Ford takes a dive, DC will be #2 soon

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DeserTBoB, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Ford announced today that they are offering early retirement buyouts
    for over 75,000 employees today, showing that, rather than try to
    compete, they're going to basically fold their tent. Billy Boy Ford,
    like any good rat, sensed a sinking ship and bailed out. Looks like
    DaimlerChrysler will soon be #2, nipping at the heels of a totally
    moribund GM while Ford slowly disintegrates. According to JD Power
    and industry sales figures posted in the LA Times and Wall Street
    Journal, DC is the only one of the "Big 3" that's selling anything at
    all. GM and Ford, stupidly continuing to build and try to sell gas
    guzzlers, is stuck with a huge unsold inventory problem and sales as
    bad as 30% behind last year's, while Ford's "hybrid SUV" program fell
    flat on its ass, as will GM's equally stupid plan for silliness like
    hybrid Escalades and Suburbans. DC's sales are actually up compared
    to the same season last year, and the Ram truck line is poised to
    knock Ford out of the box for #1 in the profitable pickup truck line.
    They've already run around GM, whose customer "loyalty base" is
    collapsing fast. The GM line that had the least losses so far:
    Saturn. Worst: Chevrolet. Ford sales are similarly down across all
    model lines, with the formerly hot Focus now suffering from a poor
    restyle and the new Fusion sucking air. Only Ford cars without excess
    inventory: Mustangs and T-Birds, and the T-Bird is strictly a "niche"
    car with very low production numbers. Unconfirmed reports are that
    Ford has a 200 day (!!!!) back inventory of F-150s they cannot sell.
    Sounds like Chrysler before Iacocca took over in the '70s...yards and
    lots FULL of unsold cars which they had to give away to the dealers
    just to move them.

    So much for US automakers. Looks like the Germans may soon be #1
    here! Yet another case of US management being incompetent. Not
    everything's rosy for DC, however...the Japs, as well as the Koreans,
    are making significant inroads into car sales across the board, with
    upstart former junk peddler Hyundai/Kia leading the charge with
    underpriced throw-aways. The only bad news for Japan comes from GM's
    former "hedge bet," Suzuki, and from perenial underdog Subaru, whose
    sales are declining after its disastrous restyling effort and outright
    failure of its "Tribeca" crossover SUV. #1 selling car line in the
    US: Toyota, led by the vanilla-flavored Camry, truly a "car for
    dummies" if there ever was one. Honda's sales, unexpectedly, are flat
    over last year, and their Ridgeline "truck" is turning out to be a
    bigger failure than Nissan's V8-powered Frontier. Both may be gone as
    early as next year. While Japan, Inc. crushed the Big 3 with
    mini-trucks in the '70s, they've tried multiple times and failed to
    crack the big truck field, which in itself is a dying breed for
    consumers. The Toyota Tundra is selling better than both the Honda
    and Nissan, but sales are dropping considerably over last year.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 14, 2006
  2. DeserTBoB

    Art Guest

    What I can't understand about Ford and GM and even Chrysler, before giving
    everything up and firing a huge number of employees, why not address the
    quality issue by offering a free extended bumper to bumper service agreement
    with each new car sold. Not this driveline warranty BS that everyone knows
    won't actually pay for anything that is likely to break. Seems to me an
    extended service agreement for free would be less drastic than slowly going
    out of business. And in the mean time they could improve quality of bread
    and butter components like alterantors, speed sensors and the like. The
    crap that drives American car buyers crazy.
    Art, Sep 15, 2006
  3. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    The other side of that coin is that an increasing amount of Americans
    have no clue as to how to maintain a car nor have the desire, and ANY
    failure of ANY component, including the frigging oil, is unacceptable
    and incomprehensible to them. That's why the dummies all buy
    Camrys...they go and go and go for 100K miles without proper
    servicing, and then the dummies throw them out like trash. I blame it
    on the "dumbing down" of America in general.

    Bumper-to-bumper warrantys DO draw more floor traffic and increase
    sales, and Chrysler under Iacocca DID offer them...for awhile. You'll
    also remember back in the "good ol' days" when Chrysler stumped the
    other two with the first 5 year/50K mile powertrain warranty...NOT
    that it cost them too much, since their power plants and transmissions
    were arguably the most hardy in the industry. But people, being
    people, always try to scam these inclusive warrantys for stuff that's
    considered "consumable" and for stuff that was damaged by obvious
    abuse, such as 50K mile oil change intervals and the like. You also
    have to look at the Euros AND the Japanese, neither of whom offer
    bumper-to-bumper warrantys either, but outsell the "Big 2" (Ford and
    GM) anyway.

    More and more, Chrysler is simply becoming a division of Daimler Benz
    AG, and more and more becoming a German presence in the US market,
    rather than a US automaker. That MAY be why they're selling stuff,
    and the "Big 2" aren't.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 15, 2006
  4. That sounds somewhat supercilious to condemn all those millions of car
    buyers all over the world who see the car only as a tool and are not in the
    least interested in the minutiae of maintenance. I bet most of them still
    change their oil and get their cars serviced one way or another.

