Extended Warranty Catalytic Convertors, Dodge Trucks

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Frank Boettcher, Feb 17, 2006.

  1. Recently the Daimler Chrysler Corp settled a lawsuit with the EPA that
    resulted in an extension of the warranty for catalytic converters on a
    number of vehicles between the years of 1996 and 2001.

    1997 Dodge Dakota trucks with 3.9 liter engines were included. 1999
    Dodge Dakota trucks with 3.9 liter engines were also included. 1998
    Dodge Dakota trucks with 3.9 liter engines WERE NOT included.

    Warranty was extended based on whether your vehicle had a defective
    "original design catalytic converter" or a "new design catalytic

    I have a 1998 Dodge Dakota, 3.9L that had a catalytic converter
    failure just as described in the lawsuit settlement. That is the
    internal cayalyst has come loose and is rattling around in the can.
    However, Daimler Chrysler has excluded my VIN.

    I asked Chrysler to tell me how to differentiate between the "original
    design catalytic convertor" and the new design so that I could
    determine which I had and if I am being excluded erroneously. They
    refuse. I suspect that some 1998 trucks also have the defective
    catcons and they don't want that can of worms opened.

    Two questions. Does anyone know how to tell the difference?
    ....and...have any owners of 1998 Dodge Dakota trucks had failures of
    the Catalytic Convertor?
    Frank Boettcher, Feb 17, 2006
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