engine trouble

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by stinx, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. stinx

    stinx Guest

    Hi, I have a 99 plymouth voyager with about 60 thousand miles on it. It recently started to skip and vibrate when i would hit the accelerator after stopping. It last for a second or two then goes away. I have already gotten a tune up and replaced the transmission fluid. Two mechanics told me I need a whole new transmission. Does this sound right

    Appreciate any input. Thank you
    stinx, Jun 8, 2006
  2. stinx

    damnnickname Guest

    you cant expect to get an answer based on just that, The van would have to
    be test driven, the modules/controllers would have to be scanned for any
    fault codes.
    You say it had a tune up......were the wires replaced?? was the check
    engine lite on??

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Jun 8, 2006
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