Gas Gage Problems - '99 T & C

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mike Behnke, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. Mike Behnke

    Mike Behnke Guest

    First order of business is to get your hands on the FSM. Check E-Bay.

    Second order of business, use the Haynes manual to clean your tools
    and hands after your replaced the pump/sending unit. Due to their
    numerous errors, Haynes manuals are virtually useless.
    Mike Behnke, Nov 10, 2004
  2. Where are you located and what brand of gasoline do you use? These
    symptoms were very common especially on Chrysler products with Shell
    gasolines sold in several regions of Canada.

    Instructions for proper use of a Haynes manual here:
    Can't readily be done -- the chime is controlled by the BCM and is
    thoroughly integrated.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 10, 2004
  3. No -- once the bad Shell stuff (which was *mostly* confined to Canada, but
    not entirely, and which is supposed to have been out of the system by this
    past Spring) gums-up the sender, it's gummed-up. You could try a good
    brand of in-tank fuel system cleaner (BG 44K or Chevron Techron
    Concentrate) but the odds it would fix it are slim. You almost certainly
    *are* looking at dropping the tank.
    Be advised, if you cut that wire, you'll probably wind up with full-time
    chime operation.
    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 10, 2004
  4. Mike Behnke

    maxpower Guest

    Im not sure but i will try and check tommorro when i go into the shop, it
    may be possible that you may be able to turn that off thru the BCM under
    cust preferences, look in your owners manual and see what it says about cust
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler tech
    maxpower, Nov 10, 2004
  5. Mike Behnke

    mic canic Guest

    did you get a new battery ???

    mic canic, Nov 11, 2004
  6. The gas gage on my 99 T & C is going beserk. Initially showing
    partially filled on a full tank. Low fuel light and audible alarm
    coming on and off when plenty of fuel in the tank.

    Looking at my Haynes manual, it looks like the tank has to be dropped
    to take out the fuel pump module to test/replace the gage sending
    unit. Rats!
    I'll do that when I get time, however the audible sending unit is
    driving us crazy. Does anyone have experience in disconnecting this
    alarm. My wiring diagram is less than clear, in fact does not show
    the audible at all. Other than cutting the wires from the sending
    unit (connector apears to be integrated with the fuel pump connector)
    is there anything I can do to temporarily disconnect the alarm or
    gage. I would rather just estimate fuel remaining by elapsed mileage
    until I get time to replace the sending unit than listen to the


    Frank Boettcher, Nov 11, 2004
  7. Mike Behnke

    RPhillips47 Guest

    Sounds like the fuel sending unit located on the fuel pump inside the gas tank.
    Does it happen all of the time or only when the fuel is at a certain level?
    This happened to the unit on my '96 T&C LXi. When the tank was full no problem
    but when the gauge was between 7/8 and 5/8 it would happen sporadically when it
    first started and more often as time went on. Then it would stop for a period
    of time, then begin again. Asked the service rep at the local Dodge dealer
    (that had serviced the van as we lost confidence in our local Chrysler dealer)
    and he said there courtesy van had been doing the same thing for sometime and
    they were not going to fix it until they had to. I learned to live with the
    needle/chime going berserk by turning up the stereo when driving.

    We drove the T&C for almost two years until the whole unit went south, when I
    was driving it, on the way home from work, on the freeway, at 5:30 on a Friday
    afternoon/evening. Had the unit replaced (almost a year ago) and all has been
    fine since.

    RPhillips47, Nov 11, 2004
  8. Mississippi; Shell regular. So you are not going to suggest I can
    fix this by changing gasoline brands are you?
    Now that's funny! However, I was thinking about using the pages in my
    updraft charcoal starter for my grill. The paper haynes uses is so
    cheap I'm sure it burns great.
    So looks like I cut the wire. Haynes says dark blue from level sender
    to control module. Wonder if I can trust that...............
    Frank Boettcher, Nov 11, 2004
  9. Mike Behnke

    maxpower Guest

    I tried it with a car at work, there is no setting for that, you would have
    to replace the sending unit
    maxpower, Nov 15, 2004
  10. There is no Customer Preference reference in my owners manual
    Frank Boettcher, Nov 16, 2004
  11. Thanks for trying, I appreciate it. I've noticed that it doesn't seem
    to be as bad if I keep the tank less than half full. Will do that
    until I have time to drop the tank and change the sender.
    Frank Boettcher, Nov 17, 2004
  12. Mike Behnke

    Mike C1 Guest

    I have experienced this identical problem. It was caused by the type of
    gas - no question. Fill up with gas A, chime is on and off constantly as
    the fuel sender needle oscillates. Fill up with gas B - problem solved. In
    one case, since the tank was full of gas A, I poured a bottle of injector
    cleaner into the tank, which also fixed the problem. I believe there are
    additives/fuel characteristics that affect the resistance of the sender.
    I am in Canada and never fill my caravans with Shell gas, which consistently
    caused this problem. btw, the connector is not integrated with the pump,
    but the release tab is not obvious.
    Mike C1, Nov 24, 2004
  13. Mike Behnke

    maxpower Guest

    Has nothing to do with gas, the sending unit is worn out
    maxpower, Nov 24, 2004
  14. Mike Behnke

    RPhillips47 Guest

    Repeat - it's the sending unit and the only way to fix it is to replace it.
    Trust me, I know from experience.
    RPhillips47, Nov 29, 2004
  15. Since this started I've used three or four different brands of
    gasoline. I've also dumped a couple of bottles of Texron fuel system
    cleaner in the tank. Nothing changes it.

    I have noticed that it will find levels in the tank when it stops
    doing it. Usually at about half full it will stop until I fill up

    I haven't looked at the connector on my vehicle ( little inconvenient
    for casual observation) but the actual picture and wiring diagram in
    the dreaded and much maligned Haynes manual shows a single connector
    with pins to power the pump and send the level signals.

    Believe me, if there is a way to stop this short of dropping the tank
    and changing the sender I would consider it. But I believe the sender
    is bad and no amount of in tank cleaning/gasoline changes are going to
    repair it.
    Frank Boettcher, Nov 30, 2004
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