    If I am not mistaken, the world's top-selling car is the Corolla.

    One of the reasons Merc cars were so popular in the Middle East was their
    need to be serviced only when they broke down...and that did not happen
    unduly often.

    The biggest breakthrough in automotive technology was the reliable car.


    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling

    Dori A Schmetterling, Sep 15, 2006
  5. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Correct. The US top selling car, however, is the Camry.
    Yes. When I was in Saudi, you'd see the desert littered with near-new
    Mercedeses. The towelies would just drive them until they broke down,
    even for ridiculously small reasons, walk away from them, go back to
    Riyahd and buy a new one...with our oil money. Another American saw a
    gold mine and tried to harvest all these abandoned Benzes and export
    them to the US and Europe, and almost had his hands chopped off for
    his trouble. Such is "shariya," and such is the stupidity of
    Americans for funding this insanity since the 1940s, courtesy of Mr.
    Hunt, and yes....Senator Prescott Bush.

    A "reliable car" isn't an unattainable feat. I've found that, over
    nearly 40 years, that just about any reasonably engineered car can be
    very reliable with a modicum of routine maintenance and a little
    homework by the owner. However, a poorly engineered one (Chevrolet
    Vega/Pontiac Astre, Hyundai Excel and pre-Ford Jags, as well as
    anything British, French or Italian come immediately to mind) will
    fail and fail again, no matter how well maintained they are. Thus, a
    savvy car buyer needs to understand the most basic "basics" of how the
    machine works and how it's maintained to expect any sort of longevity
    out of it.

    FWIW, Benzes are NOT all that "reliable." There's simply too much
    diverse technology in those cars not to fail ocassionally. The
    Southern California Air Quality Management District, perhaps the US'
    foremost authority on automotive pollution, has found that gas powered
    Mercedeses have been consistantly the most undermaintained, and thus
    dirtiest running, cars on the road. This bolsters a finding by a
    University of Colorado professor who originally designed the "on the
    road" infrared smog check system in the '80s, as was exposed on "60
    Minutes" back then. After years of attempts by the "smog check"
    industry's and the car dealers' lobbyists to keep this system out of
    service, it is now being implemented on freeway on ramps all over
    Southern California. Skinflint Mercedes owners can soon expect
    "pollution tickets" to be arriving in the mail.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 15, 2006
  6. DeserTBoB

    Bill Putney Guest

    Is Air America going to do something similar for their employees? Or
    are George Soros and Al Franken going to bail them out since there is no
    viable market for their product?

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 15, 2006
  7. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    You obviously live in the usual deluded world of right wingerism,
    where fact is fiction and fiction fact. Arbitron shows that AA is
    slowly but steadily gaining market share with their 150-some odd
    affiliates, while Flush Limpdick, Bill O'Rightly and Sean Insanity are
    dropping like rocks, up to 60% in some major markets. Limpdick has
    already been thrown out of a few major markets for low ratings, and
    has been kicked off of AM drive on several West Coast stations and
    moved to the midday timeslot, where ad card time is cheaper. Baltimore
    recently got rid of him altogether. Wake's over.

    That's and Charlie Nudo can massage each other while the
    Democrats take over the House (and maybe the Senate, too!) and throw
    George W. Bush into the dustbin of history along with Rummy and "Mr.
    Point 'N Shoot" Cheney. Meanwhile, you can contribute to the "Keep
    Flush Hard" fund so he can continue to buy more illegal Viagra and
    smuggle it through Customs...not to mention feed his OxyContin dope

    You right wingers sure have some shitty heroes!
    DeserTBoB, Sep 15, 2006
  8. DeserTBoB

    Art Guest

    The saddest part is GW is determined to leave his mess to the next president
    to clean up. The generals don't ask for more troops in Iraq because their
    mission is not to destroy the insurgency but only to train Iraqi troops and
    police. So thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians are doomed to die because
    GW doesn't have the guts to put the needed amount of troops in Iraq to fix
    what he broke or to just plain get the hell out.
    Art, Sep 15, 2006
  9. DeserTBoB

    Bill Putney Guest

    Hmmm - lefties made fun of Quayle for spelling the plural of potato like
    that (but they don't care if something's right or wrong - as long as
    they can criticize and tear down, eh?).

    Our heros/heroes are good. We're not into your budds Teddy Kennedy,
    Jesse Jackson, Bill Clinton, Michael Moore, Al Gore, Robert "Sheets"
    Byrd, Louis Farrakhan, etc.

    I don't think even one thing you said is true. Hopefully Airhead
    America will stay in business propped up by Soros or Streisand or Moore.
    That'll help Republicans come erection (you seem to like suggestive
    plays on words) time.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 15, 2006
  10. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    That's because he's a are most of his sheeple who still
    think he's "great." I wonder what they'll give my wife for killing
    her son....

