fuel problem or what?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Randy Pape, Nov 13, 2007.

  1. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    my 1998 dodge stratus has the abs light on now. I was told that everything
    should work fine other than the abs part of the brakes. the car now is
    starting hard and acts like it's not getting enough fuel when I punch it. if
    I work the linkage under the hood, and do it real fast , it will bog right
    down and die. if I do it gradual it will then accelerate. I'm getting
    12.6vdc before starting car and 14vdc once the car starts. I can gear the
    fuel pump making noise when the key is in the on position but it's hard to
    hear once it's running,but I assume it's working because the car seems at
    times it's getting gas. I have a new fuel filter in this car. there are no
    codes present and taking the battery cable off didn't clear the abs code.
    any suggestions please? thanks Randy
    Randy Pape, Nov 13, 2007
  2. Randy Pape

    maxpower Guest

    Start with the basics, have the fuel pressure checked

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler tech
    maxpower, Nov 14, 2007
  3. Randy Pape

    Gyzmologist Guest

    Sounds like something a dealer would say. All they need to do is flush
    and replace all fluids; replace all hoses and flexible lines; replace
    the spark plugs, wires, cap and rotor; replace all filters (again). Now
    if after spending over $500 it still has the hesitation problem, the
    fuel pump is probably weak and needs to be replaced (which would be
    evident by checking the fuel pressure). :O

    Regarding the ABS light it probably has a bad fuse. I think they have
    redundant supply lines and will turn on the ABS light if one of them is
    dead. My ABS light on my '98 Stratus was coming on at times. The car had
    over 100k miles on it and I had a fair amount of pulsation in the
    brakes. The pulsation went away and the ABS light stopped coming on when
    I replaced the pads/shoes and resurfaced the rotors/drums.
    Gyzmologist, Nov 15, 2007
  4. Randy Pape

    Bill Putney Guest

    You're saying spend $500 before having the fuel pressure checked? If
    that's the choice, I'd take Glenns's advice. Or were you being facetious?

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Nov 15, 2007
  5. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    thanks for the replies guy's. now be nice :) a friend checked the pressure
    while I turned the key on and there was no pressure at all. he believes the
    fuel pump is bad,even though you can here it cycle. so I'll be changing that
    and fuel filter at the same time.
    Randy Pape, Nov 15, 2007
  6. Randy Pape

    philthy Guest

    a fuel pressure test!
    philthy, Nov 17, 2007
  7. Randy Pape

    Gyzmologist Guest

    My intent was to reinforce what Glen suggested by showing how senseless
    it is to throw parts at a problem. Unfortunately it is the natural
    tendency and I have found myself doing the same thing.

    Thanks for the response - now I know how to spell facetious.

    Bill Putney wrote:
    Gyzmologist, Nov 17, 2007
  8. Randy Pape

    Bill Putney Guest


    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Nov 17, 2007
  9. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    well, now with new plugs,wires,fuel pump, fuel filter, the car still does
    not run right. it misses and acts like it's not getting fuel when you step
    on it . could it be the coils shorting out under load? I know my repair
    manual says I can check the coils with my multi meter but how do you
    simulate it under load, if this is the problem. note: there are no codes of
    any kind coming up with this problem. I don't want to be a parts hanger but
    I had 2 distributors that were bad before,and the last one was changed in
    Feb 07. any ideas or checks I can do. would the dodge dealer find the
    problem on his expensive equipment? my mechanic friend did the fuel
    pump,filter, this weekend and the last distributor in feb 07 and he thinks
    it's an ignition problem. I thought I read somewhere if the voltage isn't
    right ,then the fuel won't pump? thanks for any info Randy
    Randy Pape, Nov 19, 2007
  10. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    up date on car problem :) i think it's fixed now. i had a blown ABS
    fuse in the PDC box and also removed the gas cap a couple of times and now
    the car seems to run fine. i won't test drive it until i figure out this
    ticking noise that sounds like it's coming from inside the distributor
    cap,like the rotor hitting.
    will keep you all posted . thanks for all the input Randy
    Randy Pape, Dec 1, 2007
  11. Randy Pape

    Randy Pape Guest

    well it's not fixed and i'm ready to shoot this car :-(
    Randy Pape, Dec 6, 2007
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