Engine Knock on Cherokee 4.0

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John C, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. John C

    John C Guest

    We have a UK 1995 Cherokee 4.0 LTD Auto with a genuine 35000 miles, we
    noticed a heavy bottom end knock on starting, only a knock or two, the sump
    was removed and some wear was found in the big end bearings so they were
    replaced, the main bearings were fine, the engine was turned over without
    the coil connected to build up oil pressure, but when the engine was started
    there was an end noise 10 times worse than before so it was turned off after
    a few seconds.

    The mechanic who carried out the work has rebuilt bottom ends before, and
    has rechecked all the bolts etc on the car and all seems as it should be,
    but he admits he is stumped by this, he has now suggested that we start
    looking at the top end.

    Anyone got any advice or had a similar problem.

    John C, Dec 14, 2003
  2. John C

    Mike Hall Guest

    The guy 'repairs' your engine and then it produces even more noise than
    before and he blames the top end?.. lol.. he has you fooled for sure.. take
    it to somebody that truly knows what they are doing before you pay out
    anymore.. it is true that if you repair half of an engine, it can put more
    strain on the rest, but it would take more than a few seconds for that to
    become apparent.. good luck.. you may get a 0 miles engine out of this if
    you continue to let your friend work on it, but it will cost you dear..
    Mike Hall, Dec 14, 2003
  3. John C

    Dave Guest

    Did he bore out the cylinders and install new oversize pistons?
    Was a torque/honing plate attached to the block when "fitting" the pistons
    to their cylinders?
    I think you might hear piston slap maybe? Although I think it is heard more
    with the engine running. :)
    Or possibly exhaust leak from a cracked exhaust manifold?
    Or possibly a cracked driveplate or flexplate?
    just some thoughts!
    good luck,
    Dave, Dec 14, 2003
  4. John C

    Mike Romain Guest


    Sure sounds like buddy screwed up big time.

    The last time I 'heard' something like that, I helped the owner take it
    apart and fix it right.

    The engine had a knock and went for a 'cheap' bottom end rebuild.

    He ended up needing a new crank because the bozo that put it together
    forgot to put the journal caps back in the right place.

    I couldn't believe the noise it was making, so we ran a stethoscope on
    it and it appeared to be knocking all over the bottom end.

    It was!

    Only 3 bearing caps were on right, the rest were mixed up and on

    I mean crap, all the caps and connecting rods and main bearing caps were
    numbered even. The fool couldn't even follow the numbers.

    When all else is the same and the noise changes, look at the 'repair',
    don't let anyone give you a snow job to cover up incompetent work.

    86/00 CJ7 Laredo, 33x9.5 BFG Muds, 'glass nose to tail in '00
    88 Cherokee 235 BFG AT's
    Mike Romain, Dec 15, 2003
  5. John C

    Clem Guest

    A 4.0 that needed to be taken apart after 35k miles? Almost unheard of.

    Was it beaten mercilessly during it's life? Mine has more than 100 thousand
    miles more than that and it sounds great.
    Clem, Dec 15, 2003
  6. John C

    Ol' Reb Guest

    I agree with you Clem, I've owned 5 Cherokees (not counting cj5, cj7, yj and
    the cj8 I still have) since they've come out and I've always gotten over a
    100K on all of them. That 4.0 and the older 4.2 (258) engines are bullet
    proof. (my cj8 has 182,000 on the 258 inline and it ain't slowed down a
    bit) Never any problems. Keep the oil changed between 3000 & 4000 miles and
    you're good to go.

    Ol' Reb
    Ol' Reb, Dec 17, 2003
  7. John C

    Don Guest

    Not knowing how loud the sound was or what it sounded like.... could it be
    wrist pins?
    Don, Dec 17, 2003
  8. John C

    John C Guest

    Thats my luck! car has done genuine 35000 miles rest of the car is mint
    inside and outside, I saw the wear in the bearings myself.

    John C, Dec 17, 2003
  9. John C

    John C Guest

    First the knock was a loud single or double knock only when the starter
    dis-engaged, but following the new bearings it was a sickly loud constant
    knocking so bad that my mechanic only let it run for a few seconds before
    turning it off.
    John C, Dec 17, 2003
  10. John C

    Lon Stowell Guest

    Roughly 12/17/03 01:11, John C's monkeys randomly typed:
    That is a bit abnormal to say the least, almost like there was
    something wrong right at the beginning. As for luck, you could
    look at this as a golden excuse to consider installing a
    stroker kit... make a 4.5 or 4.7 out of it.
    Lon Stowell, Dec 17, 2003
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