Fuel System - 96 Caravan

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mike C1, Nov 23, 2004.

  1. Mike C1

    Mike C1 Guest

    My 96 caravan now runs out of gas when the tank is half full. I replaced
    the fuel pump a few months ago (used unit), and has run fine for until now.
    My theory is that the fuel pickup elbow (with fuel sock) has fallen off of
    the pump. This would effectively causing the pump air once the fuel level
    was about half way down the pump body. However, I thought there might be
    another cause. Does anyone know if problems with venting/evap system could
    create the same symptom?
    Mike C1, Nov 23, 2004
  2. Mike C1

    Carl Baron Guest

    Did you have the fuel filter replaced when you had the fuel pump replaced? A
    clogged filter can lead to failure of the fuel pump because the of the extra
    pressure it has to exert to get fuel past a clogged fuel filter. The full tank
    keeps the fuel pump cooled. When the tank gets half full, then not enough of
    the fuel pump is submerged to keep it cool and then it fails. Filling the tank
    restores its function. At least that was my experience (my repair guy actually
    suggested replacing the fuel filter first, to see if that would correct the
    problem, but it didn't; however, it's believed to have caused the failure in
    the first place).
    Carl Baron, Nov 23, 2004
  3. Mike C1

    Bob Snyder Guest

    Did you have the fuel tank replaced under warranty? The first round of
    plastic tanks in the '96 vans were known to warp and were readily replaced
    by dealers.

    One of the signs of warpage, unfortunately, are running out of gas because
    you think it's still got some in it. The other is only being able to put 14
    gallons in a tank that has run dry.

    My 2 cents.

    Bob Snyder, Nov 26, 2004
  4. Mike C1

    Mike C1 Guest

    Thanks for the comments. I replaced fuel filter the other day, and ran out
    again today. I then filled to full, the tank taking 6 gallons to reach
    full. The tank is the original warped tank, but the bottom is not warped
    inward enough to cause a run out after 6 gallons.

    Does anyone know if the evap/purge system can possibly cause a vacuum in the
    tank strong enough to counter the pump pressure? That is the only
    explanation I can think of, other than a cracked/broken/disconnected inlet
    tube on the fuel pump.

    I just hate to drain and drop the tank again, and find out the problem is

    Mike C
    Mike C1, Nov 27, 2004
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