E 85

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tim, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. Tim

    Tim Guest

    I recently bought a Chrysler voyager with an E85 sticker on the fuel
    tank door. Does this mean I can pull up to a pump dispensing E85 fuel
    and fill up? Do I have any preliminary steps to perform? Drain the
    tank of gasoline first? Replace filters? Etc. I am not a motor-head
    so please respond accordingly.


    If this is posted to the wrong group I apologize.

    Tim, Jun 29, 2006
  2. Tim

    Steve Guest

    We have a 1999 Plymouth Gr. Voyager with a flexible fuel 3.3L V6. Just
    for fun, my wife decided to try E85. She ran the tank near empty of
    gasoline, and filled it with E85. The system automatically senses the
    E85 and adjusts itself to run on it. We didn't notice any difference in
    performance at all. You probably will notice a slight decrease in miles
    per gallon.
    Steve, Jun 29, 2006
  3. Tim

    Isaiah Beard Guest

    The "flex fuel" vehicles are supposed to be able to sense the octane of
    the fuel and adjust timing accordingly. You should be able to run any
    combination of regular fuel and E85, so you should not need to drain the
    tank first.
    Isaiah Beard, Jul 14, 2006
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