Engine Shut Down

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mrwatts00, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. mrwatts00

    mrwatts00 Guest

    I own an 2000, chrysler 300M while driving yesterday the engine shut
    off, all electrical systems ran as normal(lights, radio, odomerter
    panel) No noises were made, steering locked up. Once I got the car
    stopped, shifted to park it fired up like it had never gone off. This
    has happened twice in the last 3 days. Any ideas??
    mrwatts00, Nov 30, 2006
  2. mrwatts00

    maxpower Guest

    Have someone connect a scanner to see if any fault codes are stored. Could
    be a cam sensor fault. Also supply the engine size when you post a message

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Nov 30, 2006
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