electrical problem in 95 Jeep

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by twostep, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. twostep

    twostep Guest

    I had some corrosion on the cables and posts of my battery. I cleaned
    them w/ baking soda and water. Before I removed the cables from the
    posts my emergency lights began to flash. I installed a new battery
    and thoroughly cleaned the cables. The flashing continued when I
    reconnected the cables. I started the Jeep and it died after running
    for only a few seconds.
    twostep, Dec 1, 2003
  2. twostep

    Marvin Cohen Guest

    Used Jeep? Perhaps the previous owner installed a security system that has
    a fuel cut off?
    Marvin Cohen, Dec 1, 2003
  3. twostep

    twostep Guest

    What do I need to do to reset it?

    twostep, Dec 1, 2003
  4. twostep

    Dave Guest

    Check your alternator at autozone

    Dave, Dec 1, 2003
  5. twostep

    mic canic Guest

    sounds like the factory alarm is going off
    place the key into the drivers door lock and then lock and unlock the door using
    the key if that doesn"t work do the same thing in the pass. door
    mic canic, Dec 4, 2003
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