 cents/gallon then I am looking at a cost of an
    additional $270/year.
    This isn't going to make much of a difference to me but with housing having
    increased by up to 50% in just two years that's what worries me. I regret
    not buying two years ago. Gas is only a very small portion in my list of
    vince, Aug 10, 2005
  7. Nomen Nescio

    NJ Vike Guest

    I know the feeling. An increase here and an increase there. Can't win
    NJ Vike, Aug 10, 2005
  8. Nomen Nescio

    R Steenerson Guest

    Your right. If the cost per fill up is $10 and you fill up 50 times a
    year that is still only $500 extra a year which won't break the budget for
    the average person. But, who is to say it stops at $10. For me a fillup is
    at $10 up from last year only because I have small gas tank on my Taurus.
    Yesterday, I filled up for $25 which last year was about $15 to $17. So, if
    gas stops here, it will not make too much difference. But, what if it
    begins to be up $50 or $60 a fill up for say 18 to 20 gallons and a person
    fills up 30 times a year. That could impact some people particularly older
    people on fixed incomes or low income people.
    Will people still buy SUVs if gas is $5.00 or maybe $10.00 a gallon?
    Probably, some will still buy Hummers and Jeep Cherokees, etc. but, the
    sales on those types of vehicles will be reduced. There will be a lot more
    hybrids sold to be sure and quite a few VWs and Ford Focus's and other small
    cars. Additionally, the used car market for large gas guzzler cars will get
    a lot more dicey.
    The bigger issues is that the excalation of gas prices could drive us
    into a recession or worse and it means that there is a lot more money
    flowing into Muslim dominated countries where a lot of people do not like
    R Steenerson, Aug 14, 2005
  9. Of course. Just look at western Europe.

    And, BTW, "you are" is "you're", not "your"...


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling

    Dori A Schmetterling, Aug 14, 2005
  10. Nomen Nescio

    Moon Guy Guest

    This trend has already started.

    The Prius Hybrid has taken off in sales.
    The could become much harder to sell. Buyers of older used vehicles
    have financial limitations. The large truck based SUVs will be a very
    tough sell when they are 6+ yrs old.
    Moon Guy, Aug 16, 2005
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