My 92 Dodge Shadow, 2.5 auto, 138,000 was giving me grief, so I bought a Chevy Cobalt. The Shadow was still all original, except, of course, for tires, battery, hoses, belts, plugs, tires and spark plug wires. It was still a daily driver to work (80 miles round trip) but it was losing about a cup of water a day, and I couldnt figure out where it was going. Still didnt use oil, and it NEVER left me stranded. I was getting about 25 mpg on the hiway. It was, and still is a great dependable car. Thanks Chrysler, and I wish you well. Yes, I really like the Cobalt, and the 34 mpg I'm getting is sweet. It came with a super stereo also, which I cant say for the Shadow. Farewell Chrysler.......