Finding and correcting 41TE electrical problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kmath50, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. kmath50

    kmath50 Guest

    As posted before, I had the 41TE in my 1993 Grand Voyager rebuilt at a
    local shop.

    When It works, it shifts nice and smooth. However, since the work has
    been completed, I have had to take it back three times, as it will go
    into *limp mode* after anywhere from 10 to 35 minutes of driving.

    When I took it back today, they duplicated the problem twice and have
    now cleaned and checked every connector. They were then able to drive
    it for 50 minutes without a problem.

    They want me to take it for the weekend, and bring it back on Monday
    if the problem recurs.

    Are there any step by step procedures that will hopefully solve the
    electical problems once and for all, that I can suggest to them? They
    do have a Snap On scan tool that they have been using to get codes,
    and then they are following the diagnostic procedure for each one.
    They got a *41* yesterday, and so they "*drilled down" the connector.
    (Not sure what that means.)

    I am begining to wonder if it was an intermitted electrical problem
    that caused the transmission failure in the first place.

    Ideas welcome.

    -Kirk Matheson
    kmath50, Aug 3, 2007
  2. kmath50

    John Guest

    Actually the previous transmission was probably fine and you had an
    electrical problem all along!

    Is that code 41 from the transmission control module or the engine control
    When they did the 'rebuild' what fluid did they put in - the Mopar 7176?
    John, Aug 4, 2007
  3. kmath50

    kmath50 Guest

    That is my fear. In January 2006, I took it in because of shifting
    problems. At that time, the solenoid pack was not getting any power at
    all, so they changed out the ignition switch. That seem to solve the
    problem, at least temporarily. I suspect that the intermittent
    problems were there since then, but since I am not the primary driver,
    I did not notice a problem.
    Yes. It was from the transmission control module. As recall, the shop
    said that the control module is a *Revision 8.* It is the early *non-
    flashable* type. I asked them if it should be upgraded, but he said
    that the Rev. 8 should be adequate, and that a new flashable type,
    would run more than $300. He said that it has to be programmed with
    the vehicle's VIN. I thought that is was possible to get one from a
    salvage yard, flash it with the most current software, and then
    install it.
    They used Mercon III, with Lubguard. I was not very happy about that,
    but they became defensive when I questioned it. He showed me the label
    on the Lubeguard bottle claiming ATF+3 & ATF+4 eqivalency once added.
    He said that they *have never had a problem with that mix.*

    I am thinking about changing the fluid to ATF+3 once I as satisfied
    that it is working correctly. I would have to find a place that can
    flush it, as opposed to a pan drain.

    Anyway, I have driven about 20 miles since they cleaned "all the
    connections," and it has not yet had a problem.

    kmath50, Aug 4, 2007
  4. kmath50

    SRN Guest

    They got a *41* yesterday, and so they "*drilled down" the connector.
    Code 41 is "L-R Solenoid Circuit Error"

    Possible causes (from Chrysler Diagnostic Manual):
    Open/shorted T20, T19, T60 and T59
    Open ground circuit
    TCM connector problem (cavities 16,17,19,20,57,58,59 & 60
    8-way connector problem (cavities 4,5,6,7 & 8)
    Solenoid pack internal problem
    Internal controller failure
    SRN, Aug 4, 2007
  5. kmath50

    Bill Putney Guest

    Does anyone here have a definitive answer on whether the VIN number has
    to be programmed into the TCM for the '93 minivan? I know that is not
    the case with the LH cars. I replaced the TCM in one from a junk yard
    with no problems. And you can buy them all day long for under $50
    including shipping (

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 5, 2007
  6. kmath50

    philthy Guest

    vin not needed for that year

    philthy, Aug 5, 2007
  7. kmath50

    Bill Putney Guest

    That's what I figured.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 5, 2007
  8. kmath50

    kmath50 Guest

    Thanks to all that responded. The "clean and check all connections"
    campaign appears to have done the trick. I drove it for 82 miles over
    the weekend, and it did not go into limp mode.

    Hopefully I can recoup some or all of the rebuild cost by getting
    another year or more out of it. I like the "swivel and table" feature
    offered for 2008, but it looks like the base price went up along with
    the new features.

    It also looks like Ford and GM have dropped out of the traditional
    minivan market altogether.

    kmath50, Aug 6, 2007
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