Dodge Carvan 02 tansmission oil leaking

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jean, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. jean

    jean Guest


    I think it is transmission oil that is located under the front of the van on
    the driver's side.
    I have 66 000km and never replaced the transmission oil since the van was

    Is it the cause that the box located where I said is leaking, like it is all
    wet of oil, but not
    really leaking like a lot. Just a small drop of oil on my garage.

    It is fustrating, now that my van is not under warranty any more (+60 000km)

    jean, Oct 23, 2004
  2. jean

    Roger Sircar Guest

    These minivans have a history of oil leakage due to bad head gasket. If you
    have the 2.4L engine, look at the back of the engine (driver side) and feel
    if it is oily. If yes, you have a head gasket leak and it will drip oil very

    Tranny fluid is red in color, so to determine if it is engine oil or tranny
    fluid, place a plastic sheet under the van overnight and check??
    Roger Sircar, Oct 24, 2004
  3. jean

    CK Cheong Guest

    I had a bad experience with my 2000 Caravan, Turn out to be the loose hose
    clamps on the transmission cooler on the radiator.
    SOB to get at. Seems it's quite common.

    CK Cheong, Oct 24, 2004
  4. jean

    Kevin Guest

    The solenoid box on the front of the transmission is a very common leak

    Kevin, Oct 24, 2004
  5. jean

    jean Guest

    I forgot to tell it is a V6 3.3L
    jean, Oct 24, 2004
  6. |I had a bad experience with my 2000 Caravan, Turn out to be the loose hose
    | clamps on the transmission cooler on the radiator.
    | SOB to get at. Seems it's quite common.
    | CK

    Also had this problem on the wife's 2003 Stratus...leaking tranny cooler hose
    clamps. Dealer fixed it.
    James C. Reeves, Oct 25, 2004
  7. jean

    Bill 2 Guest


    Isn't powertrain warrantee 100k?
    Bill 2, Oct 28, 2004
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