Found in barn, complete

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DeserTBoB, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Out in the heat in the Fifth Avenue today, I ran by a place out in the
    desert that had looked derelict for years, but was now being cleaned
    up. The "barn" (loose application of term) doors were open, and there
    in the middle of a ton of crap, was a 1955 Dodge Royal Lancer sedan. I
    had to pull in to check.

    As it turned out, the old fellow that lived there had just died and
    his relations were taking care of the estate. Evidently, he had lived
    there in semi-hermitage for at least 25 years, only leaving the house
    to get food and necessities. He had been an alfalfa farmer prior and
    quit farming when prices on electricity and diesel rose to a point of

    His great grandson (!!) didn't know much about the car other than it
    was bought by him new from H.W Hunter Dodge/De Soto/Plymouth in 1955
    locally. It has the original tri-tone paint scheme
    (white/black/pink??) and extra brightwork for the Royal Lancer. Under
    the hood is the original 270 with the 4 bbl. carb and Powerflite. The
    old fellow had put this up on cinder blocks, drained everything and
    removed the battery, and it is in excellent (though extremely dirty
    and "mousy") condition. They haven't had any inquiries on this car
    yet, although they were going to approach H.W. Hunter, seeing if they
    wanted to buy it back (!!!).

    Question: I have seen ZERO '55-'56 Chrysler products, except for
    Imperials, around in the "special interest" catagories in shows or
    auctions. Does anyone know if they do have a following? I haven't
    seen ANY '55 Dodge ANYTHING (let alone a Royal Lancer!) in at least 15
    years, most being victim to early body rot. This, being a desert car,
    is rust-free. I hedged my bet, I put a $500 deposit on it to hold it
    for 2 days. A worthwhile restoration project?
    DeserTBoB, Aug 31, 2006


    2 years ago this "desertbob" character came into our
    alt.collecting.8track group, professing he was some kind of wiz
    electronics repairman and analog tape expert. He has effectively
    destroyed that group at this point. He obviously has become bored, and
    moved on to your group.

    What you see here, is EXACTLY how he came into our group, 2 years ago.
    If you are wise, you will IGNORE HIS POSTS. If you want to see what he
    can and will turn your group into, just take a look at what's left of
    our collecting group, after he got done with it:

    To see just what this person is capable of, check his recent posts

    more specifically, this is what you are in for shortly down the road:****+xmas&rnum=2#43d39cce3c6d1ed5

    From: DeserTBoB - view profile
    Date: Sat, Dec 24 2005 1:51 pm
    Email: DeserTBoB <>
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    **** xmas. It's just an arbitrary date the early church nutters came
    up with to replace the winter solstice celebrations that people came
    up with to prevent routine winter depression. They can't even agree
    when xmas really was...Dec. 21? Dec. 25? Jan. 6? Ask enough
    churches, they'll give you several answers, none of which are backed
    up by evidence or any unimpeachable record. The reason the nutters
    backed away from Dec. 21 was that this was the solstice, and that was
    "SCIENCE"...ooooh, bad! In the US, xmas became a commercially driven
    holiday originally hyped by Macy's, Best's, Bloomingdale's and
    Gimbel's in New York City to boost sales, since Jews weren't big on
    gift buying (can't make a big profit on selling draedels, can you?),
    and the christians would turn their wallets inside out.

    Me? I'm going to enjoy our salubrious weather outside and prune some
    shrubbery and get ready for spring, which might be early this year. As
    for Associated Stores, Target, Wally-Fart and the other money
    grubbers, here's my "holiday greeting": Start the after xmas sales

    ....and here's my "holiday greeting" to Charlie Nudo, aka 66fourdoor:
    You many THINK you're above the law of the land and the laws of moral,
    responsible behavior, but you'll get yours...hopefully this year. And
    then, you'll pay and pay and pay and pay. May your misery be
    compounded and your schizophrenia land you in a Pennsylvania state
    mental facility!


