Flatlander T&C

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by WVK, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. WVK

    WVK Guest

    Our 2001 T&C has an interesting problem. While driving up a steep hill
    in the middle of Hwy 50 in Nevada (Once dubbed by Life mag as "the
    loneliest highway in America") the "check engine" light chimed on and
    the transmission locked up in 2nd gear. This happened the summer before
    last. Talk about a lousy place for a break down. Shut off and restarted
    engine the trans began to opperate normally but the light stayed on.

    After the road leveled out and with a few stops and starts the light
    went off until we hit more steep hills (16% grades) where again the
    trans locks up and check engine light goes on. Same pattern as above.

    The rest of the year the van was fine as we live in Houston with nary a
    hill. Then this past summer the same pattern emerges while on a trip to
    various National Parks. Steep hills cause the trans to lock up.

    We were not towing anthing, Van is equipped with factory tow package and
    trans has been serviced every 30K miles. Any Ideas as to what the
    problem is?

    WVK, Oct 30, 2005
  2. WVK

    Matt Whiting Guest

    No, but when the light comes on a code should be stored. Have someone
    competent who has the right reader to find out for you what the problem is.

    Matt Whiting, Oct 30, 2005
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