fuel sending unit 63 Valiant

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by David Streb, Jul 10, 2003.

  1. David Streb

    David Streb Guest

    I took off the gas tank on my '63 Plymouth Valiant and need a fuel sending
    unit. I was able to get the outside ring holder off OK, and the mechanism
    that came out is pretty rusty. The local dealer says it's not available and
    no one in the US has one. Said it's Mopar part # 2421493. Any ideas on
    where I can get something like this? And is the end filter piece separate?
    Thanks for whatever help you can give me.
    David Streb, Jul 10, 2003
  2. Layson's,Paddock, Year One. They should also have the 'sock' or end filter.

    I know of two mid-60's valiants that still have their units in the local

    good luck on your search.

    Rob Armstrong, Jul 10, 2003
  3. David Streb

    John Kunkel Guest


    The original part number has been superceded by 4051004. Go to Partsvoice
    and enter either number in their search engine:
    This sender has a fairly wide interchangeability, from '63-'74 in Darts and
    John Kunkel, Jul 10, 2003
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