    From: DeserTBoB - view profile
    Date: Thurs, Aug 24 2006 3:47 pm
    Email: DeserTBoB <>
    Groups: alt.collecting.8-track-tapes
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    Charlie Nudo (its real name) is a troll. It regularly frequents at
    least twenty news groups, including many rabid/gay/gun nut/racist
    groups. Normally, it starts off with reasonable, even witty lines,
    but rapidly drifts into lies, abuse and stupidity. Check its details
    at Google Groups at this URL

    It is a sad creature, deserving of pity, not anger. Any direct
    response simply feeds it, but it will go away if you ignore it. can only hope...and soon.
    duty-honor-country, Aug 31, 2006
  3. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    This is "projection" from a mentally ill troll. An in-depth view of
    Mr.Nudo's complete positing history (including the 200-300 posts he
    deleted) show a different tale.

    I refuse to respond to this now-dying troll. Please take a moment and
    forward this post, along with complete headers, to:

    Use the terms "trollshifting" and "'nymshifting" in your complaints,
    as that is what he is doing. ALL 20 or MORE of his previous Google
    Groups accounts have been shut down (banned), seven in the last 72

    Tks for your patience and understanding.
    DeserTBoB, Aug 31, 2006
  4. DeserTBoB

    bicycle Guest

    Outright lie, you destroyed that group years ago due to stalking,
    harassment and calling people at home and at work who you had disputes
    with. Now you've had 7 accounts banned by Google in the last 72 hours
    and you're STILL pulling the same crap that got you banned.

    This group was fine until you showed up stalking Bob. The proof is in
    the posting history here.
    Don't forget to tell the folks here how you called my wife at work over
    something that happened on Usenet and the threats you made to me but
    backed off when I stood up to your sorry ass.
    bicycle, Aug 31, 2006
  5. DeserTBoB

    bicycle Guest

    Keep us posted.
    bicycle, Aug 31, 2006
  6. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    The grandkids cleaned out the "barn" and hosed off the car, and dug
    out all the rat traps and layers of dirt. I looked under the hood,
    and the 270 has a Carter WCFB on it, which I guess is stock and the
    old guy had removed all the plugs and fitted rubber stoppers in all
    the spark plug holes. Removal of those showed that he had be
    squirting oil into each one from time to time, a good practice for
    storage that most forget about. The braking system is either shot or
    dry, but the booster is intact. Once they cleaned off all the filth,
    it's not a complete basket case car at all, and I'm almost sure I
    could get that engine running as-is. Anyway I offered them $3000 on
    top of the $500 deposit...we'll see what they think.

    I really have no clue as to rarity/value of this car, except that it
    is rust-free, all original and I haven't seen a '55 Dodge anywhere, in
    any show or auction, for at least 20 years.. Last time I saw anything
    like this was a '56 Royal coupe that had tons of Bondo and Fibreglas
    patches in it and that was like 15 years ago. The gaudy tri-tone
    paint job is classic Virgil Exner at work! I think Chrysler was alone
    in doing tri-tone paint in those years.

    We shall see what develops.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 1, 2006

  7. parts car- it would cost at least $25,000 and a few years to get it
    restored to driveable condition. Every fuel and brake line will be
    rotted out. Every brake wheel cylinder will need rebuild/replacement.
    It will need 4 new drums and all new brake shoes. 4 new tires and
    alignment. All the steering linkage will need replacement, ties rods,
    drag link, and idler arm. The gas tank most likely is rotted out and
    leaking. The engine and trans will need total rebuild, which will cost
    at least $5000. New exhaust system needed. New interior needed. New
    battery, alternator, starter, water pump, radiator, heater core. All
    new belts/hoses. Most of the gauges won't work.

    The body must be pulled from the frame, and both
    sandblasted/dipped/painted. All new body mounts needed.

    Each panel on the body will need to be either replaced, or diligently
    bodyworked. Forget trying to find replacement panels for that car.

    Anything that old will need all the wiring harnesses replaced or
    repaired/checked. Most of the bulbs won't work. All the rugs and
    seats from the interior will need to be pulled.

    A 270 V-8 was a dog. If you had the small Dodge Hemi it would be worth
    buying. Even if you parted it out, you'd have a hard time getting
    $3000 for the parts. That is basically a $500 parts car.

