EBay Seller Warning "66fourdoor" aka THE MAGNATE

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Aug 29, 2006.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    Nomen Nescio Guest

    Beware the Ebay seller "66fourdoor", Charlie Nudo, Drums PA. If there is anything
    wrong with your transaction he will post your personal contact information
    on newsgroups including your phone number and a map to your home.

    He also trolls as "The Magnate" (analog-at-epix.net) and "duty-honor-country"
    (winchester1886-at-hotmail.com) with the
    latter just being banned from Google for abuse. He uses the Google "change nickname" feature
    regularly in an attempt to avoid killfiles.
    Nomen Nescio, Aug 29, 2006
  2. Nomen Nescio

    the MAGNATE Guest

    OP by the same old troll-bringing his troll-o-meter rating down to 1.9
    the MAGNATE, Aug 29, 2006
  3. Nomen Nescio

    bicycle Guest

    I don't need to hide behind an anonymous remailer Charlie so your
    assessment is wrong as usual. You've got enough enemies, you don't need
    my help.

    The posters in this group can all see how you followed Bob in here and
    started your same old crap like you've done a hundred times before. Now
    I'll just sit back and watch you disrupt this group like so many others.
    bicycle, Aug 29, 2006
  4. Nomen Nescio

    the MAGNATE Guest

    bicycle wrote:

    I am the very model of a Newsgroup Personality
    I intersperse obscenity with tedious banality.
    Addresses I have plenty of, both genuine and ghosted to,
    On all the countless newsgroups that my drivel is cross-posted to.

    Your bandwidth I will fritter with my whining and my snivelling,
    And you're the one who pays the bill downloading all my drivelling.
    My enemies are numerous, and no one would be blaming you
    For thinking me a dickhead after I've been rudely flaming you.

    I hate to lose an argument (by now I should be used to it).
    I wouldn't know a valid point if I was introduced to it.
    My learning is extensive but consists of mindless trivia,
    Designed to fan my ego, which is larger than Bolivia.

    The comments that I vomit forth, disguised as jest and drollery,
    Are not just an exercise in unremitting trollery.
    I say I'm frank and forthright, but that's merely lies and vanity,
    The gibberings of one who's at the limit of his sanity.

    If only I could get a life, as many people tell me to;
    If only mum could find a circus freak-show she could sell me to;
    If I go off to Zanzibar to paint the local scenery;
    If I lose all my fingers in a mishap with machinery;

    If I survive to forty, which is somewhat problematical;
    If what I post was more mature, or slightly more grammatical;
    If I could learn to spell a bit, and maybe even punctuate;
    Would I still be the loathsome and objectionable prat you hate?

    But while I have this tiresome urge to prance around and show my face,
    It's simply isn't safe for normal people here in cyberspace.
    To stick me in Old Sparky and turn on the electricity
    Would be a fitting punishment for my egocentricity.

    I always have the last word; so, with utmost finality,
    That's all from me, the model of a Newsgroup Personality.
    the MAGNATE, Aug 29, 2006
  5. Nomen Nescio

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Thanks to your reports to Google Groups,
    has been banned by Google Groups from polluting Usenet anymore.
    DeserTBoB, Aug 29, 2006
  6. Nomen Nescio

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Thanks to your reports to Google Groups,
    has been banned by Google Groups from polluting Usenet anymore.
    DeserTBoB, Aug 29, 2006
  7. Nomen Nescio

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Thanks to your reports to Google Groups,
    has been banned by Google Groups from polluting Usenet anymore.
    DeserTBoB, Aug 29, 2006
  8. Nomen Nescio

    DeserTBoB Guest

    Thanks to your reports to Google Groups,
    has been banned by Google Groups from polluting Usenet anymore.
    DeserTBoB, Aug 29, 2006
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