Firing order question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brad, Jan 24, 2004.

  1. Brad

    Brad Guest

    Hello Group,

    My knowledge of engines is limited and to some of you this might sound like
    a stupid question be here I go. I have 93 Caravan V6 3.0L. How do you tell
    if the spark plug cables are in the correct sequence? The distributor cap is
    marked but how do I tell if cables are connected to the right plug?

    Thanks in advance.

    Brad, Jan 24, 2004
  2. Aligning with the spark plug, on the shield over the exhaust
    manifold is a number,numbering the sparkplug. It is a LARGE #
    Richard Benner Jr, Jan 24, 2004
  3. Brad

    Geoff Guest

    Not if somebody's changed the exhaust manifold gaskets.

    Plugs closest to the radiator are even numbers, left to right 2, 4, 6

    Plugs closest to the firewall are the odd numbers, again left to right
    (passenger -> driver's side) 1,3,5. #1 is accessible through the alternator

    Distributor rotation is counter-clockwise. On the distributor cap, viewing
    from the front of the vehicle (standing in front of the radiator), the
    nipple for #1 is at 12 o'clock (furthest away), #3 at 10 o'clock, #5 at 8
    o'clock, #4 at 6 o'clock (closest to you), #6 at 4 o'clock, and #2 at 2

    Be aware, however, that underneath the distributor cap, the rotor contacts
    are offset, such that when cylinder #1 is firing, the rotor points directly
    towards the driver's side of the vehicle. "True" firing order is
    1-2-3-4-5-6, but the apparent firing order (from the perspective of the plug
    wires and how they're connected to the cap) looks like 1-3-5-4-6-2.

    Oh, and one more thing: when properly connected, using the wire looms for
    the sparkplug wires, the plug wires divide nicely into 'front bank/rear
    bank' as they come off the cap.

    Hope this helps.

    Geoff, Jan 24, 2004
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