    To restore that car, most places give a very high estimate, and you
    "pay as you go". If you miss a payment, you go to the back of the
    line. In the end, the cost or restoration is more than what that car
    is worth, totally restored. You could buy 3 of them in pristine shape,
    for the cost of restoring one.

    The car is not rare. Here are the production figures:

    1955 Dodge Royal Lancer Sedan 4-door- factory price $2285- shipping
    weight 3425 lbs.- production total 45,323 units

    The only good thing about that car is this- if that is an original
    4-barrel engine, it is the "Super Red Ram" 270 CID, but that was rated
    at a paltry 193 HP at 4400 rpm from the factory. And there's a very
    good chance someone took the intake/4-barrel from a SRR engine, and put
    it on that car. If that's the case, it may be the lesser 175 HP or 183
    HP 2-barrel engine, with the 4-bbl induction system. Regardless,
    those 270's were dogs- their peak rpm at peak HP was a pathetic 4400

    But someone may want the SRR engine for a nicer 2-door resto that same

    The guy knows what it is worth- you aren't getting a deal. You're
    getting a liability. If it's a 4-door, which I'm thinking it is- that
    car is a stone. Did you ever drive around in a 3400 lb. car with only
    190 HP, and a slushbox trans ?

    Flame war aside, I'm not above educating you on vintage car matters.
    Buy one that's already running and nicer. The world is full of people
    who buy cars like that, dump $15000 into them, and the car is still in
    primer and not running yet, 5 years later.

    To put that in vogue, the V-6 3.4 liter engine in my ' 95 GM product
    makes 210 HP.
    duty-honor-country, Sep 1, 2006
  8. top of the $500 deposit...we'll see what they think.

    For $500 you can buy a complete car like that on Ebay.

    For $3000 each, I can find 30 of those cars here in Pa. in the

    They are quite common and total Lancer production for 1955, including
    2dr, 4dr, and wagon, was over 75,000 units.
    duty-honor-country, Sep 1, 2006
  9. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Charlie Nudo of Drums, PA once again shows his ignorance and

    The 270 WAS a HEMI, you IDIOT! As for the rest of the post, just more
    "trolling" from Charlie expect.

    This account should be down by noon, PDT.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 1, 2006

  10. That shows what you know.

    What that car has, is a POLY 270 engine- single rocker shaft canted
    valve wedge head. Go to this link, scroll down to the chart- the car
    you're looking at had a 270 POLY in it- same block as the Hemi, but
    cheap single-rocker shaft heads. Totally different top end. You can
    convert a poly to a Hemi, but why bother.

    Dodge Hemispheric vs. Polyspheric Motor Comments
    Development and Description
    Less expensive, lighter variants of the Dodge hemi motors were
    developed, and introduced in 1955 for installation in the mid-priced
    Dodge cars. These new motors used the existing hemi block, but
    completely different heads, exhaust manifolds, pushrods, pistons, etc.
    with only a single rocker shaft in each head; the same intake manifolds
    were used in many cases (but not the dual 4 bbl.). These motors were
    called "poly" (for poly-spheric: meaning "more than one
    sphere"), since the combustion chamber was now formed by two separate
    concave domed shapes (the valve seats and surrounding reliefs).
    Poly motors are also called single rocker shaft ("SRS"), while
    hemi motors are dual rocker shaft ("DRS").
    Conversion of Dodge Poly Motors to Hemi
    1955-58 Dodge 241, 259, 270, 315 & 325 poly motors can be converted
    to hemi by substitution of hemi parts using Dodge parts only.
    If the original pistons are used, the motor will run, but have
    lower compression since the poly piston does not have a compression
    dome. The crankshaft balance will also be affected, since the hemi
    pistons are heavier in most cases due to the dome. Heads should be
    selected from motors of the same or smaller bore size to prevent the
    chamber from overhanging the bore, but some choices may be available as
    to port size, valve size and chamber volume. Manifolds must match the
    deck height (low or raised). Hemi head bolts must be used.
    DeSoto Poly Motors
    Although "wide-block"poly motors were used in lower-priced
    1955-58 DeSoto models, they are Dodge engines based on the Dodge hemi
    motor. These and the 1955-56 Plymouths using these motors can be
    converted by using Dodge hemi parts as described above. There is no
    poly motor based on the DeSoto hemi series.
    Chrysler Poly Motors
    Chrysler 1955-58 Saratoga and Windsor 301, 331 & 354 poly motors
    are based on the Chrysler hemi motors, which are only distantly related
    to other brands.
    Poly "A" Motors
    There is no hemi motor based on the "A" series poly motor as
    used in Plymouths 1956-67 and some Dodges 1958-59, and no conversion by
    direct substitution is possible.
    The "A" poly motor is very similar in design to the earlier
    hemi-derived poly motors, but parts are not generally interchangable.
    All 1951-57 Chrysler, DeSoto, Dodge and Plymouth V8 motors,
    regardless of family, size or type, have the distributor located in the
    rear of the engine. Only 1958-* "B" and "RB" type motors, both
    wedge and hemi, have front-mounted distributors.
    There is no commonality of parts or dimensions between the early
    (1951-58) motors and late (1964-*) hemi motors, which were developed by
    adapting hemi technology to the "RB" motors.
    The Table below contains "Maximum Compression Distance" data.
    This is not measured or taken from factory information, it is
    calculated on the basis of .000" deck height (with the piston's top
    surface flush with the cylinder bank head gasket surface) with the
    tallest possible theoretical piston (measured between the piston pin
    center and the top surface).
    duty-honor-country, Sep 2, 2006
  11. Let's see a picture of the engine bay, and that will settle it- if it
    is a Hemi or not.

