Expensive Air job (not fixed) still

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Denise Malas, May 31, 2006.

  1. Denise Malas

    RM Guest

    Because they are slicing tires out of intentional vandalism when there was
    no reason, SUV was parked where it belonged on private property. Assholes
    who hog 2 or 3 spots so their shiny toy doesnt get scuffed are intentionally
    being assholes and put their wants (not needs) above everyone else. We all
    have levels of right and wrong and there is no black/white area a lot of the
    time. SUV's have legitimate uses and their is no reason to vandalise or
    destroy the property of those who sell them. As far as arrogance goes, I
    hope I am arrogant and not a low esteem sheeple. I dont have a double
    standard and I know if I park up front I take the chance of getting dings.
    One thing I cant stand is rudeness and selfishness in public. I hold doors
    for people and let them walk by as I am driving through parking lots but do
    get irritated when they neither acknowledge your actions or even bother to
    try and speed up or get out of the way. I have been sorely tempted to bump
    the shithead that walks smack down the middle of the lane (in a lot) knowing
    you are behind them and cant bother to move over.
    RM, Jun 7, 2006
  2. Denise Malas

    Bill Putney Guest

    We all have our little idiosyncracies. So what you're saying is that,
    for a given individual, all laws apply except for the one or two areas
    in which that person has a hot button/quirk/idiosyncracy. You said:
    "SUV was parked where it belonged on private property" and therefore is
    off limits for vandalism. Hate to tell you but a person's paint job is
    on private property - called a vehicle. And guess what: WalMart or any
    other store property is *PRIVATE PROPERTY*. Besides a lesson in logic,
    you need a checkup from the neck up. The person who vandalizes a Hummer
    feels just as justified as you do in keying a car - but guess what -
    you're both disgusting.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jun 8, 2006
  3. Denise Malas

    RM Guest

    We all have our little idiosyncracies. So what you're saying is that, for
    Glad to finally meet someone who has never done wrong, and has the perfect
    life without any problems. i am quite sure i can find plenty of disgusting
    things in your life that you would never share on usenet. I am positive many
    people here feel the same way i do and either wont admit or would be scared
    to stand up. If you find a little revenge for social rudeness disgusting i
    hope you never come into the real world where life is much much worse. You
    are right, Walmart, etc is private property and if they want to park their
    trucks sideways up front that is their right and i will move out of the way
    for them. Asshole mercedes driver parking across 2 spots when there is
    little parking available is not on his own private property but out in
    public where there needs to be some consideration. You want your shiny dick
    replacement kept unscratched then park sideways at home or park in back. If
    i were to go to his house and scratch or dent in his driveway that would be
    disgusting, do it out in public on purpose then you are fair game.

    I got news for you: 3/4ths of the people walking by someone like that
    deeply want to do the same thing, but are too scared.
    RM, Jun 8, 2006
  4. Denise Malas

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    I'd bet that 3/4ths of the people walking by someone like that
    have grown up. (aka. know right from wrong)
    aarcuda69062, Jun 8, 2006
  5. Denise Malas

    Bill Putney Guest

    No - but you clearly have serious problems if you want to rationalize
    damaging people's personal property like that. So the person whom you
    criticize for parking sideways to take up two parking spaces - they can
    say to you, as you just said to me, "Glad to finally meet someone who
    has never done wrong, and has the perfect life without any problems".
    Don't get me wrong - I don't defend them doing that. But we do have
    laws. What you are rationalizing yourself doing is both illegal and

    So let's see - if I followed you around and found something that you did
    that was in the category of "social rudeness" (your term), then I would
    be justified in damaging your property to punish you for it. OK - I
    find keying people's cars socially rude (among other things). So, by
    your own logic, I would be justified in kicking in your fender since you
    did something that I considered socially rude. So where does it end?
    (rhetorical question)

