Euro NCAP test on Chrysler Neon

Discussion in 'Neon' started by Josh Farron, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. Josh Farron

    Josh Farron Guest

    Hi all,

    We are very seriously considering replacing our Renault Scenic with a new
    Chrysler Neon. (We live in South Africa.) This car has, thusfar, impressed
    me in every aspect except safety. The problem is that I cannot get
    information on European NCAP (New Car Assessment Program) tests for this
    car. This is strange since I was under the impression that all cars sold in
    the EU had to be tested. I have checked at the NCAP website
    (, many of Chrysler's websites and have even done a Google
    search. I would be appreciative if someone could enlighten me as to why this
    car has not been tested - or how it did, if it has been tested. I would also
    be interested to hear of result from any other 3rd party car assessment

    Thank You
    - J Farron
    Josh Farron, Nov 22, 2003
  2. The crash tests vehicles must undergo for ECE Type Approval -- which all
    vehicle designs must undergo in order to be approved for sale -- are not
    the same as the NCAP tests, which are aimed primarily at assessing the
    degree to which the mandatory safety standards are causing manufacturers
    to design safe vehicles and at informing consumers.
    The US DOT's Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards are different to the
    ECE crash standards used outside North America, and of course cars in
    North America are Left Hand Drive rather than the RHD cars you'd be
    looking at in South Africa. Nevertheless, American-design cars sold abroad
    generally tend to retain most or all of their North American
    crashworthiness engineering, with modifications to comply with
    rest-of-world standards being largely confined to equipment changes
    (lighting, glass, mirrors, seatbelts, controls and displays, etc.).

    USDOT runs an NCAP programme, and you may search by make, model and year
    here: Leave the year blank,
    select "Dodge" for the make and "Neon" for the model. Looks like it does

    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 22, 2003
  3. Josh Farron

    Josh Farron Guest

    Thank you. The US NCAPs will suffice. It does seem to have done well (I
    compaired its results to other cars for which I know the Euro NCAP results).
    Josh Farron, Nov 23, 2003
  4. Yes, EuroNCAP is not mandatory, though is widely used and respected (in
    Europe, anyway). Maybe Neon sales in Europe are not great enough for
    sponsoring organisations to have made the effort (and investment) to
    test-crash them.

    It was a Renault that was the first to gain 5 stars in the revised test, but
    I can't remember which model it was.

    Dori Schmetterling, Nov 24, 2003
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