For those of you on Bell Sympatico, be aware that usenet ends on May 25

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by MoPar Man, Apr 29, 2006.

  1. MoPar Man

    MoPar Man Guest

    I know some others here are on Bell Sympatico DSL. You might not be
    aware yet, but Bell has announced they will turn off their usenet
    server on May 25.

    Another ISP drops usenet.

    You can read more in DSLReports, or sympatico.highspeed.
    MoPar Man, Apr 29, 2006
  2. MoPar Man

    NewMan Guest

    And then switch to:

    10 Euros per year. ROCK SOLID.

    No porno, no binaries. Kidsafe, and employer friendly.
    NewMan, Apr 30, 2006
  3. MoPar Man

    Bill Putney Guest

    I have to go with NewMan's suggestion. Check this ng's archives, and
    you'll see my struggle with worthless free news servers as a backup to
    my ISP's also worthless news server source - with the ISP's feed and two
    free services as backup, I *still* had days of simultaneous down time
    for all three supposedly unrelated servers.

    At NewMan's suggestion, I signed up with a couple of
    months ago, and the feed has been flawless. $10 Euros a year is almost
    free. One minor downside: I did have to pay thru a European equivalent
    of PayPal - required setting up an account, adding one more piece of
    risk to my credit card - and the account will draw that $10 Euros out a
    year unless I explicitly cancel the service.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Apr 30, 2006
  4. MoPar Man

    Bob Guest

    Hi RS,

    If you're a displaced Usenet user from Sympatico and are currently looking for
    an alternative, we're providing a special offer that may be of interest.

    NewsGuy.Com has been providing Usenet services since 1992, and if you purchase
    any of our newsgroup accounts, we'll add 1-month of free service to that

    Our members can connect to the newsgroups with their favorite NNTP newsreader
    (Agent, Xnews, OE, etc.) or they can use our Web-News interface.

    The Web interface includes Newsgroup Search, Thumbnail Viewer, BatchDownload
    manager, and automatic binary decoding (rar, mpeg, avi, mp3, etc.)

    We offer account types with different download capacities (3GB, 30GB, etc.), and
    account fees that are as low as $3/month. We also offer a free 2-day trial that
    allows visitors to check out the service without any cost or obligation.

    If you have questions about any of the above, feel free to phone us toll-free
    (1-866-4USENET) or email ().

    Best regards,


    Bob, Apr 30, 2006
  5. MoPar Man

    NewMan Guest

    They did have a North American affiliate:

    I know what you mean about that, as I was worried as well. But I
    watched my credit card bills, and I have NOT had any problems with the
    initial subscription, or with the automatic renewal.
    NewMan, Apr 30, 2006
  6. MoPar Man

    Bill Putney Guest

    I wasn't going to mention it, but since you did, I will say that I
    recently had to cancel the one credit card that I used for that because
    someone (not me or family memebers) subsequently used it to make an
    over-$400 purchase. I hesitated to mention it because I use that card
    for many things, and didn't want to cast aspersions on them unfairly.
    It is being investigated.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, May 1, 2006
  7. MoPar Man

    Guest Guest

    Go to Google Groups and you have free access...
    I see this group here-

    A posting I made several minutes ago was there.
    Guest, May 2, 2006
  8. MoPar Man

    Bill Putney Guest

    Go to Google Groups and you have free access...
    I see this group here-

    A posting I made several minutes ago was there.[/QUOTE]

    I find web-based news reading and posting way too time-consuming and
    clunky. E-mail reader is a lot faster for everyday reading and posting.
    Google is good for searching the archives though.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, May 3, 2006
  9. MoPar Man

    NewMan Guest

    Additionally, Google only updates about once every 24 hours. The old
    Deja-News was real-time.

    If you want real-time access and fast answers, then going to a proper
    news-reader with a proper news service is the only way now.

    Google is awesome for historical searches, but is far from real-time.

    I find web-based news reading and posting way too time-consuming and
    clunky. E-mail reader is a lot faster for everyday reading and posting.
    Google is good for searching the archives though.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')[/QUOTE]
    NewMan, May 4, 2006
  10. MoPar Man

    Guest Guest

    As I said, I did a posting from my MT-Newswatcher and google had it in
    I do use a NewsWatcher program as my Telus provides very good News Group
    support, but if your ISP doesn't provide News support Google is a good
    You're out of date, see above.
    Guest, May 4, 2006
  11. Google also updates in real-time, within minutes to even less than a
    minute. But during peak times or heavy usage, the updates can take
    hours. In the worst of cases, it's usually a few hours for me. It's
    extremely rare that it's more than that.

    If your access to Google shows updates every 24 hours, that might be a
    function of your ISP and not Google, per se. Can I ask what is your ISP
    and whether you are on a dialup or what?

    If you are on a fast access method, like aDSL or cable, it could be
    that you only post during peak times and then it seems as though it is
    taking 24 hours? You post, it takes about 6 or 7 hours, go to sleep,
    don't check until the following evening sort of thing? This is just a
    guess on my part. I have posted and gotten return posts in minutes
    during non-peak times so Google can be awfully fast at times.
    treeline12345, May 4, 2006
  12. MoPar Man

    NewMan Guest

    I'm on Cable High-Speed.

    Posting via and reading posts, is instantaneous.
    Absolutely ZERO lag either way.

    I will admit, it has been a couple of years since I tried posting with
    Google. Mostly that was because of the absolutely AWEFUL and CRYPTIC
    interface that they shoved down our throats after ditching the
    Deja-News interface.

    I would indeed hope that they DID improve on that piece of crap.
    Perhaps they have. But the service is soooo good with, that it will likely be a LONG time before I ever
    consider trying Google for postings again. They took something good -
    DejaNews - and ruined it. So users like me had to find another way.
    When that other way is rock solid, lightnig fast, and inexpensive,
    then Google has lost a customer.

    As I said, I hope they have improved posting and refresh times. This
    would be better for everyone. But I usually use Google as a research
    tool / search engine. In that mode, real-time access is not critical.
    NewMan, May 5, 2006
  13. For anyone who wants a freebie interface your welcome to go to
    either of these: (reading only) (permits posting and reading)

    If it ever becomes a problem I'll pull them down, of course. But my
    experience is that they generally aren't. And unlike Google they aren't
    stuffed full of banner adverts.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, May 5, 2006
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