    I seriously doubt it.
    duty-honor-country, Sep 2, 2006

  12. Further verification- the last year for the 270 Hemi was 1954.

    1955 was the first year for the POLY engine, a run of the mill slug
    motor making less than 200 HP.
    duty-honor-country, Sep 2, 2006

  13. The car you're looking at most likely has one of these Poly 270's in
    it- nothing earthshaking.

    FWIW, the Hemi Red Ram only made 140 HP-150 HP.

    The Poly Red Ram 270 actually made more power than the 270 Hemi did.

    The poly head Super Red Ram 270 made 193 HP, in 1955.

    A very short time later, the small block Chevy 283 came out, making 283
    HP from 283 CID- one HP per CID. 90 HP more than the Dodge Super Red
    Ram 270. That shows you just how inefficient the small block Dodge
    Hemi and poly engines really were at that time- which is why Dodge
    dropped them and went to the 273/318/340/360 small blocks, and 383/440
    big blocks. The Chevy small block with a wedge head was better than
    the Dodge hemi.

    Now, if it was a CHRYSLER early Hemi 392 from the 1950's, then you'd
    have something to pursue that was worthwhile. Those were rated at 390
    HP in top form. And actually can make several thousand HP with
    superchargers/stroker cranks/nitro- and were a kick ass Top Fuel
    Dragster motor. Derivatives of that design are still being used today,
    in the form of the aftermarket aluminum DONOVAN Hemi block.

    But good luck with it, whatever you do.
    duty-honor-country, Sep 2, 2006
  14. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Really, smartass? Then why does it have the incredibly FAT valve
    covers with the plugs IN THE MIDDLE?

    Charlie Nudo talking though his ass once more. He is an incredible BS
    artist, and relies on quick views of websites for any "knowledge."

    KILLFILE if it matters. The
    account will be gone soon, and he'll try to start another one.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 2, 2006
  15. DeserTBoB

    bicycle Guest

    Even Charlie admits he came to this group to start a flame war. .
    bicycle, Sep 2, 2006

  16. The car in your eBay link is not a complete car, and it's kind of
    trashed. I wonder how hard it is to get a windshield for it. It
    doesn't even have an engine or transmission.

    The car in the barn is complete, according to the description. I bought
    a 51 Studebaker in Lubbock in 1989. I put some used tires on it and
    drove it all the way to McAllen, Texas, by way of Dallas. That's a long
    trip, and it worked great. The only things wrong with that car were
    that the paint had been cooked off of the roof as it sat in the sun for
    20 years, and the coil spring-controlled butterfly valve in the exhaust
    manifold was stuck mostly shut. But the wiring, light bulbs, horn,
    overdrive, brakes and wipers worked great.

