Emissions tester

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by AHoudini, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. AHoudini

    AHoudini Guest

    I understand there are emissions testing tools that feed data into a
    computer. Anyone know anything about these? I heard they're not so
    expensive. I'm wondering if i could use my old 386 computer for such
    AHoudini, Jan 3, 2004
  2. AHoudini

    RWatson767 Guest

    Anyone know anything about these? I heard they're not so expensive. I'm
    wondering if i could use my old 386 computer for such testing.

    Doearch using "osbii". A 386 should do fine.

    Bob AZ
    RWatson767, Jan 4, 2004
  3. AHoudini

    Neil Nelson Guest

    An emisions -testing- tool would be a gas analyzer, prices
    ranging from about $4000.00 - $6000.00 for a decent
    non-dispersive infrared analyzer to $40,000+ for a flame
    ionization detector of near IM quality.

    You could on the other hand be asking about software cabable of
    reading trouble codes and data stream of on board diagnostic
    systems, they range from a few hundred dollars to around
    $5000.00, but the usual minimum platform needed is a P2 at 166mhz
    and a couple of gigs of HD space.
    IIRC, the old "Rinda" software would run on a 386 PC, but it
    probably hasn't developed in the last ten years or so. (don't see
    their name mentioned much any more)
    Neil Nelson, Jan 4, 2004
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