    Latest Bush numbers: Bush approval 39%. Disapproval 55%! For the
    record, Bush's job approval numbers haven't managed to hit 43% in ANY
    NATIONAL POLL in over a year and a half, an historic low trend.

    Latest Congressional numbers: Generic ballot, Dems vs. GOP: Dems
    favored to win, 53% to 41%. This trend has been in place also for
    over a year.

    Even fatass blowhard Tony Blankley in the Moonie-controlled Washington
    Times rag says that "history favors the Democrats" in this election.
    Further proof is that the California Democratic Party started running
    very stark, unadorned video of Arnold Schwarzenegger leading a
    pro-Bush rally before the '04 election, with him saying many times,
    "GEORGE W. BUSH! GEORGE W. BUSH!" Since the ads started airing,
    AHHHnuld's numbers have tumbled 5%, and they've only been running
    three days.

    It appears that the stench of "Dubya" is now rubbing off on many of
    his collaborators! Add to that that he's pissed off the church
    nutters by not magically converting the US to a Taliban-like christian
    theocracy, and you have real trouble for any Republican, anywhere.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 15, 2006
  11. DeserTBoB

    Bill Putney Guest

    So you're not going for your usual deluded paranoia that the Repbulicans
    will steal the election by fraud this time? Funny how that used to be
    the liberal mantra (for the last two Presidential elections!). The fact
    that they aren't expressing fear about that now means they never
    believed it in the first place. But if they lose in November, guess
    what they'll be saying? "The Republicans bought off Diebold" "The
    elections were rigged". I can't wait.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Sep 15, 2006
  12. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    More "projection" from yet another parnoid delusional "sheeple."
    DeserTBoB, Sep 15, 2006
  13. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Wrong again, Putz-ney. He was made fun of by trying to correct a
    spelling bee contestant for spelling the SINGULAR of "potato"
    correctly. Danny the Quail erroneously thought the American spelling
    had an "e" at the end, and it does not.
    BUDS...ONE S.
    Putz-ney seems to have a lack of education to go along with all that
    paranoid delusion.

    Jackson's been shoved in a place where he's no longer a problem, as
    has Farrakhan. Moore's just a filmmaker. Gore's smarter than two of
    your could ever be. The right wing smear against Byrd is hilarious!
    Unfortunately, it's ALL true. I subscribe to the Arbitron, and have
    the fact. You, Putz-ney, being a typical deluded rightard, have no
    facts, but rather enjoy having fiction serve as fact.
    Dream on,, let me run my Democratic D-9 over you now.
    There...that feel better?

    Putz-ney = KILLFILE
    DeserTBoB, Sep 15, 2006
  14. DeserTBoB

    Steve Guest

    Sorry, they're idiots, and carmakers shouldn't have to cater to idiots.
    IMO, people shouldn't be allowed to drive a car on public roads without
    a rudimentary understanding of how it works, what it needs, and what to
    do when gauges and warning lights do their thing. Drivers who don't
    understand the basics are a danger to everyone on the road- I don't want
    to be behind a fool who locks up his engine because he thinks the oil
    light means "check it in a few days."
    Steve, Sep 15, 2006
  15. DeserTBoB

    Steve Guest

    Are they still even on the air? I thought that mess already bombed.
    Steve, Sep 15, 2006
  16. I was thinking Lebanon, Jordan etc, where a 'new' taxi was an eight-year-old
    vehicle imported from Germany.

    A modern Merc may be too complicated to withstand such rigours now.

    BTW, it's not "our" (your) oil money. You buys the oil you pays your money.

    Regarding a "reliable" that is my point. At some stage maybe 20/25 years ago
    the age of the reliable car began.

    For direct contact replace nospam with schmetterling

    Dori A Schmetterling, Sep 15, 2006
  17. DeserTBoB

    Steve Guest

    No, the saddest part is that so many head-in-the-sand types of all
    political persuasions don't see that what is going on NEEDS to be done.
    Its not fun, its not pretty, it IS a mess, but its the right thing to do
    and its going to take a consistent effort by *several* presidents and
    congresses over the next 20-plus years to make the world a reasonably
    safe and free place. I think anyone with a brain realized that things
    were going to go this way by no later than 5 PM on 9/11/01. We're in it
    for the long haul.
    Steve, Sep 15, 2006
  18. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Fuckin' A well told.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 16, 2006
  19. DeserTBoB

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Nope! 152 affiliate stations and climbing.
    DeserTBoB, Sep 16, 2006
  20. DeserTBoB

    Joe Guest

    Man, I hope you're telling the truth. I met that guy a while back, and he
    showed us some of the results of using the system. It's very clever, and
    simple too. A decent smog check, under load, in one second for about 10
    cents. Nice guy, too.

    The ONLY reason not to widely use something like that is bad politics. When
    people can get paid $50 for something that's only worth a dime, they'd
    prefer to keep doing it.
    Joe, Sep 16, 2006
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