    Judging from the description of the Dodge in question, I would expect it
    to need very little work to be roadworthy. In a dry climate the gas
    tank probably isn't rotten, but most of the rubber will probably be
    bad. You would want to look at things individually, but I would expect
    such a car to be in excellent condition, as my Studebaker from Lubbock
    was. Incidentally, the Studebaker was a 4 door, and it was a cool car.
    I'm sure the Dodge would be a load of fun, but I wouldn't pay $3500 for
    it. If I were in a buying mood I would be eager to buy a car stored in
    a garage in the desert. But you could probably get it for a lot less if
    you don't let yourself get carried away.
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Sep 2, 2006
  17. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    That mess in Noodles' link is almost scrap...there's very little
    "restorable" about that one, and it surely isn't worth $500. There
    was another '55, a D-55, also on eBay, in rough but running shape in
    Florida, with a black paint job that looks as if it were applied with
    a roller. It's not worth $2000, either. As 66fourdoor, aka Charlie
    Nudo proves, eBay is a "ship of fools."
    This car is just as the old gent left it, even with the 1970-era
    General belted ply tires, still reasonably good because it had been
    jacked up on cinder blocks and the tires covered with drop cloths, but
    checked more than I'd consider safe. The Chrysler interiors of those
    years were none too hardy and most of the nylon-based cloth is shot
    due to dry-out, but is all there. The door panels are all there and
    have no water damage. The weather stripping is dried out, but all
    there. The factory paint has the slightest amount of sun damage on
    the roof (black, what can one expect in the desert??) and the white
    and pink could be rubbed out to a nice gloss easily. The 270
    HEMI...that's right, folks, it IS a HEMI...not a polyspherical...was
    well cared for, with frequent oil changes according to the dealer's
    pillar stickers, no obvious sludge accumulations that I could see, and
    the fellow was kind enough to remove the plugs and put oil into each
    cylinder on a routine basis. All the wiring appears intact with no
    rat damage. He had also drained the Powerflite as well. Where
    Noodles gets his information can be only one place...and he sits on
    The gas tank had been drained when the car was stored and a peek
    inside shows only galvanic coating on the floor of it. So much for
    "Noodles Logic."
    They are still considering my offer and contacting other family
    members. I wasn't looking at this as a full concours restoration
    project, but rather a safe, roadworthy resuscitation back to where it
    was when parked, with possible future sale to a MoPar fan who's into
    '55 products. The 270 HEMI....not a rare, but some
    looking around the 'Net showed a number of Custom Royal Lancers so
    equipped. Best I can tell, Chrysler dropped the 270 hemi for Dodges
    in the middle of the '55 model year, but I cannot be sure of that,

    The paper work in the musty manila folder was very complete, including
    the bill of sale from 1955 from H.W. Hunter Dodge/Chrysler/De Soto
    here in town. The car was bought in January, 1955, so it was possibly
    late '54 production. Hunter is still in business and still owned by
    the Hunter family. Their parts department has been more than willing
    to track down OEM M-body parts, as most of their countermen have been
    there for many years and know where all the "secret stuff" is.

    Once again, Charlie Nudo, aka "Noodles," aka dutyhonorcountry2(and
    possibly more as each account gets axed) is talking out of
    his sphincter, from whence he's been chatting on Usenet ever since he
    discovered WebTV back around 2001...a black banner day for Usenet.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 2, 2006
  18. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Please submit complaints to:

    ....whenever or any of his future
    pseudonyms starts his "trollshifting" or newsgroup disruption. We
    need this troll killed off before he becomes rooted in here or
    anywhere else. He has been a Usenet "megatroll" and eBay petty theif
    for at least four years. He ripped me off twice for small items, for
    which I have full documentation as well as that of others similarly
    ripped off. He's also a prolific liar.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 2, 2006
  19. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Another case of Charlie Nudo talking out of his ass.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 2, 2006

  20. Too funny...pick up any repair manual and look what's listed for 1955

    No Dodge Hemi- only a poly.

    That's directly from the Dodge official archives.
    duty-honor-country, Sep 2, 2006
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