    I doubt it, but for sake of argument, so what.
    No - there are likely *not* many people here who feel that way. Why
    would they be scared? What could I or anyone else here do to them that
    would make them scared. I think the problem is that you're simply a
    moron. (There - I was socailly rude, so I guess you can come key my
    car.) Anyone who feels that you're a great guy for keying nice cars has
    no reason not to express their feeling.
    You obviously know nothing of my life to say that. You'd be surprised
    what I have seen in my lifetime.
    You're rationalizing again. I was simply using your own argument that a
    car on private property is off limits - but you are now stating that you
    don't even believe that (sign of immature thinking - you haven't relly
    thought it thru very far). And forgive me for asking an intelligent
    question, but why do you think that if someone's car is on *public*
    property, that gives you the right to intentionally deface it (in spite
    of laws and standards of decency that say otherwise (and to say that you
    have the moral and legal right to violate someone else's rights if they
    violate someone elses is not an acceptable answer. IOW - if I see you
    run a stop sign, I can't justify (legally or otherwise) pulling out a
    gun and flattening your tires, or following you to your destination,
    waiting until you can't see me, and then keying your car.
    Oh really. Psyciatrists would call that pathological. I'll give you
    the benefit of the doubt and just assume at this point that you are a
    very young person who has not yet had the opportunity to have someone
    act arbitrarily on you or your personal property, because you obviously
    haven't thought your life philosophy thru very far at all (or perhaps
    don't have the mental capability to do so, but that's a whole other
    problem). But that's why we have jails. And yes - I do hope you get
    caught. In jail, some people's idea of "personal property" gets rather
    interesting. Someone's likely to key your ass! :)
    I wouldn't use the word "scared" for that. There's lots of things that
    normal people think about doing (like, say, stealing money) but have the
    intelligence and self control to realize that it's (a) wrong, and (2)
    illegal and therefore don't do it. Indications are that you are lacking
    that same moral compass and self control not to act on things that are
    clearly wrong.

    In this context, there are three kinds of people on our streets:
    (1) Those that would do the right thing (or not do the wrong thing)
    whether there's a law about it or not. These people have intelligence
    and principles.
    (2) Those that don't do certain things (like rob banks, rape women, key
    people's cars) only because there are laws against it and if they think
    they might get caught, they wouldn't want the penalties or embarrassment
    - these people are generally OK to have around, but watch out if you're
    ever in a situation in which it is perceived that there is no law that
    they have to answer to (Joseph Stalin, Sadam Hussein, etc., etc., etc.)
    (3) Those that will break the law if they think they can get away with
    it. It doesn't do any good to have laws for them other than you can get
    them off the streets with them because they do what their impulses tell
    them to do whether it's keying a car for a stupid reason that they will
    rationalize as justified, or rape their sister or daughter, or whatever
    will make them feel good at the moment if they think they can get away
    with it.

    And before you say it - *no* - I don't equate keying a car with murder
    or rape. So don't try the diversion of focusing on that.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jun 8, 2006
  6. I will jump in here now and say this: keying a car for double parking is
    wrong, but it is also true that the double parking is wrong too and
    be left unremarked.

    I think the problem here is that the punishment (keying) is far out of
    to the crime (double parking) But that does not mean that there are not
    punishments that are available which do fit the crime.

    For example, if he was woman, he could pull out a lipstick from his purse
    and write "ASSHOLE DOUBLE PARKER" across the windshield. This
    will not permanently damage the double parker, but lipstick is a PIA to
    and a bright red one is sure to be embarrassing.

    Doing the same thing except using the paint-on shoe polish that comes in
    a bottle with the sponge, across the windows, is another along these lines.
    No permanent damage, but it takes time to clean.

    Or simply pulling out a bottle of hand cream/suntan lotion/KY Jelly and
    smearing the drivers windshield is another one. Or doing the same thing
    with a handful of mud.

    Or simply pick up a couple handfuls of dirt, and dump them on the hood.

    Or you could simply hock a big lugie on the drivers windshield. (spitting)
    Disgusting but not permanently damaging.

    There are lots of ways you can register your annoyance with boneheads that
    pull stunts like double parking in the front of a parking lot. Where your
    the line is doing something like keying that does permanent damage. The
    double parking is not a permanently damaging crime and does not deserve
    that kind of response.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Jun 9, 2006
  7. Denise Malas

    flobert Guest

    tell me about it - i've still got flecks of it on my civic from when I
    got mrried, a bit over 3 years ago.
    flobert, Jun 9, 2006
  8. Denise Malas

    RM v2.0 Guest

    Doesn't get Bill as worked up though. I love "Holier than thou" people, they
    are fun to play with. i usually do just leave notes but when someone gets
    all worked up I like to string tehm along. Should go to the gun groups and
    string the gun grabbers. They get really upset and vitriolic.
    RM v2.0, Jun 9, 2006
  9. Denise Malas

    Bill Putney Guest

    Ahh - you're one of those master-baitors.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Jun 9, 2006
  10. Denise Malas

    RM v2.0 Guest

    I wish, I am but the student-baitor.
    RM v2.0, Jun 12, 2006
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