Fifth Avenue - ignition kills electric circuits

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mike, Feb 28, 2004.

  1. mike

    mike Guest


    My 1985 5th avenue has been trouble free till now. Yesterday, I went
    to start car - all electric features worked as typically expected.
    When I attempted to start the car, all electricity to everything died.
    Battery charge checks ok. I verified terminals on battery are clean
    and connection is sound. It's like a circuit breaker tripped, killing
    all electric circuits. This morning, I got into the car - lights
    worked, radio, windows, etc. But when I attempted to start the car,
    same thing happened. All electricity was cut to the radio, windows,

    Any ideas ya'll have are most appreciated.

    mike, Feb 28, 2004
  2. mike

    RWatson767 Guest

    But when I attempted to start the car,
    same thing happened. All electricity was cut to the radio, windows, etc.

    There are two power circuits that go from the ignition through the connector on
    the firewall. Sometimes some of the individual pins/connectors get tired. I had
    this happen twice on different vacations. Fortunately I had a voltmeter and my
    service manual along and I did a fix. Actually a bypass wire until I got home
    and put in the proper replacement parts. The AC blower and compressor was the
    culprit. At the time I also added a high output alternator. I should have done
    it before.

    Bob AZ
    RWatson767, Feb 28, 2004
  3. mike

    Bob Shuman Guest

    How old is your battery? Sounds to me like it could well be the battery is
    bad. When you say the electronics all fail, this could just be the symptom
    of a battery dropping to a very low voltage when the starter is drawing high

    I'd attempt to jump start the vehicle and if this works, I'd suspect the
    battery and/or charging system.

    Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Mar 2, 2004
  4. mike

    Steve Guest

    Sounds exactly like a bad connection at the battery terminal to me.
    Remove, scrape or brush clean, re-install both the negative and positive
    terminals. Bet it fixes it
    Steve, Mar 2, 2004
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